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Stevenson | Stage 1 from Grez-sur-Loing to Nemours

Stevenson | Stage 1 from Grez-sur-Loing to Nemours
Stevenson | Stage 1 from Grez-sur-Loing to Nemours
Stevenson | Stage 1 from Grez-sur-Loing to Nemours
Stevenson | Stage 1 from Grez-sur-Loing to Nemours
Stevenson | Stage 1 from Grez-sur-Loing to Nemours
Stevenson | Stage 1 from Grez-sur-Loing to Nemours
Credit : Seine-et-Marne Tourisme - Grez-sur-Loing

The Cirkwi brief

Discover Grez-sur-Loing to Nemours: A Romantic Journey
Embark on a picturesque adventure from the charming village of Grez-sur-Loing to the historical town of Nemours. This route, brought to you by Tourisme Loiret, unveils an evocative landscape intertwined with the allure of waterways, echoing the footsteps of the iconic Stevenson. Journey through a tableau of natural beauty, from the Forest of Fontainebleau's sandy plains and scattered boulders to the serene flow of the Loing River. Marvel at the artistic legacy in Grez-sur-Loing and the architectural marvels along the way. This path is not just a trek; it’s a passage through the heartbeats of history, art, and engineering masterpieces. Feel inspired as you trace a route filled with love, heritage, and breathtaking scenery.

Technical Insight on Stevenson’s Trail
The journey from Grez-sur-Loing towards Nemours stretches for approximately 25.8 kilometers. Hikers will experience a minor elevation fluctuation, with the trail peaking at 120 meters and dipping to a low of 60 meters. The cumulative positive elevation hovers around 242 to 243 meters. This data signifies a relatively gentle trek, suitable for walkers of moderate fitness levels. The varied landscape will engage trekkers with both historical sites and engineering wonders, making it a well-rounded hiking experience. Strategic planning for breaks and hydration will make this journey not only manageable but thoroughly enjoyable.

Seasonal Tips for Trail Trekkers
To enhance your experience on the Stevenson route, consider the season. Spring offers a lush, vibrant landscape, ideal for photography enthusiasts. Summer provides longer days, perfect for leisurely exploring; however, carry water and sun protection. Autumn transforms the path into a mosaic of warm colors, making it a favorite among nature lovers. Regardless of the season, sturdy walking shoes are a must. Be mindful of opening times for historical sites and plan accordingly. Security advice includes notifying someone of your trail plans and packing a basic first aid kit for emergencies.

Exploring Grez-sur-Loing's Heritage
Situated in the heart of the Loiret, Grez-sur-Loing is not just a starting point but a deep dive into the cultural richness of the region. This area, renowned for its artists' colonies, has attracted creatives for centuries, making it a cornerstone of artistic and architectural heritage. The collection of artworks at the Mairie de Grez-sur-Loing, a testament to the town's historical embrace of art, mirrors the broader historical and cultural significance of the Loiret department and the broader Île-de-France region. Grez-sur-Loing serves as a gateway to exploring the historical depth and scenic beauty spread across this enchanting part of France.

Weather Forecast for the Ultimate Experience
The Île-de-France region, encompassing Grez-sur-Loing, typically enjoys a temperate climate. Winters are cool, with occasional frost, making layered clothing advisable for trekkers. Springs are mild, adorned with blooming flora, presenting an ideal setting for your journey. Summers can be warm; light, breathable attire is recommended to stay comfortable. Autumns are crisp, offering a picturesque backdrop of changing leaves. The best times to visit are late spring through early autumn, when weather conditions are most conducive for enjoying both the natural and architectural marvels along the route.
Automatically generated.

Technical informations

This circuit was updated on: 26/02/2024
26 km
6 h 30 mn
max. 120 m
min. 60 m
242 m
Styles : HikingDiscoveryIn the countryForest
Themes : CulturalPatrimony

Altimetric profile

Starting point

2 Place Jolivet , 77880 Grez-sur-Loing
Lat : 48.31601Lng : 2.69052

Points of interest

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Mairie de Grez-sur-Loing

La collection d’œuvres d’arts de la ville de Grez-sur-Loing a été initiée en 1910 par Fernande SADLER sous les conseils de son ami artiste peintre Charles MOREAU-VAUTHIERS (Bourron-Marlotte), afin de décorer les murs de la mairie considérés alors comme « trop sévères ». Femme de lettres, archéologue et Maire de Grez entre 1945 et 1947, Mme SADLER incita ses amis peintres à faire un don pour enrichir la collection de ce musée. Aujourd'hui encore des artistes de passage, voir même des particuliers ou associations font des dons à la mairie pour embellir cette collection, restaurée avec l'aide du Conseil Général. Il est possible de la visiter aux heures d'ouverture, ou en groupe en s'adressant à la Mairie.

