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Electric touring bike itinerary - Flumet / Saint Nicolas

Electric touring bike itinerary - Flumet / Saint Nicolas


You want to discover the sights and secret views of our villages without much effort ? Try our Electric Bicycles, an ecological transport, accessible and user-friendly.

Technical Information

Racing biking
Very easy
10 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

73590 Flumet
Lat : 45.81832Lng : 6.514659


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Étape 1

Chemin de l'Île 73590 Flumet
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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- La maison-forte de Charbonnière, avec son importante bâtisse, son four à pain sur le devant et la tourelle/grenier ayant survécu à la destruction du « château » à l’arrière du bâtiment

D1212 73590 Saint-nicolas-la-chapelle
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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La Landelière

A savoir : - Le nom de « Landelière » est issu de la féminisation du patronyme « Landelier ». Au début du 20e siècle, une carrière d’ardoises est exploitée au sommet du lieu-dit. Les ardoises étaient acheminées par câble jusqu’à Flumet, au niveau de l’actuel Office de Tourisme. A voir : - La vue dominante sur le bourg

Chemin de la Revue 73590 Saint-nicolas-la-chapelle
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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Le Seuthenay

A voir : - La chapelle du Seuthenay Cette chapelle était placée sur l’ancien chemin menant à Flumet et fut érigée en 1669. Reconstruite en 1855, elle est dédiée à l’Immaculée Conception dont la statue en bois polychrome domine l’autel de style néo-classique et baroque. - En allant vers le village, du côté de l’Arly, l

D1212 73590 Saint-nicolas-la-chapelle
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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Saint Nicolas

D113 73590 Saint-nicolas-la-chapelle
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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Passieu évoque le « passage » dans le sens d’un petit col.

D1212 73590 Saint-nicolas-la-chapelle
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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Flumet d'Aval

- La route entre Flumet d’Aval et Flumet reprend le tracé ancien entre les deux villages, avant la construction de la route moderne à la fin du 19e siècle. Elle est appelée « route impériale » en l’honneur de Napoléon III, protagoniste du rattache ment de la Savoie à la France en 1860

D1212 73590 Saint-nicolas-la-chapelle
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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L’origine du nom Flumet : « inter-fluminas » au 12e siècle, du latin « entre les eaux », car la localité est situées à la confluence des rivières de l’Arly et de l’Arondine.

17 Rue du Mont Blanc 73590 Flumet
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -

Points of interest

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Château des Faucigny

The Château des Faucigny, fortified in the 12th century, is now a ruin. However, the building was once of great architectural and historical value and was part of the original development of Flumet.Flumet’s location, on a rocky spur above the river Arly and where the two mountain passes of Aravis and Les Saisies meet, meant that from the 11th century it was at the southern tip of the Lords of Faucigny’s estates, bordering the House of Savoy's territory. Because of these geo-strategic reasons, the Lords of Faucigny decided to build a château in the vicinity. It’s not possible to give an accurate date for the build, although some historians think it dates back to the 11th century. However, it is known that Aimon II of Faucigny extended the château de Flumet in around 1200. It was built in polygonal form with thick walls and has a square tower in the centre. It was only after the château was built that the fortified town of Flumet was created: the château is therefore the starting point of this village’s history. Principally a place of residence, it was initially home to the Lords of Faucigny on an occasional basis before it became their main residence, demonstrating the influence they had on the territory. It was a defensive building, serving as an advance position in the face of the threat from the neighbouring Savoyards. Once the Faucigny lands fell into the possession of the House of Savoy in 1355, it lost its military importance. From the 15th century, the château slowly fell into ruin, maintained from time to time by the inhabitants of the village. After the village fire of 1679, the local residents were allowed to rebuild their houses with stones from the château, although they were not permitted to touch the tower. As a result of these events and the ravages of time, the château’s general state of repair has worsened considerably over the last few years and is close to disappearing forever.

- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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De Bieu Fortified house

The Maison De Bieu, standing on the edge of the village, is a 15th C fortified house with a distinctive square tower adjacent to the living area. Long-time home to the De Bieu family, it is Flumet’s last maintained and inhabited “château”.The De Bieu fortified house got its name from the family who inhabited it during a long time: the De Bieu or De Bieux (de Biolli, de Biollo - coming from the word "bouleau" which means birch tree). This family was very influential in the town and command of Flumet between the 14th and the 18th century. Situated outside the wall of the medieval town, the De Bieu house has kept its aspect and a part of its old remainings through the ages, including a square tower, a private chapel and armorial bearings carved above the entrance. It is still inhabited but is now private.

- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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Museum of Mill in Tienne and Miller's house

Rue du Château 73590 Flumet
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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Chapelle du Seytenex

The chapel was established in the 17th century by the Fabry family, under the patronage of Our Lady of the Rosary and then endowed in 1669. The ruins were rebuilt around 1855 by the Dumax-Baudron family and dedicated to the Immaculate Conception.

- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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Château de Charbonnière

The "château" de Charbonnière is a fortified house dating from at least the 16th C. Burned during the Revolution, the only parts of its former exterior remaining are the large living quarters and one of the four elegant turrets that once adorned it.The fortified house of Charbonnière is a private property. However, you can appreciate its exterior architecture, the baker's oven in front of the façade and the medieval turret directy placed on the ground behind the building.

Les Charbonnières 73590 Saint-Nicolas-la-Chapelle
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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Chapelle du Passieu

Passieu chapel was established in the 18th century at the initiative of the parish priest. Blessed in 1747, it was placed under the patronage of St Sébastin, St Antoine and St Guérin. Restored in 1975.

Hameau du Passieu 73590 Saint-Nicolas-la-Chapelle
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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Saint Nicolas la Chapelle church

This baroque church dedicated to Saint Nicolas dates from the 18th century. It is remarkable for its bell tower with double lantern, its sculpted porch, its frescoes and its canopy altar. Do not miss this last ornament: it is unique in Savoie!Formerly the village was called Saint-Nicolas-de-Flumet, it was then given the name of Saint-Nicolas-la-Chapelle in memory of an old chapel dedicated to Saint Nicolas located a little higher than the current church. It was built between 1774 and 1776: the previous one threatened to fall into ruin. It was so damaged that we preferred to destroy it to rebuild a larger and airy building. Saint Nicolas is well known in the region, especially since the village of Saint-Nicolas-de-Véroce, near Saint-Gervais-les-Bains, received a very long time ago - in the 11th century - a bone from the wrist of the true Saint Nicholas, protector of children and schoolchildren. The furniture made for the new building, fortunately well preserved from the ravages of the Revolution, was increased by a few elements in the 19th century. It was then that the building was also adorned with a majestic bell tower and frescoes under its vaults. Its architectural quality and the richness of its furniture earned this church its inclusion in the supplementary inventory of Historic Monuments in 1989.

- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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GAEC Lait Cow des Montagnes

Production and direct sale of farmhouse reblochon, farmhouse mountain tommes, home-made jams. Open Monday to Saturday from 10:30 to 12:00 and from 17:30 to 19:00. In summer it is possible to see cheese making in operation at the Bogneuve alpine farm, on the route des Montagnes, Chaucisse.

Au Lys Martagon 73590 Saint-Nicolas-la-Chapelle
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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Suspended houses – panoramic view

Flumet’s suspended houses, with their foundations built into the actual rock, overlook the river Arly 40m below. The only example of its kind in Savoie, this architectural group of buildings is most unusual, with breathtaking, dizzying views.It was in the 13th century that the Lords of Faucigny founded the village of Flumet. In order to attract people to the area, they granted franchises (freedoms and privileges) to the burghers of Flumet, each of them being given an equal-sized parcel of land to build their house on. Having created the village, they built walls around it. On the Arly side of the village, the houses were built on the rocky spur overhanging the river by several tens of metres : it was therefore not necessary to fortify the enclosure at this point, as the geography of the place offered sufficient natural protection. A gate marked the entrance to the village on this side and you can still see the opening today in the Rue du Mont-Blanc. It led to a path that runs down to the river Arly, enabling access to Notre-Dame-de-Bellecombe. Since the 13th century, despite the village fire in 1679 and various other tribulations over time, the appearance of the suspended houses has changed very little (see the cadastral plans dated 1730), except for the gradual loss of shingled roofs and the appearance of modern features (satellite dishes, big windows, plain bannisters) which has toned down the traditional charm of this style of architecture. However, the suspended houses have retained their unique style with their tangle of balconies, galleries, homes, stairways, chimneys etc. Indeed, the stone foundations that you can see probably go back to the beginnings of the village. Not forgetting their dizzying aspect which just has to be seen and which can be viewed from different points in the village (Place du Château, Pont des Abymes, Lacets des Avenières).

- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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Abymes bridge

The Abymes bridge connects Flumet with Notre-Dame-de-Bellecombe. Interesting not only for its architecture, the bridge offers stunning views over the river Arly situated 32m below, the T’ienne mill and hanging houses.The Abymes bridge, or Bellecombe bridge, was the first construction work in Val d'Arly and has been built between 1875 and 1878. It contributed to the opening up of the valley, symbolized by the "Gorges de l'Arly" road between Ugine and Sallanches. This bridge represents the entry of the region into modernity.

Chef-lieu 73590 Flumet
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -

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Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly - 12/08/2021
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Open period

From 01/05 to 01/11.

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