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La longueville, Nord, Nord-Pas-de-Calais

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Nestled in the picturesque Nord-Pas-de-Calais region, La Longueville blends rural charm with rich cultural heritage. Surrounded by lush fields and serene rivers, this peaceful town is the perfect retreat for nature and history enthusiasts. La Longueville is renowned for its traditional architecture, bustling local markets, and warm festivities. Stroll through its cobbled streets, explore historic ...See more

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Les Coquelicots
14 km

Les Coquelicots

The gîte, Les Coquelicots, sleeps between 6 and 8 people and welcomes you to the heart of the Parc Naturel des Hauts Pays. The gîte boasts every modern convenience you could need on two floors. On the first floor there is a kitchen fitted with everything you might want, a bathroom, a sauna, a large reception area with a dining room and a double bedroom. On the second floor there are 2 double bedrooms as well as a second bathroom with a separate WC and a relaxation area with tourist information and books. If you fancy relaxing a bit, you can enjoy the terrace in the stunning garden, filled with flowers. A ping-pong table, bikes and kids’ games are also available. Jeanne and Benoît De Bisschop, the owners, look forward to welcoming you in their gîte on this farm in Audregnies. It’s in the centre of this picturesque village with very old roots that you will find their family-run farm, which grows all the main crops. Based in the Parc Naturel des Hauts-Pays, the gîte is the perfect base for all sorts of activities. If you’re interested in culture, history, fine food or folklore, the gîte is just under 30 kilometres from Mons and all of its rich heritage. If you’re into nature there’s plenty to do around here. Nestled in a lush green setting with enchanting valleys, meadows and fields with woodland bathed in a rainbow of seasonal colours, the region invites you to enjoy all of the beauty of untouched nature. The owners are delighted for you to explore their garden with its plants, vegetables and fruit trees grown naturally, as well as the local heritage, with a guided walk of the village and the surrounding area. Plus there are lots of local activities in the lovely country setting. The owners would be more than happy to tell you all about their work on the farm through the seasons. In the fields and woods, you can discover the natural riches of our region. There are also plenty of walking maps and information about local heritage, crafts food and drink for you to browse.

1 Rue de l'Eglise 7382 Audregnies
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Tour du Lait Buré
11 km

Tour du Lait Buré

La Tour du Lait Buré, située à l’orée de la Forêt domaniale de Colfontaine, est un lieu chargé d’histoire. Au début des années 1900, Achille Tillier, architecte et fondateur de la brasserie Tillier, fait l’acquisition d’une pâture à la commune d’Eugies. Il construit alors, suivant ses plans, un bâtiment baptisé La Tour du Lait Buré (selon André Capron et Pierre Nisolle, auteurs d’Essai d’illustration du parler borain, « lait buré » signifierait « lait battu »). Le propriétaire installe dans ce lieu pittoresque un cabaret, qui se transformera rapidement en guinguette dans laquelle il décide de vendre ses diverses bières (Stout Cedar, Saison, Belge, Blanche, Grisette,…). À l’origine, cette bâtisse était pourvue d’une toiture plate permettant entre autres d’observer la nature, de chasser ou d’installer des musiciens (jusqu’à l’arrivée du tourne-disque qui remplacera l’orchestre après la Première Guerre Mondiale). Ce n’est qu’en 1955, que Victor-Léon et Léon-Willy Tillier, respectivement fils et petit-fils d’Achille Tillier, font réparer et modifier la toiture par une entreprise hollandaise pour lui donner une forme conique (toiture qui sera refaite une seconde fois dans les années 85). En septembre 1972, La Tour du Lait Buré est entièrement rénovée et inaugurée en présence du Collège Communal, dont le Député Bourgmestre Arthur Nazé. Cette rénovation permit d’installer notamment un comptoir construit en fonction de la forme circulaire de la taverne et de l’accès (central) à la cave à boissons, d’ajouter une annexe baptisée « Gambrinus » pouvant accueillir une vingtaine de personnes et d’aménager une terrasse et une aire de jeux. Depuis, La Tour du Lait Buré a conservé tout son charme et s’est transformée en un lieu rustique dans lequel il fait bon se reposer après une balade au cœur de la nature.

