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Itinerario di scoperta della Città Medievale di Château-Landon

Château-Landon cité médiévale
Plan circuit découverte Château-Landon
Credito : OTGVL

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Esplora Château-Landon: Una gemma medievale vicino a Parigi

Avventurandoti a soli un'ora da Parigi, la città medievale di Château-Landon, curata dall'Ufficio del Turismo di Château-Landon, offre una fuga pittoresca sulla sua rupe di roccia. Questo percorso di 3 km non solo ti introduce a panorami panoramici che intrecciano storia e bellezza naturale, ma rivela anche il flusso sereno del fiume Fusain, adornato da antichi lavatoi. Mentre passeggi, lasciati incantare dalla narrazione di storia e architettura attraverso 12 pannelli informativi. È una passeggiata nel tempo, dove ogni passo porta una nuova scoperta, dolcemente narrata dalla brezza che sussurra racconti di un tempo passato tra le foglie.

Panoramica Tecnica dell'Itinerario

Coprendo una distanza di circa 3,05 km, questo percorso a piedi inizia in Rue de Nemours, 77570 Château-Landon. Passando da un'altitudine di 71 metri a un massimo di 104 metri, il percorso offre un modesto guadagno di altitudine di circa 86 metri. Il percorso accuratamente pianificato promette un'immersione avvincente nel passato medievale della città, garantendo una camminata coinvolgente ma gestibile per i visitatori di tutte le età. L'Ufficio del Turismo di Château-Landon ha progettato questo percorso per bilanciare l'esplorazione storica con l'accessibilità fisica, rendendolo un'esperienza completa.

Guide Stagionali e Consigli di Sicurezza

Come guida locale, raccomando la primavera per la sua esplosione di colori e l'autunno per le incantevoli tonalità dorate che avvolgono Château-Landon. Queste stagioni non solo offrono i paesaggi più pittoreschi, ma anche un clima mite per una piacevole passeggiata. Controlla sempre il meteo prima di partire e indossa calzature adatte per i sentieri lastricati. Per la sicurezza, mantieniti idratato, soprattutto in estate, e resta sui sentieri segnati. L'inverno presenta un fascino tranquillo, anche se i sentieri possono essere scivolosi. Indipendentemente dalla stagione, rispetta sempre la serenità e il patrimonio del luogo rimanendo sui percorsi designati.

Cuore Storico di Seine-et-Marne

Château-Landon, incastonato nella regione di Seine-et-Marne, è un faro storico che brilla intensamente sin dal XII secolo. Una volta un crocevia vitale del commercio grazie alla sua vicinanza a Provins, riflette un ricco intreccio del passato medievale della Francia. La sua importanza strategica fu ulteriormente sottolineata quando Foulques IV la consegnò al re francese nel 1068, segnando l'inizio della sua affinità reale. Esplorare Château-Landon significa passeggiare attraverso le annali della storia francese, dove gli echi della dinastia Plantagenêt e la sua trasformazione da una potenza medievale a un luogo di riposo reale sono ancora percepibili.

Visione del Clima per una Visita Ideale

Château-Landon: Panorama sulle Condizioni Meteorologiche

La regione ha un clima temperato, con stagioni distinte che ognuna porta il suo fascino a Château-Landon. Gli inverni sono generalmente miti, raramente vedendo abbondanti nevicate, mentre le primavere esplodono di fiori freschi sotto un sole mite. Gli estati possono essere calde, quindi le prime ore del mattino o gli ultimi pomeriggi sono ideali per esplorare. L'autunno avvolge la città in una palette affascinante di colori, rendendolo un periodo molto amato. I migliori periodi per visitare sono la tarda primavera (maggio-giugno) e l'inizio dell'autunno (settembre-ottobre), quando il clima è più favorevole alle attività all'aria aperta e la bellezza della città è al suo apice.
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Punto di partenza

12 6 rue Hetzel , 77570 Château-Landon
Lat : 48.149892Lng : 2.703541


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Départ du circuit découverte de la cité médiévale de Château-Landon

Après la visite de l'église Notre Dame de l'Assomption en sortant, allez sur votre gauche. En face, découvrez la Maison de la pierre et l'Hôtel-Dieu. L'Hôtel-Dieu et la Maison de la pierre se visitent tous les samedis de 15h à 17h ou sur rendez-vous.

