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Saint-Denis, La Réunion, La Réunion

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Saint-Denis, the capital of Réunion Island, is a fascinating destination that combines history, culture, and stunning landscapes. Nestled between the Indian Ocean and lush mountains, this vibrant city offers a multitude of attractions. Stroll through the city center to discover well-preserved colonial buildings, colorful markets, and tasty Réunionese cuisine. The Jardin de l'État and the Léon Dier...See more

Walking around Saint-Denis

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La Roche Ecrite via Dos d'Ane
7 km

La Roche Ecrite via Dos d'Ane

DURATION: 4 hours 30 out - 4 hours 30 return   ITINERARY On arriving in the village of Dos d'Ane, go to the place known as "Grand Coin". There, a sign will show you the direction to take to get to the Roche Ecrite. There are several slippery areas on this path. After several straight, then steep sections and ladders, you will reach the bottom of the vertical pointed rock that is visible from the village. Looking back, you will see an impregnable view of Dos d'Ane and Grand Coin. Turn left and the ascent continues towards Piton Fougères with magnificent panoramas over Mafate. Be careful, there are several sections that are very steep, but not dangerous, if you take care. After ferny area, the path has no more steps, but there are muddy areas, where the shade of "bois de couleurs" trees will allow you to regain energy.   The first Highland Tamarinds will appear before you get to Piton Fougères and you must walk further under the cover of the trees to get to the Sentier de la Plaine d'Affouches. The woods are very pleasant and you are very often in the shade close to the rampart. During your ascent, you will see several views of Mafate. There is quite a long section where you will cross a beautiful area of primary forest (tamarinds, tree ferns, nastus bamboo, "bois de couleur", etc.)  Roots have replaced the usual log steps and it is very common to find muddy areas. A small path, a little before a large bend to the left, leading to the gîte, allows you to make a detour near the rampart to see a new view of the Crête de la Marianne and the Cirque.   The ground is grassy and pleasing to the eye. Several beautiful specimens of eucalyptus will indicate that you are nearing the gîte. On arrival at the gîte, in its beautiful Tamarind wood, you can rest for a few minutes before beginning the ascent towards La Roche Ecrite. A path to the right shows the way to La Roche Ecrite. A path leading to the Mare au Cerfs leads off to the right to the Caverne Dufour, but it is easy to rejoin the usual path to get to the summit 2 km further on, on the large slabs of lava, worn by time and feet. After 1 hour 30 minutes walking, you will arrive at the summit of La Roche Ecrite. Take the time to contemplate the landscapes from the rock covered in graffiti! Take the same route to return.

5 h
22 km
Cap Noir - Roche Verre Bouteille
7.8 km

Cap Noir - Roche Verre Bouteille

DURATION: 3-hour round trip     Ascent: 300m     Descent: 296m   ITINERARY From La Possession, take the direction of Dos d'Ane. On arrival at Dos d'Ane, turn right onto the Cap Noir forest road. The car park is at the end of this road. • By bus: Kar'Ouest - Ligne 8A from the bus station at Le Port, bus stop: Cap Noir.   From the car park, walk to the rampart. Take time to admire the wonderful panorama on the river bed of the Rivière des Galets.   This short excursion is an excellent way to see the south of the Cirque de Mafate without expending a lot of effort. This is a classic trip that tourists on short stays, or those who are not experienced walkers, are often advised to do. The journey is not long, there are several steep areas requiring effort, but these are very short.   The Cap Noir is a remarkable precipitous peak, belonging to the Piton des Neiges range. It appears like a corner on the mountainous rampart, separating the Dos d'Ane plateau in the north with the  Rivière des Galets in the south. At over a thousand metres high, overlooking the Galets river, it is one of the possible entry points to explore the hidden splendours of the La Réunion National Park. Along with Maïdo, the Cap Noir is one of the most beautiful viewing points in the Cirque de Mafate.   On the side of the rampart, you will see the Canalisation des Orangers aqueduct. Discover the Cap Noir and its breathtaking view over the Cirque de Mafate,  La Roche Écrite, Le Grand Bénare, Le Cimendef and also Le Gros Morne and Le Piton des Neiges. An orientation table will help you recognise the different summits. You can take advantage of food stand to have a lunchtime break.   After the Cap Noir orientation table, turn left, go up the ladder until you reach the headland which has the shape of a bottle. By circumventing the Roche Vert Bouteille, you will reach a ridge where the view of Mafate on the left and Dos d'Ane on the right is quite simply magnificent. After several minutes descent, at the intersection, turn right and take the original path again down to the car park.   Practical information: Leave early in the morning for the best view. The car park is not guarded. A few metres from the path you can try delicious Creole cuisine at the restaurant Poz O Cap Noir.  This hikers' resting point, unique to La Réunion, has a shower at your disposal. This resting place is much appreciated by both the body and taste buds! 

