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Camping Port Neuf: activities and discoveries in Saint-André-de-Cubzac

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Welcome to Camping Port Neuf! Located in the heart of the beautiful region of Saint-André-de-Cubzac, Gironde, Aquitaine, our campsite is the perfect starting point for a multitude of activities and adventures. Begin your exploration with a visit to the famous Maison du Vin et de la Rivière, where you can taste delicious local wines and learn about the region's rich winemaking history. History enth...See more

Walking around CAMPING PORT NEUF

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Walk through the natural landscapes of CAMPING PORT NEUF.
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Hike of "Prignac et Marcamps"
4.1 km

Hike of "Prignac et Marcamps"

At the car park, leave to the right direction " BL of Prignac and Marcamps and natural site". Stay on this path which goes along a small stream on the right. Leave the one which goes to the right up and to cross near the picnic area and vestiges of a hydraulic arrangement: source, wash house and watercress bed. At the end of the path turn left and follow one of the canals of the wet zone to join the "Moron" river. Turn left and follow the river on this route lined with stone benches of Bourgeais stemming from quarries previously seen. Attention no sign. At the sign, two possibilities: - Possibility of getting to the cave of Pair-non-Pair: continue quite straight ahead. At the end of the path, rise by the left to gain a tarred road. Turn right and move forward up to the cave. - Turn left and move forward up to the playground. Turn towards the right and to take the path which would almost brown you on your steps. After several meters, at the top of the hill, leave to the left between wood and houses, direction "Prignac and Marcamps Bourg". Attention no sign. At the intersection, do not miss the charming church St-Michel de Marcamps dating back to the XIIIth century, in 200 meters on the left; otherwise turn right. Follow the way tarred until the intersection with the D133. Cross quite straight ahead by the "Chemin de Cabiraud". Do not miss to discover the picturesque wash house of Nolly: the sign indicates it on the left. At the end of the "Chemin de Cabiraud", turn left and follow the road up to the "Chemin de Moulinot". Turn left and follow quite straight ahead. Make a commitment on the path marked out to the left and to follow it among copses up to the small tarred road. There, turn left and walk between the impressive quarries of open-air stone until the intersection with the D133. Attention no sign. Leave to the left on the D133 and almost immediately turn right to come down the "Chemin de Jolias". At the second crow's-foot, set to the left to enter the hamlet. At the corner of the last house, turn left and go down the path which returns to the natural site of "Moron". Pursue the descent until the signs. Turn left to join the car park.

2 h
4.6 km
Very easy
105 Chemin du Moulin de Landard 33710 Prignac-et-Marcamps
Hike of the hills
5.1 km

Hike of the hills

Departure from the car park of the church of Tauriac. Walk in front of the City hall, then the school and take the second street right “Guinaudine", until the intersection with the street “Carrière": beautiful view of the castle Labarde. At the stop, turn right. Climb the small hill, then get down again. At the first intersection, turn left to follow the small tarred path. Go down the valley then go back up to the road “Route des châteaux”. Of this point, by leaving to the left, possibility of shortening the stroll. Pursue the stroll by turning right. In the hamlet, turn left on the path "Du moulin vieux". At the sign, walk to the left the dirt track and continue quite straight ahead between plots of land of vineyard. Just before the castle Mounichoux, at the end of the ranks of vineyard and at the sign, leave to the right. Come down opposite between vineyards and wood. At the house, the path) continues quite straight ahead. It becomes tarred downward the route. Continue quite straight ahead until the intersection. At the sign, turn left and continue on this tarred road, along the breeding of deers. Cross the bridge of the small brook: we are down the castle Bousquet. In the hamlet "Le Ligat" are the tracks of the former railroad between St André de Cubzac, Bourg and Blaye. At the end of the hamlet, at the sign, turn left and continue up to the last house. Go up the valley. Leave to the right on the bank lined with trees. In the rear, near a house, leave to the left. Follow this small tarred way and at the intersection, turn left. Caution: traffic. Cross the CD 669: Caution: traffic. Leave to the right up to the first small tarred path. Turn right and continue on this small path up to a coomb to the right in the vineyards which allows to have an exceptional point of view on Bourg and its river. Return by this small path until D669, stay on the low side and walk to the right. Leave to the left and to follow the path tarred by right which is lined with stone pines. In the crow's-foot, continue to the left in descent. Come down by a path lined with trees up to the locality "La Lustre". In the tarred road, turn left and go until stop: be careful of the car traffic in all the village. Cross the CD669. Leave to the right by remaining good on the pavement. At the first intersection, at the sign, turn left and take the “Route des Châteaux". Continue by rising by the same way. At the end of the village, at the sign, set to the right the “Chemin de Montforton". Do not go into the hamlet but go down the path towards vineyards and small brook. Cross the small bridge and go back up quite straight ahead. On the left are a fountain and a stone wash house. At the intersection, borrow opposite the Chemin du Gros ". Continue quite straight ahead until the intersection with the “Route de Beurié ". Turn to the left and turn right immediately. Continue on the path up to the wood. Turn left up to the tarred road. Turn right and join the car park of the departure.

