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Camping charm at La chapelle-sur-aveyron

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Discover a region rich in history and picturesque landscapes in La chapelle-sur-aveyron, Loiret, in the heart of Centre-Val de Loire. Embark on an adventure to uncover the natural beauty and hidden treasures of this charming destination. During your stay, explore a wealth of cultural heritage with unmissable visits such as the Saint-Pierre Church, a true Gothic gem. Hiking enthusiasts will delight...See more


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Explore the walking circuits of DIRECTION FRANCE.
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The Fusain Valley
33 km

The Fusain Valley

Château-Landon, on the southern borders of Seine-et-Marne, deserves this walk for its site and its white stone quarries. A total change of scenery by the bridges of the Fusain valley and its washhouses. 1 - From the market place, join the Madeleine tower by taking the road to Souppes opposite. Cross the mall, go up the stairs and turn left just after the door. Take the Moïse avenue on the left. At the end, turn left. In the bend of the abbey, take the stairs to the left. At the bottom, take the rue des Chèvres on the right. 100 m further on, turn right into the passage. 2 - Go up the Mocpoix road to the left. 3 - After the last house, take the path that goes up to the right and continue on the road as an extension of the descent. 4 - Join and cross the stone bridge on the right. Cross the two following bridges. Take the D 43 on the left, then take a road on the right. 5 - Turn right, cross a wood and turn right again. Cut the D 32 and go opposite. The path slants to the right. 6 - Turn right behind the fence and walk along it. Take the road to the right for 250 m then take a left onto a path that leads to the right. Take the road on the left. After the building and the fence, turn right, cross the bridge and enter the Tabarderie park. 7 - Cross a second bridge and continue straight. Take a stone bridge. Go up the street opposite for 200 m. Turn left along the grassy path along the perimeter wall. At the bottom of Saint-André, turn right then rue Charles-de-Gaulle on the right. Take the rue Saint-André to the left then cross the place Saint-André. Turn right into rue Grande, then left onto rue du Porche. Immediately follow rue France to the right. Go around the church on the right and join the Place du Marché on the left. This route is marked in yellow by the Codérando.

3 h
7.6 km
Very easy
7 Place du Marché 77570 Château-Landon
Fox circuit
33 km

Fox circuit

It seems that on this course, the fox is inevitable. There are beliefs ... Anyway, the circuit takes you through the hamlets of Château-Landon on either side of the "Fusain" valley. It ends with the discovery of the exceptional site of the city then, along its ramparts, overlooking the meander of the "Fusain", you will appreciate the spectacle of the viewpoints over the valley. 1 - Back to the Tourist Office, turn right, rue Hetzel (D207). Turn right, rue du Capitaine Antoine Chambon. Make a right-left to follow the rue des Chèvres. 2 - Turn left, rue de St Séverin, then right into the path (GR 13). Straight on, it comes out on rue du Pont Franc. Take it on the left. Enter the hamlet of the same name, pass the old Abbey and Leprosery on the left and the Pontfrault bridge on the right. 3 - Climb the grassy path to the left which enters the woods. At the top, turn right at the edge of the wood for 1500m. 4 - Before Mocpoix down the path to the right in the undergrowth. Go along the Canal du Loing to the right. At the Néronville lock (canal bridge over the Fusain) continue along the towpath for 200m then fork to the right on the path. Continue by the road to the left. When entering Néronville, turn right onto the path on the edge of the woods. Then on the left the path of Aulnes. 5 - Cut the D43 to go up the Chemin de Toury opposite. It climbs in the thalweg to the old Roman road "Chemin de César" and the A77 trench. Take the right twice. The path becomes a road. 6 - Cross Heurtebise and descend through the undergrowth, turn left onto the dirt track. At Fussellette turn right. The path runs alongside the Touvent farm, crosses the D 52 then turns right. Then fork into the path on the right. 7 - At the crossroads, take the road opposite, the next one on the left and the D7 on the right. Pass the two bridges (former post office) and turn right onto Chemin de la Haie de Banse for 500 m. Turn left, rue de la Tabarderie, and right, rue du Gal De Gaulle, to return to the city center. Continue straight ahead, rue Jean Galland (Notre Dame church and Hôtel-Dieu), until you reach the Place du Marché and the Tourist Office. This route is marked in magenta by the Codérando.

3 h
13 km
4 6 rue Hetzel 77570 Château-Landon
Emerald Circuit
33 km

Emerald Circuit

The Fusain, a tributary of the Loing, is located so well at the foot of Château-Landon that it splits into several branches to occupy the valley floor. Valley bottom that this circuit allows to discover, level then in height. With your back to the Tourist Office, go left then turn left into rue de la Ville Forte. Go down the stairs to the right by the South Poterne. It crosses the rue du Bas Larry, and runs down to the bridge over the charcoal. Cross it and turn right, path of the lovers, along the river. After the communal washhouse, turn left twice and walk along the other arm of the Fusain. Cross the bridge, continue on the other side. Cut the road, take the path opposite and continue along the river. Take the bridge on the left, follow for 1200m, rue des Martins on the right followed by rue de Pont Franc. Passed Pont Franc, turn right into the path, cross the 2 arms of the Fusain and, straight ahead, join the "Moulin de Bigonnneau". Go along the D43 on the left then turn into the road on the right. Go up the path on the left (GR 13) to arrive at the hamlet of Fusselette. Turn right, walk alongside the Touvent farm, cross the D 52 and follow the path that turns right. Turn right into the path then into the road and left into the grassy path (viewpoint on the ramparts). At the Tabarderie, follow the road to the left, turn right twice to cross 2 arms of the Fusain. Continue crossing the park towards the city, to the right of the 3rd arm of the Fusain. Cross the Caesar bridge and follow the Fusain to the right. Climb the stairs, cross the rue du Bas Larry to enter the lane of the Hospice Turn right rue Jean Galland and arrive at the Place du Marché and the Tourist Office. This route is marked in green by the Codérando.