12 Rue de Nemours 77570 Chateau-landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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Étape 2

Avant de tourner à gauche, vous avez sur votre droite le monument aux morts. Nous vous invitons à faire une halte pour découvrir la vue panoramique des monuments de la cité. Revenez sur la route et allez à gauche et descendez la rue Hetzel.

1 Place du Marché 77570 Chateau-landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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Étape 3

Découvrez sur votre droite l'Office de Tourisme puis la Tour Madeleine. Passer sous le porche. Devant vous le Rempart Nord sur votre droite montez les marche, traversez un petit jardin et vous êtes sur la rue Moïse.

- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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Étape 4

Ensuite prenez à gauche et continuez tout droit. Découvrez, sur votre gauche la Poterne Nord et continuez. Tournez à gauche, vous êtes rue de la Ville Forte. Continuez tout droit, sur votre droite la Poterne Sud et la Tour Saint-Thugal. Continuez et découvrez l'Abbaye royale Saint-Séverin. L'abbaye étant une maison de retraire, elle ne se visite pas mais offre l'accès de son parc aux visiteurs ou vous découvrirez une superbe vue panoramique sur l'église.

5 Place de l'Hôtel de ville 77570 Chateau-landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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Étape 5

Continuez sur la rue de la Ville Forte et découvrez sur votre gauche la motte. Grimpez la et découvrez le Petit Pèlerin de Château-Landon.

6521 Rue de la Croix du Bourdon 77570 Chateau-landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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Étape 6

Reprenez la rue en descendant. A l'intersection, prenez à droite. Au petit rond point, prenez la deuxième sortie, passez le pont et découvrez sur votre droite la table d'orientation.

5 Rue de Saint-Séverin 77570 Chateau-landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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Étape 7

Faites demi tour puis à gauche et prenez le chemin sur votre gauche qui est le chemin des Amoureux.

1 Chemin des Amoureux 77570 Chateau-landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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Étape 8

Sur votre droite, découvrez le Lavoir et Moulin de Beaupoivre. Longez la rivière "le Fusain" où vous découvrirez de nombreux lavoirs privés. Continuez sur plusieurs mètres, vous avez sur votre droite le Lavoir communal. Continuez et puis la 1ère à droite.

1 Chemin des Amoureux 77570 Chateau-landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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Étape 9

Passez le pont et tout droit. Tournez à gauche, rue Charles de Gaulle. Après le stop, sur votre gauche, découvrez la Tour Saint-André. La tour étant sur un domaine privé, nous vous invitons à rester devant le portail pour le contempler. Remontez la rue puis prenez à gauche, rue Saint-André et tout droit.

- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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Étape 10

Au bout de la rue, tournez à droite. A l'intersection, allez en face. Soyez prudent le carrefour est dangereux. Continuez sur la place Saint-André. Prenez à gauche et puis à droite, rue Grande. Allez tout droit jusqu'au Porche de la Monnaie.

2 Rue Saint-André 77570 Chateau-landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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Étape 11

Prenez à gauche, puis la 1ère à droite, rue de France. Tout droit jusqu'à l'église. La boucle est bouclée.