3 h
2.8 km
Dos d'Ane: The Piton de Sucre Loop
8.6 km

Dos d'Ane: The Piton de Sucre Loop

DURATION: 1 hour   ITINERARY Take the direction of Dos d'Ane. You will see "Dos d'Ane" with an arrow carved in a large rock. Park your car and go in this direction on foot. You will walk into the woods, the slope is sustained; a false-flat awaits you behind a hut, that offers you a view over the gorge of the Ravine à Marquet. You will cross abundant vegetation where you can see aloes and will pass an area that has been completely taken over by ferns. After passing a mango tree you will reach a fork in the road indicated with a cross. Turn left. The slope is gentle and the path is open on the left over the Ravine à Marquet. From the Cap La Houssaye Port, via the Rivière des Galets, the west is spread out in front of your eyes.   After climbing several blocks, one final effort is required and you will reach the summit of Piton Sucre. A sign indicates a paragliding site, take the rough path to the right of the sign, where there is a chain over it a little further on. Continue to follow it. On the right you will see the Canalisation des Orangers and the Cap La Houssaye. If you look carefully you will also see the summit of Des Calumets in the Cirque de Malfate and Le Gros Morne. A track goes off to the left. Stay on the path. You will begin to descend on a concreted path opposite the Piton des Calumets. You will reach the road. Turn right. The last houses mark the end of the concreted road.   Continue, you will now be walking on a dirt path, with vegetation and several aloes. The slope is gentle. A view will open over the Rivière de Galets. Continue your ascent along a cornice with the wall on your right. On the opposite rampart you will see the Canalisations des Orangers. On your right you can see some beautiful views over the Etang Saint-Paul and the river. After a pathway through bamboos, you will find the fork with the cross you saw on the way. Turn right to join the Dos d'Ane road and your car.   Bus: Take the Kar'Ouest line 8A - Louise Ancelly bus stop 

2 h
2.1 km
Chemin des Anglais
10 km

Chemin des Anglais

DURATION: 5 hours round trip Ascent: + 241m Descent: - 256m ? ITINERARY Take the exit road CD 41 - Route de la Montagne. Park in the small car park on the left. ? The most interesting way to get to La Grande Chaloupe is to go on foot via the Chemin des Anglais. The Chemin Cr?mont or Chemin des Anglais is one of the numerous hiking paths on the island. It links La Possession town centre with La Montagne in Saint-Denis. Very well-known by hiking enthusiasts, the path owes its name to Honor? de Cr?mont, Authorising Officer of La R?union in the second half of the 18th century. The path follows the edge of the rock face that forms the north-west coast of the island. It overlooks the coastline road from a great height. This paved path of around 8 km long, runs along the top of the rock face and overlooks the ocean. At the intersection, take the T?te de Tunel path and then the Cr?mont path. ? Return possible: using the same path via public transport, Yellow coach - Line C. ? HISTORIC FOCUS This road is the oldest on the island. The work was carried out between 1730 and 1732. The Chemin des Anglais passes via the ?let de La Grande Chaloupe, one of its most famous sections. It was there that in 1810 English troops disembarked and took the paved paths to conquer the capital. Since this event, the name "Chemin des Anglais" (English path) has been used for the whole path, which has been the property of the Department of La R?union since 1948. ? Practical information: There is very little shade in the summer - ensure you have water, a sun hat and sun cream. Modification test - English - 09/11/2016

