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Path of the springs

Sentier des sources.
Credit : Département du Nord

The Cirkwi brief

Discover Bavay's Enchanting Trails: A Cultural and Natural Odyssey
Embarking on the Sentier des Sources offers more than just a simple walk. Crafted by Nord Tourisme, this itinerary weaves through the picturesque landscapes of Bavay, making for a memory-rich outdoor adventure. As you amble through paths flanked by historic sites and meandering streams, you're invited into a world where the whispers of the past meet the natural serenity of the present. It's a unique blend of history and nature - where the legacy of the Romans and the tranquil beauty of the French countryside come together to create an experience that's as educational as it is breathtaking.

Trail Specs: Distance and Elevation Brief
This route spans about 5.05 km, starting from the parking of the Forum Antique Museum and stretching through varied landscapes. The elevation profile shows a minimum altitude of 123 meters, peaking at 150 meters, making for a total positive elevation gain of approximately 61-62 meters. This technical summary underlines the trail's moderate difficulty level, suitable for families and enthusiasts alike, demonstrating its accessibility for a broad range of hikers seeking both historical insight and natural beauty.

Seasonal Tips for Explorers
Regardless of the season, the Sentier des Sources has something unique to offer. In spring, the flowering landscapes accentuate the historical ambiance, making for idyllic walking conditions. Summer brings lush greenery, though one should always have water and sunscreen. Autumn showcases a kaleidoscope of colors, perfect for photography. However, paths can be slippery with fallen leaves, so appropriate footwear is advised. During winter, the crisp air complements the scenic frost-covered trails, but layers and caution on potentially icy paths are key. Always check weather forecasts before setting out to ensure a safe journey.

Insights into Bavay's Rich History
The town of Bavay, nestled within the Nord department, holds a significant place in both French and Roman history. It's acclaimed for housing the largest Gallo-Roman site north of the Loire, highlighted by the Forum Antique with its monumental ruins, offering a vivid glimpse into the past. This region, situated on the Chaussée Brunehaut, flourished as a bustling commercial hub during Roman times. Understanding this historical context enriches the Sentier des Sources experience, melding the enjoyment of natural landscapes with a profound appreciation of our ancestors' engineering and cultural achievements.

Weather Patterns and Ideal Visit Times
Bavay's climate is characterized by mild temperatures with adequate rainfall year-round, fitting the typical Western European maritime climate. This ensures the Sentier des Sources can be approached any time of the year. However, to capture the essence of Bavay's natural beauty combined with comfortable weather, late spring through early autumn (May to September) is recommended. During this period, you'll experience the vibrant hues and mild temperatures perfect for hiking, offering an ideal backdrop for both the historical and natural elements this unique trail offers.
Automatically generated.

Technical informations

This circuit was updated on: 19/02/2024
5 km
1 h 30 mn
max. 150 m
min. 123 m
33 m
Styles : BaladeDiscoveryIn the country
Public : FamilyOccasional hikers
Themes : CulturalPatrimony

Altimetric profile

Starting point

Parking du Musée Départemental Forum Antique , 59570 BAVAY
Lat : 50.296525738Lng : 3.79406530954


image du object

Point 1

Du parking, partez à gauche, puis à droite. Rejoignez la Place Charles de Gaulle où vous descendez à droite Avenue de Louvignies. Arrivé sur la D 932, tournez à gauche en direction d’Avesnes-sur-Helpe puis tout de suite à droite, suivez la Rue des Allées. Descendez-la jusqu'au Monument aux Morts et prenez à gauche la Rue Fréhart. Passez devant l’église de Louvignies. Dans le virage à droite, quittez le macadam pour le chemin caillouteux (barrière). Vous arrivez devant le Lavoir des Foulons.

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Point 2

Vous arrivez devant le Lavoir des Foulons. Le chemin herbeux se prolonge sous d’épaisses frondaisons, longeant sources et ruisseaux d’eau vive ; il vous conduit à la fontaine Mulet qui donne naissance à un nouveau fil d’eau dont vous suivez le cours jusqu’au ruisseau de Bavay. Franchissez le cours d’eau par la passerelle en bois.

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Point 3

Le sentier longe la rivière surplombée d’une construction aussi imposante qu’insolite, le Pont Blanc. Traversez la voie ferrée. Le long du sentier, coulent de nouvelles sources. Le noisetier domine. Rejoignez le carrefour au niveau de la Ferme de Fréhart.

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Point 4

Sur la droite apparaît la typique ferme de Fréhart. Engagez-vous à gauche dans le chemin dit de Soriau. En vous retournant, vaste panorama d’où émergent les clochers de Bavay et de Louvignies. Ce chemin est protégé du vent du Nord par une épaisse haie d’épines abritant une avifaune variée ; il rejoint la route dite Voie Vineuse.

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image du object

Point 5

Tournez à droite et suivez la route jusqu’au Col du Long Buisson dont le sommet à 145m est matérialisé par un panneau officiel.

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Point 6

Au col, prenez à droite, en épingle à cheveux, le chemin de Fréhart (GRP®)

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Point 7

Dans un virage à gauche assez prononcé, empruntez tout droit la sente herbeuse dite chemin des Boeufs qui vous ouvre un large horizon sur la cité romaine. Vous retrouvez la bifurcation au niveau de la ferme de Fréhart. Reprenez l’itinéraire de début en sens inverse pour rejoindre le parking.

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