11 Rue du Porche 77570 Chateau-landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -

Punti di interesse

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Château-Landon: the historical capital of the Gâtinais regionLocated in the south of the Seine-et-Marne department, Château-Landon is a surprising village, built on a rocky outcrop overlooking the green valley of the Fusain river, which has earned it the nickname of "Rocamadour" of the Gâtinais. The presence of an exceptional religious and civil heritage demonstrates the prosperity of the city since the 12th century. Château-Landon was indeed a place of passage impossible to circumvent because of its proximity with Provins, and its famous fairs. Strolling through Château-Landon is like strolling through history... As you stroll through the narrow streets, you will discover the ramparts, the 17 wash houses and you will no doubt imagine the life of the people of Châteaulandon in the days of the washerwomen... Yes, Château-Landon is undoubtedly a village of character, an unexpected interlude that is well worth a small detour... Its history : Once the capital of the Counts of Gâtinais, it was given to the king of France in 1068 by Foulques IV le Réchin. Then, it became a royal residence: Louis VI, Louis VII, Philippe Auguste stayed there regularly. Thus, since the 6th century, it has been renowned as a religious and pilgrimage site. According to the legend, a monk named Séverin, who came from Switzerland, miraculously cured Clovis (1st Christian Frankish king), before coming here to die around the year 511. It was to honor his memory that Childebert I, the third son of Clovis, had a first basilica built around 545, which would become the great royal abbey of Saint-Séverin over the centuries. It is for this reason that many people came from far and wide to venerate the relics of the Saint. Thus, thanks to its powerful abbey richly maintained by the kings of France and the popes, the city will become a very important religious center with its 17 buildings including 4 monasteries and priories. Cradle of the Plantagenet lineage... The son of Count Foulques IV, the Rechin, Foulques V, Count of Château-Landon, became the first king of the Christian kingdom of Jerusalem after the Crusades. His son Geoffroy married Matilda of England and became the head of a famous royal lineage, the "Plantagenets", which ruled England from 1154 to 1485. It is this Geoffrey who slipped a small branch of broom to his chief cover, hence the name "Plantagenet" which will make the fame of the family. A draping city... In a royal charter dating from 1381, the city is listed among the 17 "draping" cities of the kingdom. Today, we can find traces of 17 mills along the small river of Fusain, flowing at the foot of the city where the wool was spun. The city produced, in particular, "tabards", large woolen coats, whose memory arises through the name of the park of the "Tabarderie", a green space and leisure bordering the Fusain. Discovery tour of the medieval city of Château-Landon... NEW "Valorization of the heritage of Château-Landon" in Gâtinais Val-de-Loing. Come to discover the 12 tourist panels and the orientation table which decorate the discovery circuit of the medieval city of Château-Landon of 3 km. Installed recently, this set of panels aims to better inform the visitor and guide him through a brief reminder of the history of the site concerned, accompanied by visuals, plans or archive images. All you have to do now is to walk along its streets and paths to see the many treasures that the city has to offer. The little extra! If you walk along the towpath of the Scandiberique (EV3), along the Canal du Loing, you will discover a thirteenth panel telling the story of the canal bridge in Néronville.

place du Marché 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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Church of Our Lady of the Assumption

A lesson in masterful medieval architecture blending Carolingian, Romanesque and Gothic styles.Expression of the prosperity and pride of the city, the 57-meter bell tower is unique in the French landscape, despite invasions, wars but also lightning and fires; it eternally erects an impressive stone silhouette of rare lightness, which the light and the wind cross ight through. This bell tower is a real architectural feat! This hybrid building brings together 4 centuries of architecture. The early novel of the 10th and 11th centuries is expressed in the central portal as well as in the pillars on the north side of the nave. The 12th century is found in the transept and the heart with superb capitals as well as in the beginning of the bell tower whose floors were not completed until the 13th and 14th centuries. The enlargement of the church in the 14th century necessitated the resumption of the south arcades of the nave allowing the widening of the south side aisle. In 1840, the Notre Dame church was listed as an historic monument.

Rue de Nemours 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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29 rue Jean Galland 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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The Stone House

We offer moments of sharing and discovery by organizing talks, thematic conferences, exhibitions, activities, etc. throughout the year.The whole history of Chateau-Landon stone is there. From the formation of this very compact lakeside limestone, dating back 35 million years, to the size of the stone used for the construction of bridges and other great Parisian monuments The limestone of Chateau-Landon Located on a rocky outcrop, in the shape of an elongated spur, the old city offers a set of monuments, towers and walls, overlooking the Charcoal valley. The urban landscape is marked by the omnipresence of limestone, from the subsoil of the region. One of the attractions of Chateau-Landon is this complementarity between the particular geological evolution, and a rich historical past. Chateau-Landon stone is a non-freezing lacustrine limestone, formed at the start of the Tertiary geological period. From the 18th century and especially the 19th century, the exploitation of Chateau-Landon limestone will experience famous outlets with Parisian achievements such as the Arc de Triomphe, the foot of the Eiffel Tower or the Alexandre Ill bridge ... The Maison de la pierre brings together two collections: - a collection of tools for quarry workers and stonemasons. - a collection of prehistoric stones. You will also be able to discover the Antiphonaire de l'Abbaye Saint-Severin, the most beautiful work of the Departmental Archives of Seine-et-Marne in video projector.