5 h
18 km
The Canalisation des Orangers
11 km

The Canalisation des Orangers

  DURATION:  7 hours 30 return trip - 3 hours 30 to the water catchment Ascent/Descent: 560M   ITINERARY From Saint Paul take the direction of Le Port and exit at Cambaie. Stay on this path and go up as far as the school Go in the direction of Sans Souci agricultural college, stay on this road and go up as far as Sans Souci school. Turn left just after the school (on the Route des Orangers) and go up to the red (rusty) cistern. Please note that there is a guarded car park a little lower at the Gîte de la Caz’des Orangers (2€ for the day and 10€ overnight). Tel: 0692.08.23.12 / 0262.44.50.32   The path starts on the left and goes up for 45 minutes. All the slopes on this hike are in this section. The rest of the path is practically flat all the way and very pleasant. You will pass under the "Ilet Flamand" waterfalls (hold onto the safety line so as not to slip) before reaching the Lataniers cross-roads, then the water catchment where you will see magnificent gorges with pools where you can swim at the end. To the left of the gorges is the start of the path to Ilet des Orangers. The Ilet des Oranges path begins with a narrow zigzag and goes up to the islet. The return journey is by the same path, or you can go as far as Roche Plate (1 hour 45) or Cayenne (1 hour 45).   You may see Reunion Harriers and tropicbirds. You will look over the Rivière des Galets, Le Port, Les Deux Bras and Rivière Saint-Suzanne.   Practical information:  It is best to leave at dawn for this hike, which is very long. This hike is not advised for anyone suffering from vertigo or afraid of heights.

5 h
14 km
From Sans Souci to Deux Bras
11 km

From Sans Souci to Deux Bras

    ITINERARY This route is, without doubt, the best way of entering the Cirque de Mafate without too much difficulty, with breathtaking views all along the aqueduct. Like a photographer's lens, as you advance along the path, the îlets de Mafate are gradually revealed to you.   From Sans-Souci: Leave your car near the Tamil temple in the village of Sans-Souci. You will see a bus stop nearby, take the Kar'Ouest (line 8.5) and get off at the "Citerne Rouge" bus stop. The path will be on your left. After 1 hour of ascent, you will link up with the Canalisation des Orangers path, a horizontal channel that is 13 km long and 1-2 metres wide, overlooking the Rivière des Galets, 400-500 metres below. After 4 hours walking you can take a rest at the Captage (Channel) des Orangers (1,000m). Situated in a canyon with very narrow walls, this channel collects the water from the Orangers and Grand'Mère ravines, providing drinking water for much of the town of Saint-Paul.   When you have finished your refreshing break, take the direction of  Ilet des Lataniers, Rivière des Galets, then Deux-Bras. On arriving at Deux-Bras, you can take the 4X4 and ask to be dropped at the entrance to Sans-Souci. Walk up for around 30 minutes and you will find yourself near the Tamil Temple where you left your car.   HISTORICAL FOCUS In the beginning this aqueduct began at the Ilet des Orangers where there were numerous fruit trees growing at the time, it appears. Several trees still grow there with bitter fruit resembling small oranges, known locally as "bigarades". This is one possible explanation of the origin of the name of the islet, as is the presence in former times of the chief maroon "Orange" in this same place. He set up camp on the end of a piece of land that was difficult to access, surrounded by the Ravine Grand'Mère to the east and the Ravine des Orangers to the west. It was at this islet where maroon resistance was the most tenacious.   Currently around 20 families share the two parallel plateaus, the edge of the rampart and the lower part on the Roche Plate path.

