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Loop medievale della Scandibérica

Boucle médiévale de la Scandibérique Château-Landon
la Scandibérique
la Scandibérique
Credito : OTGVL

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Esplora il fascino medievale di Château-Landon in bicicletta

Imbarcati in un delizioso viaggio alla città medievale di Château-Landon su due ruote! Realizzata dall'Ufficio del Turismo di Château-Landon, questa avventura in bicicletta promette una fuga panoramica dalla principale rotta Scandibérique. Un semplice deviazione di 3 km svela la grandiosità storica e le scene pittoresche di questo Villaggio di Carattere. Promettendoti un'esperienza gastronomica arricchente con le sue prelibatezze locali e alloggi di prima classe attraverso pittoresche gîtes, la tua soddisfazione è la nostra motivazione. Immergiti nella magia del ciclismo nel tempo, dove ogni pedalata dà vita a una storia.

Dettagli del percorso ciclabile

Coprendo una distanza di 10 km, questo percorso ciclabile presenta una variazione di altitudine che raggiunge i 101 metri e le valli a 68 metri. Le variazioni positive e negative di elevazione registrate si rispecchiano precisamente a 113 metri, garantendo una pedalata equilibrata. Queste informazioni, unite all'introduzione del notevole Pont Canal di Néronville, costruiscono un itinerario che fonde alti e bassi naturali con tappe culturali.

Consigli stagionali per ciclisti

Indipendentemente dalla stagione, la tua esperienza a Château-Landon può essere indimenticabile con un po' di consigli locali. La primavera e l'autunno offrono temperature miti e colori vibranti, rendendole ideali per il ciclismo. Durante queste stagioni, assicurati di avere acqua e una giacca leggera. Il tepore dell'estate richiede la protezione solare e un'adeguata idratazione, mentre le pedalate in inverno richiedono indumenti riflettenti e strati caldi. Controlla sempre le condizioni della bicicletta prima di partire e rispetta le norme di circolazione locali per un viaggio sicuro.

Château-Landon: un patrimonio culturale

Incastonato nei ricchi paesaggi della regione dell'Île-de-France, Château-Landon vanta una profonda essenza storica. Originario dell'era medievale, questa città è stata un testimone dell'evoluzione della campagna francese. La sua classificazione come Villaggio di Carattere sottolinea la sua importanza culturale e la bellezza architettonica. Dal antico Pont Canal di Néronville alle strade tortuose fiancheggiate da edifici storici, Château-Landon racchiude l'anima della Francia medievale all'interno dei suoi confini.

Quadro climatico: Château-Landon

Château-Landon ha un clima temperato, con una varietà di modelli climatici durante le stagioni. Gli inverni sono miti, mentre le estati possono essere piacevolmente calde, rendendo la primavera fino all'inizio dell'autunno la finestra ideale per le imprese ciclistiche. Piogge leggere sono sparse durante l'anno, aggiungendo un tocco rinfrescante ai paesaggi lussureggianti. Per una visita ideale, punta ai mesi di tarda primavera, quando la campagna fiorisce, o l'inizio dell'autunno per ammirare le sfumature dorate che abbracciano il paesaggio.
Generato automaticamente.

Informazioni tecniche

Questo circuito è stato aggiornato il: 25/02/2024
10 km
30 mn
max. 101 m
min. 68 m
113 m
Stili : ScopertaIn città
Pubblico : Ciclisti
Temi : PatrimonioPasseggiata nella naturaStoria

Profilo altimetrico

Punto di partenza

66 Chemin du Moulin de Lorroy , 77570 Château-Landon
Lat : 48.154079Lng : 2.742594


image du object


Au niveau de l'aire de pique-nique, passez sur le petit pont tournez à droite sur le chemin du Moulin de Lorroy, puis à gauche rue de Pont Franc et continuez sur la rue des Martins sur 2,5 km.

66 Chemin du Moulin de Lorroy 77570 Chateau-landon
- Office de Tourisme Gatinais Val de Loing -
image du object

Étape 2

Au stop, tournez à gauche puis prenez la 2ème à droite, rue de la Ville forte qui contourne l'Abbaye Saint-Séverin. La montée est difficile. Au bout de la rue, tournez à droite rue Hetzel. A l'Office de Tourisme demandez un plan guide qui vous permettra de faire la visite de la ville de Château-Landon. Lors de nos jours de fermeture, vous trouverez le plan à l'église Notre Dame de l'Assomption qui est ouverte tous les jours de 9h à 17h. Des arceaux à vélos sont installés sur la place du Marché pour vous permettre de faire la visite en toute tranquillité. Bonne visite !