29 rue Jean Galland 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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The Madeleine Tower and its ramparts

The Madeleine Tower is one of the towers of the rampart that Charles VI authorized to the bourgeois of Château-Landon.In spite of the looting, the fire and the passage of time, this one still shows appreciable vestiges; it serves in various places of support to constructions of a more recent past under which it disappears. It encloses the medieval administrative village, open, on the outside by four passages overlooking the 4 cardinal points. Only two remain: the North and the South. A round road lined it, quite rare, by a second underpass that went around the city. Towers regularly reinforced the wall as the best preserved Madeleine tower today. With a height of 9 metres and a diameter of 6.50 metres, this massive tower leaning against the ramparts communicates by its upper part with the circular path, visible on about 50 metres towards the East. With its 3 metres thick base, it is built of stone block and flint embedded in the mortar, pierced by 3 loopholes at half height. In 1926, the Madeleine Tower was listed as a Historic Monument.

6 rue Hetzel 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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North Rampart

In Château-Landon, there are still some visible remains of the medieval defence system on the north face of the ramparts despite the many constructions built in particular towards the end of the 17th century.The intermediate “Quincampe” turret built right up against the rampart is located halfway between two larger towers, the Madeleine Tower and another now integrated into the housing near the North Postern. At the foot of the rampart, barred openings, created at a later date, give access to the «inner covered way», a ring of underground tunnels around the fortified town : over time during alerts these connected the shelters and the rooms provided for the soldiers and the reserves. By taking the stairs to reach the threshold of the Castrum, the fortified part of the town, one can see the thickness of the wall, illustrating once again the strength of this rampart. The stones, like those of the town monuments, are made of limestone from Château-Landon. Very hard and frost-resistant, it has been chosen for the construction of many Parisian monuments.

Place Hirschhorn 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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The North Postern Gate

The North Postern Gate descends into the dry valley.It forms the other escarp of the Château-Landon Castrum rampart walkway. The road that passes there is called the "Debeuse", or Way of the Oxen. In 1587, 25 soldiers and 100 peasants resisted during long hours to 30,000 German Huguenots going to Montargis. 416 cannon shots were necessary to open a breach in this northern rampart and plunder the village and the abbey.

rue de la Poterne 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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The Saint-Thugal Tower

Installed on the city's defenses next to the South Poterne which is an open passage in the ramparts leading to the Charcoal Valley, the Saint-Thugal church is undoubtedly its oldest monument.Originally this building was built by the monks of Saint-Severin in recognition of the protection granted to them by the city during the siege of the Saxons in 774. Dedicated to Saint-Etienne, this church awarded Saint-Thugal in the 10th century as patron for having collected the relics saved by the monks of Treguier fleeing the Norman invaders. There remains only a 6-storey tower supported by buttresses at the level of the southern apse which has now disappeared with its collateral nave of which only the capitals still present in the houses remain. In 1926, the Saint-Thugal Tower was listed as a historic monument

22, rue de la Ville Forte 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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Saint Severin Abbey Château-Landon

What we see today is just a remaining of the origins, monks had to face hard times, wars and realms adversities.Burned by fire, stolen by bandits, ruined during the French Revolution, during centuries the abbey has been refurbished several times. During the reign of Philippe Auguste end of the 12th century, was a main point changing the abbey giving it its aspect of fortress still remaining today. The convent building is linked to its rocky ridge its wide façade towards the valley is supported by mighty bases and buttresses, a round tower, containing a staircase, is protection towards the valley and possible invaders. Later, other centuries, 15th and 16th , left traces of architectures periods of refurbishments. Until the French Revolution, the Augustin monks order stayed here before the abbey was sold as a national good and partially destroyed or transformed into accommodations for residents. Hundred years latter the Ouvré family became owner of the abbey. One of their family members donated the building to the Seine-et-Marne Department in order to use it for elder poor people use since 1892. Today the abbey is a nursing home. There is no inside visit possible to discover the architecture but the park is open to visitors.

34 rue de la Ville Forte 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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The wash house and the Beaupoivre mill

In the fourteenth century, Château-Landon was one of the 17 drapery cities of the kingdom of France.The river Fusain used to power the 18 mills which were established at the edge. They were moulding, treading the fabrics, carding, crushing the grain and the skins were tanned.

1 sentier des Amoureux 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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The communal wash house

An invitation to dream during a lovely walk !For a bucolic walk, take the Lovers' Trail along the Fusain River, lined with 17 wash houses located in the Tabarderie Park. The communal wash house is located on a branch of the Fusain's course that was realized by the monks in order to bring it closer to the city for the comfort of the washerwomen, they offered them the opportunity to meet up for their favorite passion: the cackling...