7 h
21 km
Ilet Alcide
12 km

Ilet Alcide

DURATION: 4 hours round trip  Slopes: 450 m   ITINERARY From Saint-Paul, take the direction of le Maïdo. Follow the  Le Maïdo forest road. Turn left at the wooden sign "Ilet Alcide" and follow the cryptomeria forest road to the end.   From the barrier, you will follow a crytomeria avenue first and then you will enter some undergrowth. After tackling a small ascent without much difficulty, you will cross several successive small ravines, among the ferns, tamarind trees, medlars and many other marvels of nature... You have been following the yellow, blue and green signposts. You now need to follow the yellow signs on the left for Ilet Alcide.   After a succession of small ascents and descents, you will find, after around 30 minutes, a path on your right signposted "contournement amont de l'Ilet Alcide" (upstream Ilet Alcide detour). This path is, in reality, the departure point for a small loop that will allow you to bypass Ilet Alcide. Take the path, continue to go up, you will discover first the village of Dos d'Ane, then the site of Deux Bras and then the Pointe des Galets...   Several dozen metres higher, do not take the path "Rempart du Maïdo" but continue towards Ilet Alcide (yellow signs).   Be attentive because 5 minutes higher you mustn't miss the magnificent viewing point "Les Terrasses" (1 hour 30  after your departure), to see the Rivière des Galets and the village of Dos d'Ane as well as a part of the Cirque de Mafate. After having enjoyed the landscape, take the road again towards the Ilet Alcide platform, which is 15 minutes below.   To do the loop, leaving Ilet Alcide, follow signs for the "Sentier Affouche", on the left, in the direction of the cryptomerias forest road. At the next intersection, turn left again, in the direction of the cryptomerias, "Sans-Souci" path to join the path you started on and your car.   Practical information: The path many be muddy and even slippery during the rainy season. There are various paths over ravines with ascents and descents that are sometimes steep.  This hike is not suitable for very young children. You can also experience another viewing point. Follow the signs for "Plateforme hélicoptère" (helicopter pad) to the right of the little cabin. Leave early in the day for a clear view.   There are no waste bins on the path. Take a plastic bag with you to put your rubbish in, as you should with any hike or walk.   If you do not want to take the same path to return, a little lower down on the path you can turn left in the direction of the Sentier Cambourg, signposted in blue, but you must allow at least 1 hour 45 to get back to your car (see Sentier Cambourg hike).

4 h
6.4 km

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Limassol Tourism Board
6622 km

Limassol Tourism Board

The LIMASSOL TOURISM BOARD is the official tourist body of the Limassol region (Cyprus). More information at THE LANITIS CAROB MILL COMPLEX The Carob Mill Complex which is located next to Limassol's Medieval Castle was originally built in hte late 1800's and was used as a warehouse. in the late 1920's it was converted into a carb mill where carobs were processed. Carobs were used primarily in hte manufacture of film, medicines, honey, chocolate etc. When the ingredients of carobs were no longer needed for the manufacture of these productsw and the subsequent decline in the export of carobs, the carob mill was converted into a warehouse for fetilizers in hte late 1960 and was used as such until the year 2000. Most of the machinery used for the processing of carobs are still intact and constitute a major attraction for the tourist and local population. The renovation of the preserved building created an environment which blends the authentic atmosphere of the past with the sophisticated high tech look of the present. In addition to the renovated Carob Mill Museum, the site houses the award-winning Carob Mill Restaurants (Draught Microbrewery Bar & Restaurant, Stretto Cafe, Artima Bistro Restaurant, Karatello Tavern). On each site of the Carob Mill Museum there are 2 Ballrooms for conferences and social events and finally the Evagoras Lanitis Centre, which hosts international exhibitions of man's greatest achievements through history. There is also space for 100 vehicles adjacent to the site.    

Lions @ Arly National Park
6935 km

Lions @ Arly National Park

The Arly-Singou ecosystem is a protected area complex, and is considered to comprise part of the most significant and important savanna woodland wildlife areas still existing in that region of the African continent. The ecosystem shelters what is considered to be the largest population of lions (Panthera leo) still remaining in West Africa, with estimates varying substantially between 100 and 400 (approx.) individual members of the species existing within the area. These estimates were based on two surveys which were undertaken; while the African Lion Working Group (Bauer and Van Der Merwe 2004) approximate that there are 100 lions in the area, Chardonnet (2002) claims that there are a far more lions in the area, with an estimate of 404. These numbers of lions represent a great deal of the total population of lions in West Africa; there have been estimates of somewhere between 850 and 1,160 remaining lions in all of Western Africa, and the population existing in Arly-Singou therefore plays host to a large amount of this total population, regardless of the veracity of these surveys. Arli National Park has several pools, such as Tounga where there is a waterhole and there are two pools which are often vacated by up to twenty hippos. The Park was earlier a habitat for the African Wild Dog, Lycaon pictus, although this canid is likely extirpated at present in the local area, due to an expanding human population and a lack of national protection.


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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