4 h
9.4 km
6 Rue des Écoles 33710 Tauriac
Libarde's stroll
7.1 km

Libarde's stroll

Departure at the Window of the Estuary at the port of Bourg. Leaving the river in direction of the water spot. Pass close to the 1928 covered wash-house and follow the docks. At the sign "water spot" (Halte Nautique in french), turn right in the street "Maufras". At the end of the street turn left,cross the gate and walk along the swimming-pool. Take the path on the right to clim the little ramp. Turn left and follow the edge of the cliff. Above there are the citadel of Bourg, its museum and its underground guards room. Cross the park of l'Esconge along the water. Pass the gate, turn right and walk along the wall of the park. At the end of the little path, turn left. Follow this way until the sign on the right to a path that climbs up. At the road, turn right on the path and walk straight ahead. Continue until the principal road. Be safe while you are crossing the D669. At the bottom of the descent, turn right and continue until the next intersection. At the Château La Libarde, turn left and continue on the small pave road that goes to the hamlet "La Libarde". At the end, at the signs, turn right and continue until the hamlet "Les Valades". Enjoy the point of view of the vineyards with the estuary on the back. Pass through it and at the end, continue straight ahead. Walk on the road "Le Caye". In the hamlet, turn left between two houses to get down to a little stream. Cross the small bridge and ascend straight ahead. Pass through two mansions of "Genibon" to arrive on a road. Leave on the right to the D134. At the intersection, turn left. Stay on the left, close to the vines to walk safely. After a few hundred meters, at the intersection, turn left. continue on the paved road before turning right. Take the grass path to come back on the D134. Turn left and climb up in a grove. After few meters, jut before the way out, turn left and continue into the little wood. At the top, continue straight ahead along the parcels of vines. At the last one, turn right and pass between two others plots to arrive onto a white path. Turn left and join the road. Here, turn right to arrive at "Caussade". At the signs, turn left and at the end of the street, turn right to get out the hamlet. At the intersection of the five paths, go straight towards the nice medieval castel "La Grave". Built at the XVIth century, it was restored at the XVIIIth century in Louis XIII style preserved to this day. Continue up to the hill and get around it. Stay on this way until the next intersection. Turn left. Continue on this path until the Window onto the Estuary "La Grave". Enjoy this stop to discover the ground proverbs related to wine. Continue straight ahead to the Château "Haut Libarde". At the crossroad, turn right and go down to the village "La Libarde". At the village, turn right to find the unusual crypt of "La Libarde". Continue straight ahead. Down the descent, turn left on a path. Follow t to join the way you took to come. From here, go to the opposite direction that you previously took to return to the starting point.

3 h
9.3 km
16-18 Quai Jean Bart 33710 Bourg
Organic wine tour & bicycle #2
7.3 km

Organic wine tour & bicycle #2

Start from the Tourist Office of Bourg. After you left the office, pass in front of the church “Saint Géronce”, and climb up the street “Général Peychaud”. Tunr on the left road “route de Cambes”, and follow it until the stop sign. Be carefull of traffic. Turn left, ride down to the “Corniche” road. Pass in front of the old wine cellar « Brouette ». After the climb, turn right to "Château Les Rocques". Continue on this road then turn left on the road of the “Marchais Nord”, going to the town hall of St Seurin de Bourg. Tunr right to the Château de Côts, and then turn left on the D113e7. At the intersection, you can choose to go at Château Falfas or go on the right and immediately on the left on the D133 to Comps. Continue on this road until St Ciers de Canesse. Arrived at the church Saint-Jean, you can go at the Château La Graulet (300 meters away) in taking the right or continue the road on the D133 until the crossroad of Cheval blanc. Turn left to Villeneuve. Be careful while crossing. Go down to the harbor of Roque de Thau. You can discover the Windows onto the estuary which is a pier over the water. Continue on the Corniche road, straight ahead, and pass by the Windows of the estuary at « Furt » (with the shipwreck) and « Vitescale » (rocks). Continue on the Corniche road. After the coast of « La Reuille », turn right and make step at the church “Notre-Dame de Bayon”. Continue on the Corniche road to the Château Eyquem and the Window of the Estuary. Follow this road until the “Pain de sucre”, then turn right after the old wine cellar Brouette. Afterward, take the same road you take to come but in the other way to the Tourist Office.