86 Rue Wilson 77880 Grez-sur-Loing
- Atout Grez -
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La Tour de Ganne et ses jardins.

Érigée en 1127 par Louis VI le Gros, c'est un des donjons qui fortifiaient les confins de l'Ile de France et de la Bourgogne. Un dôme, aujourd'hui disparu, est encore visible : il faisait partie d'une tourelle comportant un oratoire dirigé vers l'Ouest. Blanche de Castille, Philippe Le Bel et Jean Le Bon résidèrent dans la tour pendant la guerre de 100 ans. En 1531, la mère de François premier, Louise de Savoie, y fini ses jours suite à une épidémie de peste. A partir du 18e siècle, la Tour fût démantelée. Les Jardins de la Tour de Ganne ont été peints par de très nombreux artistes, qui vinrent notamment à Grez-sur-Loing entre 1890 et 1910 : scandinaves, mais aussi anglais, américains, et japonais (dont Kuroda Seiki, précurseur de la peinture occidentale au Japon). Ils inspirent encore aujourd'hui à la fois par leur simplicité naturelle (petits murets, verger, bord de Loing) mais aussi car ils offrent une vue imprenable sur le vieux pont de pierre, qui fût emballé par Corot et lui aussi point central de très nombreuses œuvres. Les jardins de la tour de Ganne proposent donc non seulement un voyage architectural et paysager, mais aussi un détour par l'histoire artistique et culturelle de Grez, petit village typique nominé au titre de "Village Préféré des Français" en 2014.

- Atout Grez -
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Chateau and Museum Nemours

A building that is particularly well conserved from the second half of the 12th century, the Nemours chateau has escaped several demolition projects.Originally the main part of the defences of the medieval city, it was transformed in the 15th century by the Duke of Armagnac then in the 17th century by the Duke of Orleans. Finally, and the beginning of the 20th century, a group of local artists led by Justin-Chrysostome Sanson (1833 – 1910) started the restoration of the old chateau. Reorganised from 1972, the collections include pieces of Gallo-Roman and Merovingian archaeology, sculptures and religious works and examples of popular arts and traditions. A particular place has been set aside for everywhere from the revolutionary period, nineteenth century paintings and sculptures and twentieth century stamps.

Rue Gautier 1er 77140 Nemours
- Office de Tourisme du Pays de Nemours -
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Church of Saint John the Baptist

The church Saint Jean-Baptiste is founded by Gautier 1st of Nemours in 1170 to receive a relic of the saint. It is composed of a 12th century tower-porch and a nave raised in the 17th century.It now houses the neo-Gothic high altar dedicated to Saint John the Baptist, a Piétà sculpture made in 1869 by Sanson (local artist of the 19th century), an organ dating from 1653 and the bell "Philippe" dedicated in 1672 to Philippe Duc d'Orléans, brother of Louis 14th, became Duke of Nemours. The church is classified as a historical monument since 1977.

Place de la République 77140 Nemours
- Office de Tourisme du Pays de Nemours -
image du object

The Ile de France prehistory Museum in Nemours

Open to the public since 1981, the museum shows the prehistory of the Paris region in a building by the architect Roland Simounet.Opening up onto a wooded park and a rocky massif, the rooms are organised around for interior gardens that reconstitute the flora of the quartenary period in the Ile de France. This museum, which was recently listed as a "Historical Monument of the 20th Century", presents the Prehistory and the Protohistory of the Paris region, from the appearance of man to Gallo-Roman times. There are two possible visits. The first circuit, for educational visits, presents the daily life of Palaeolithic age hunters, farmers and breeders in the Neolithic period and then an introduction to bronze and iron metalworking. The circuit can then be completed with a second one dedicated to archaeological sites, stratigraphic geology and comparative typology of tools. A 20 minutes audio-visual presentation is made in interaction with the Pincevent archaeological ground moulding. Guided tours and workshops available for school groups daily except Wednesdays: learning to use tools, fire, throwing sticks. Themed workshops for single-class school groups: themes: habitat, food, fire, and tools. Special programmes scheduled on events days.

48 avenue Etienne Dailly 77140 Nemours
- Seine et Marne Attractivité -
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Gare SNCF de Nemours

Avenue Carnot 77140 Nemours
- Tourisme Loiret -

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