Parc de la Tabarderie 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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The Fusain river

To discover the 17 wash houses, we invite you to take the path of the lovers along the Fusain located in the park of Tabarderie.The river "Le Fusain" rises in the moat of the Château de Barville and flows into the Loing at Château-Landon at the Pont Canal. A left bank tributary of the Loing, this watercourse is not state-owned and is classified as a 2nd category fish river. In the commune of Château-Landon, the Fusain is made up of two arms, the natural one and the artificial one, which is the work of the monks of the royal abbey of Saint-Séverin. In the past, the 18 mills along the Fusain; moulded, crushed, carded, ground and tanned. They made Château-Landon one of the cloth-making towns of the kingdom of France in the Middle Ages. Translated with www.deepl.com/translator (free version)

Parc de la Tabarderie 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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The Tabarderie Park

This magnificent green setting crossed by the GR13 and the river Fusain, invites you to a country walk along the path of lovers. It has 10 picnic tables, a playground and a fitness trail.Beyond the rich historical heritage of Château-Landon, the environment also plays an important role, particularly on the southern side of the village, bathed by the Fusain valley, where the landscaped park of the Tabarderie has been created. With the medieval city perched on a rocky outcrop where the hanging gardens descend, this exceptional site offers its two hectares of lawns, flowerbeds and remarkable trees to nature and leisure enthusiasts. Used by hikers of the GR13 and other local circuits, it also gives access to the wetland area of Prés Patouillats developed in 2017 for the observation of fauna and flora from rustic trails and decking.

Rue de la Cave Calot 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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Picnic area - Tabarderie Park

In the heart of the Parc de la Tabarderie, in the shade of the large trees, a picnic area equipped with 10 tables is available for a lunch break with family or friends.Nearby: * a playground * a fitness trail * tennis courts * the wetland of the Patouillats meadows * the Fusain, a fishing spot After a good meal, why not go for a walk: * a bucolic walk (3km) along the Fusain taking the GR13 lovers' path lined with 17 wash houses and discover the old medieval city.

Parc de la Tabarderie 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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The Patouillats Meadows Wet Zone

The wetland of the Parc de la Tabarderie has been restored to enhance the natural heritage and preserve its biodiversity; it is located within the Communal Sensitive Natural Area of the Vallee du Fusain.In order to be able to visit this area in the best conditions, 800 meters of path have been created, including nearly 300 meters of decks designed for people with reduced mobility. Throughout the course with benches and logs to rest, you will be able to observe a very diverse flora and fauna as well as surprises such as Troll houses created by the young pupils of the school of the cited. Observation platforms punctuate the visit with educational panels evoking the specificity of the place.

Rue de la Cave Calot 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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The Saint-Andre Tower

Dating from the middle of the 12th century, this vestige of an imposing Cluniac abbey is one of the most beautiful monuments of the city. Very damaged, it was reduced in the 16th century to a priory.It belonged for a long time to the abbey of Ferrieres-en-Gatinais. It was already very dilapidated at the time of the Revolution in 1789 . Beyond an agricultural building leaning against the tower, there still remains at 40 meters, the pediment of the old church with its hree windows in pointed arch. In 1990, the Tour Saint-Andre was classified as a Historic Monument. VERY IMPORTANT: the tower being on a private domain, thank you for not entering the farm. From the open gate, the Saint-Andre tower is visible.

37, rue Charles de Gaulle 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
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The coin porch

This beautiful civil monument in the open city served as a bureau de change, of which only the porch remains today with its 14th century gable and Renaissance-style facade windows.Under Charles the Bald, Chateau-Landon had a monetary workshop which must have existed under the first Capetians. However, when the County of Gatinais was attached to the royal domain of Philippe I in 1068, the workshop regained full activity with the silver deniers "Landon Castra, Nandonis Castra". At this time of great distribution of monetary workshops in the West, money was therefore minted in Chateau-Landon in furnished and protected cellars. Under Philippe Auguste in 1180 during the monetary unification of the kingdom, these workshops were abolished. The commercial development of the time with the very active trade fairs generated new credit techniques. The role of money changers has therefore become essential there, which led to the creation of this exchange house under Charles XI in the middle of the merchant district: now rue Grande. In 1926, the Porche de la Monnaie was listed as an historic monument.

11 rue du Porche 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -
image du object

Le Cheval Blanc

1 place du Général Leclerc 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gâtinais Val de Loing -

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