2 h
25 km
1 Place de la Libération 33710 Bourg
In the forsteps of Louis the 14th
7.3 km

In the forsteps of Louis the 14th

On a top of a cliff and at the edge of the Dordogne, Bourg shows you its history and secrets. Start from the Tourist Office. Leave on the right to admire the panoramic view. Walk along the ramparts until the 2 cannons of the District Place. Continue on the place, walk along the church by the left. Go up the street of the "Général Peychaud", the porte of Blaye is on your left, at the extremity of this street. Come back to the church. Go ahead the paved place that lead you to the gate of the Citadelle. Take the alley to the garden of the castle. Pass the gate, the terrace is on the left, have a look on the view. Cross the garden and take the stairs to get out of the garden by the gate. You will see the Porte of l'Esconge on your right. Take the path that lead you to the pond, then walk along the cliff until the iron stair. Here, you have old petroleum tanks and an old mine of the Second World War. Continue on the same way. At the end of the path, go down, pass the pool and go ahead the "Escalier du Roy". You will find thoose stairs the gate on the left. Continue on the street "rue du Roc". to the street "Gouttinière" and the covered wash house. Get around the wash house, go up the way of the harbor and take the 4th street, "rue de la Fontaine" on your left. You will find the fountain at the end of the street. If you look up, you will see the Moorish Villa. Take the stairs close to the fountain to reach the Sea Gate, an other medieval gate. Walk the stairs on the right after the Sea Gate. At the top, turn right and take the first street on the right to enter a small alley. You are now above the Sea Gate. Go back the alley, turn right and walk "Saint Martin" street untill the main street "rue Valentin Bernard" Go up on the right until the shop of the Côtes de Bourg, located on the "Eperon" place. Go down the main street "Valentin Bernard" until the crossroad with the street "Emile Couzinet". On your right is the "Ecomusée of the Bourgeais". Go down on the street "Valentin Bernard" and join the Tourist Office.

1 h
2.5 km
5 Place de la Libération 33710 Bourg
Bike and wine #3
7.3 km

Bike and wine #3

Leave the Tourist Office and go down the street « Cahoreau ». Before getting to the port, turn left on “Cours de l’Abbaye” and “Route de Croûte”. Follow this road amid the vineyard. At the stop, be carreful of traffic. Turn right on the D669 and go to the hamlet “La Lustre”. Stay on the “Avenue des Côtes de Bourg” street, take “Pont du Moron” and go the city hall of Prignac et Marcamps. Just before the square “Place de la République”, turn right and ride down to the river. Turn left to “Chemin de Coubet”, then right to “chemin du puy”. Stay on the road “chemin du Spalier” and “Chemin de grande Cazelle”. Turn left at the stop, and go ahead Château La Brunette. At the crossroad, be careful with the traffic. Go ahead in the way of « St Laurent d’Arce ». Go to the town center. Ride down to “Rue du lavoir” street, turn left in the way of “Château de L’Hurbe”. Go ahead and after “Route de Languirot” street, stay on “Chemin de la Croix Blanche” street. Follow until the stop and turn right. Take first on right et go to the town center of Tauriac. After the city hall, turn left in “Gombauds” street et ride until Château Haut Macô. Go the Pugnac city et take the first on left, in the way of “Le Pradier”. At the crossroad, in front of the cul-de-sac, turn right and go to the stop. Be careful with the traffic. Turn left ont this D23 and go ahead. In font of Château Nodoz, tunr right and join the hamlet “Les Androns”. At the stop, take left, then, right to “Cagnac”. At the stop, turn left in the way of “Mombrier”, on the D133. Turn right and go up to “Puybarbe”. In « Puybarbe”, turn right and follow « Liaison de Teuillac ». After the former mill, turn left on “Peublanc” street and go to the stop. Be careful with the traffic. Go ahead and take “Chemin de Terrefort” street. In « La Croix », at the big crossroad of 5 streets, go straight ahead (do not go down) to Terrefort", "La Jauge" and "Le Canton" until the D251. At the next stop, be careful of the trafic. Turn right to the D251, and turn left, in the way of “Pérogendre”. Go ahead and cross “Duverger”. At « Petit Homme », turn left. Go down and take first street on right to “La Grolet” and the church of St Ciers de Canesse. At the stop, take first on right and go up to the D133 to leave the village. At the stop, mind the traffic. Cross the D250 and go to “Château Rousselle”. After this wine estate, turn left and take the pilgrim road (in blue), until the stop. Cross ahead to go to the village of Villeneuve. At the stop, turn right to the D250 and go down until the D669 crossing the town center. At the stop, mind the traffic. Go ahead to “Roque de Thau”. Go near the port. From this ledge road, unique in Gironde, go along the estuary of the Gironde and the Dordogne River. Cross « Rigalet » and go up to « La Reuille ». At the top, after few meters, turn right to the church of Bayon-sur-Gironde. On the left are Château Eyquem and Tayac. The view over the junction of the two rivers is wonderful. Stay ont the road until « Pain de sucre ». Before the top of the hill and the D669, turn right to “Les Cabanes”. Go ahead until the town center of Bourg. Turn right to “Général Peychaud” street until the church of Bourg, the medieval walls and the Tourist Office.

4 h
42 km
1 Place de la Libération 33710 Bourg


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Where to eat in CAMPING PORT NEUF

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