12 Rue Belle Maison 7340 Colfontaine
La maison du peuple de Pâturages
13 km

La maison du peuple de Pâturages

La maison du peuple de Pâturages a été inaugurée en août 1903 dans le centre du quartier ouvrier. À travers son administrateur, Louis Pépin, la coopérative ouvrière « Union, Progrès, économie » (fondée en 1885) demande à Eugène Bodson, architecte, d’édifier une maison du peuple. Celle-ci accueillera un café et une salle des fêtes ainsi que des bureaux et des salles de réunion. Progressivement, elle se dotera également d’une mercerie, d’une épicerie, d’un magasin d’aunage et, plus tard, d’un « Grand Magasin du Peuple ». Le bâtiment, imposant, est dominé par la ligne classique. Composé d’un double corps de sept travées qui s’élève sur deux niveaux, l’édifice est couvert d’une haute toiture d’ardoises artificielles. La travée centrale est mise en évidence par son balcon ainsi que par le fronton courbe qui coiffe le pignon. La façade néoclassique est caractérisée par le jeu entre frontons triangulaires et courbes ainsi que par les cordons moulurés et le faux appareil régulier. Épinglons l’opposition entre style historiciste, utilisation de matériaux très modernes (colonnettes métalliques) et décoration Art nouveau (ornements en coup de fouet). Les mots « Progrès » et « Union » apparaissent sur les sgraffites, situés sous les appuis de fenêtres de l’étage. On peut également remarquer le sgraffite central représentant le « Triomphe du travail », œuvre de Paul Cauchie, tout comme les deux portraits de César de Paepe et d’Alfred Defuisseaux. Monument classé : 28-10-1982  

Van Gogh house - Wasmes
13 km

Van Gogh house - Wasmes

Mons Card Partner: €0,50 discount 221 Rue Wilson in Colfontaine "I rented a small house in which I would really like to live absolutely alone but, for the moment, since Pa thought it preferable, and I did as well, that I stay with Denis, I only use it as a studio and as a place of work." (Vincent Van Gogh, writing to his brother Théo, letter dated 4 March 1879) It was in March 1879 that Vincent Van Gogh first refers to the house at 81 Rue du Petit Wasmes, which today is Rue Wilson in Colfontaine. Upon his arrival in the Borinage area (Mons is located in the east of this area) a few months earlier, in December 1878, the evangelist Benjamin Vanderhaegen quickly found this house for him. The house belonged to a baker by the name of Jean-Baptiste Denis and was to play an extremely significant role in the artist's career. It was there that he experienced his "companionship" with miners. He made coal-mining the subject of his first attempts at sketches. It was also in his house that he wrote letters to his brother that were to, like his reading, orientate his life towards an extraordinary artistic destiny. These precious things which allow us to piece together the character of Van Gogh and which are part of history, in conjunction with the fact that the places referred to are still in existence, serve to add to our duty to preserve the house which belonged to Denis, which remains one of the few things that bear witness to the presence of Van Gogh in the Borinage area, and in particular at Wasmes (a former village which is now part of Colfontaine). Just one year ago, only the façade of the house was in its original condition. The rest of the house necessitated meticulous reconstruction work which is made possible by existing visual source material. "Nearby the large, gloomy buildings of the Marcasse mine stood alone, isolated in the open field, that night conjuring up the huge bulk of Noah's ark as it must have looked in the terrible pouring rain and the darkness of the Flood, illuminated by a flash of lightning." (Vincent Van Gogh, writing to his brother Théo, letter dated 19 June 1879) Public-interest heritage. In general, what remains for us today of Van Gogh, apart of course from his oeuvre, are traces of his career in the form of buildings – the house where he was born in Groot Zundert, the vicarage in Nuenen, the house in Cuesmes, the hospital in Saint-Rémy and the inn at Auvers-sur-Oise. The "Van Gogh Europe" non-profit organisation was set up on 2 February 2012 and its aim is to virtually link the places where the artist lived. The house at Colfontaine has now just completed this "pilgrimage way". Because, for admirers of Van Gogh, the fact that the artist cites the house which was owned by Denis in his correspondence and at it wrote some of the most significant letters that he wrote in his life, authenticates the unique and irreplaceable character of it and only serves to increase the attractive force of the place for art enthusiasts. The former "Van Gogh residences" thus contribute to the brand image of, and, on a wider scale, to the standing the towns in question and generate a significant amount of visitors every year. The house will be open every Saturday and Sunday from 10am to 4pm. On weekdays if a booking has been made and for groups only – but not on Mondays and on Wednesday afternoons. You can also get to the Van Gogh house in Colfontaine with the Pass Van Gogh, that you can buy at visitMons or directly on this website, or via the Mons Card.

221 Rue Wilson 7340 Wasmes

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