3 h
7.4 km
Very easy
4 6 rue Hetzel 77570 Château-Landon
Curiosities circuit
33 km

Curiosities circuit

Curiosity: what catches the attention, the interest. The many sites and monuments that mark out this pleasant hike best meet this definition. They are from all periods, from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages, and from the Renaissance to the 19th century. You will thus discover them in the town of Château-Landon as in its nearby countryside. 1 - With your back to the Tourist Office, go left and turn left twice to follow rue Moïse. Take the rue de la Ville Forte on the left (north postern). At the level of the old St Séverin Abbey, climb the path (staircase) to the left then the road to the left, leaving the streets to the right and to the left. Go up the Chemin des Carrières to the right. Keep the same direction and go behind the sports fields. Walk along the wood then leave it. 2 - Turn right, follow the road to the left towards Mocpoix. 50 m after the water tower, take the path on the right to bypass the hamlet. At the cross continue straight, cross the street and take the Chemin des Grattiers opposite. Walk along the wood for 1500 m, enter the Bois de Montuffé [on the right, the polissoirs site (A)] and descend to the right towards the Loing canal. 3 - After the pumping station, turn right along the canal. Go past the canal bridge (B). Leave the canal to follow the path to the right which crosses a stream. Turn right into the lane and left into the next one which crosses the Concorde and leads to Château-Landon. 150m to the left of the entrance to Pont Franc, access to the Pontfrault bridge (C) and, to the right of the hamlet, view of the old abbey-leper colony (D). Continue on the road, walk alongside the mill of Gillier then take the rue de St Séverin on the left. Pass at the foot of the old Abbey, turn left onto the D43. Take the Amoureux's path to the right. 4 - Walk along "le Fusain", pass the large communal wash house and enter the Tabarderie park. Leave the bridge on the right then cross the next one. Go up the path and turn right onto Chemin de la Haie de Banse. 5 - Follow the street on the left (ruined tower on the right), rue du Général de Gaulle on the right (Tour St André) then rue St André on the left. Turn right on rue Jallemain, go straight ahead and cross place St André. Turn left onto Boulevard Carnot then the street to the right and the second to the left. Make a left-right and take the rue de France then turn in the second street to the right rue Thiers. Turn twice to the left to come out on rue du Gâtinais. Follow it to the right then take rue Galland on the left to the Place du Marché and the Tourist Office. This route is marked in blue by the Codérando.

4 h
14 km
6, rue Hetzel 77570 Château-Landon


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Palace of Fontainebleau
60 km

Palace of Fontainebleau

The Château de Fontainebleau is a big part of French history! This vast building, in both classical and Renaissance style, is not only famous for witnessing Napoleon's imperial adventure. From the royal charter of 1137 to the fall of the Second Empire in 1870, the Palace of Fontainebleau saw the lives of the greatest French sovereigns from day to day. The original medieval fortress was replaced by a Renaissance palace under the guiding hand of Francois I. At that time, two Italian artists, Primaticcio and Il Rosso vied in talent and founded the first School of Fontainebleau. The Galerie François I, which leads from the royal apartments to the chapel of the Convent of the Holy Trinity, is most original with its décor of frescoes, stucco and carved wood in praise of François I. The Ballroom was completed at the time of the last Valois kings, under Primaticcio’s direction. With Henri IV, the new Bourbon dynasty took over the palace, and built new rooms with interior decoration placed in the hands of the artists of the second School of Fontainebleau. Louis XIII completed the work started by his father. Under the Sun King Fontainebleau continued to be the royal family home, and the Grand Dauphin was born there in 1661. The king’s nieces were married from Fontainebleau, and the Edict of Nantes was revoked there in 1685. Louis XV and Louis XVI would spend the autumn there and initiated new, large scale building works and interior doing-ups. After the French Revolution, Napoleon I found the palace completely emptied of its furniture but intact. He undertook to refurnish the apartments and brought the palace back to its former glory as the home of the sovereign. Napoleon Bonaparte spent his last days there before his abdication in 1814 and departure for the Elba. Louis-Philippe was the first sovereign to order a complete restoration of Fontainebleau. The restoration of the Empire in 1852 gave renewed importance to the palace, and Napoleon III became strongly attached to this home, staying there regularly with his court. Housed in the Louis XV wing, the Napoleon I museum is dedicated to the Emperor and his family, with a large collection of objects from his everyday life, weapons used in military campaigns and gifts he received. The Chinese museum, created by Empress Eugenie, displays works of art from the Far East. The Jeu de Paume court, thought to be the oldest of the three surviving in France, is open to the public with demonstrations and introductory games. Le Nôtre's French gardens, the Queen’s English garden with its Fountain of Diana, the hedge maze and the Cour des Adieux are open to the public all year round. Boat excursions on the Etang aux Carpes or horse-drawn carriage rides are available. The Domain of the Fontainebleau Palace is inscribed at the UNESCO Humanity World Heritage. There is a little train going around the gardens during the touristic season.

Place du Général de Gaulle 77300 Fontainebleau
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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