2 Rue des Martins 77570 Chateau-landon
- Office de Tourisme Gatinais Val de Loing -
image du object

Étape 3

Pour le retour, sur la place du Marché, tournez à droite ou vous avez la pharmacie, puis à gauche. Vous arrivez sur la place du Général Leclerc, tournez à gauche puis à droite rue Jean Galland.

14 Place du Marché 77570 Chateau-landon
- Office de Tourisme Gatinais Val de Loing -
image du object

Étape 4

Continuez tout droit jusqu'à la place de la République et à la rue Charles de Gaulle prenez la deuxième à gauche rue de la Tabarderie.

11 Rue Jean Galland 77570 Chateau-landon
- Office de Tourisme Gatinais Val de Loing -
image du object

Étape 5

Après le pont, tournez à gauche et longez la rivière "le Fusain" jusqu'à la route.

3 Rue de la Tabarderie 77570 Chateau-landon
- Office de Tourisme Gatinais Val de Loing -
image du object

Étape 6

Tournez à droite rue des Gauthiers. A la sortie des Gauthiers, prenez à gauche en direction de Néronville - Dordives D43.

6146 Les Gauthiers 77570 Chateau-landon
- Office de Tourisme Gatinais Val de Loing -
image du object

Étape 7

Arrivé à Néronville, rue du Pont de César, prenez la 2ème à gauche puis encore à gauche sur le chemin du Moulin de Lorroy. Tournez à droite, passez le petit pont pour reprendre la Scandibérique (EV3). Bonne route !

29-37 Rue du Pont de César 77570 Chateau-landon
- Office de Tourisme Gatinais Val de Loing -

Punti di interesse

image du object

The Neronville Canal Bridge

A nice curiosity on the Loing canal.A first canal bridge over the Charcoal was built at the beginning of the 18th century. Following the Freycinet law (1879), many structures were rebuilt. It was replaced in 1880 by the current canal bridge comprising 6 arches and measuring 12 meters.

Hameau de Lorroy 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gatinais Val de Loing -
image du object


Château-Landon: the historical capital of the Gâtinais regionLocated in the south of the Seine-et-Marne department, Château-Landon is a surprising village, built on a rocky outcrop overlooking the green valley of the Fusain river, which has earned it the nickname of "Rocamadour" of the Gâtinais. The presence of an exceptional religious and civil heritage demonstrates the prosperity of the city since the 12th century. Château-Landon was indeed a place of passage impossible to circumvent because of its proximity with Provins, and its famous fairs. Strolling through Château-Landon is like strolling through history... As you stroll through the narrow streets, you will discover the ramparts, the 17 wash houses and you will no doubt imagine the life of the people of Châteaulandon in the days of the washerwomen... Yes, Château-Landon is undoubtedly a village of character, an unexpected interlude that is well worth a small detour... Its history : Once the capital of the Counts of Gâtinais, it was given to the king of France in 1068 by Foulques IV le Réchin. Then, it became a royal residence: Louis VI, Louis VII, Philippe Auguste stayed there regularly. Thus, since the 6th century, it has been renowned as a religious and pilgrimage site. According to the legend, a monk named Séverin, who came from Switzerland, miraculously cured Clovis (1st Christian Frankish king), before coming here to die around the year 511. It was to honor his memory that Childebert I, the third son of Clovis, had a first basilica built around 545, which would become the great royal abbey of Saint-Séverin over the centuries. It is for this reason that many people came from far and wide to venerate the relics of the Saint. Thus, thanks to its powerful abbey richly maintained by the kings of France and the popes, the city will become a very important religious center with its 17 buildings including 4 monasteries and priories. Cradle of the Plantagenet lineage... The son of Count Foulques IV, the Rechin, Foulques V, Count of Château-Landon, became the first king of the Christian kingdom of Jerusalem after the Crusades. His son Geoffroy married Matilda of England and became the head of a famous royal lineage, the "Plantagenets", which ruled England from 1154 to 1485. It is this Geoffrey who slipped a small branch of broom to his chief cover, hence the name "Plantagenet" which will make the fame of the family. A draping city... In a royal charter dating from 1381, the city is listed among the 17 "draping" cities of the kingdom. Today, we can find traces of 17 mills along the small river of Fusain, flowing at the foot of the city where the wool was spun. The city produced, in particular, "tabards", large woolen coats, whose memory arises through the name of the park of the "Tabarderie", a green space and leisure bordering the Fusain. Discovery tour of the medieval city of Château-Landon... NEW "Valorization of the heritage of Château-Landon" in Gâtinais Val-de-Loing. Come to discover the 12 tourist panels and the orientation table which decorate the discovery circuit of the medieval city of Château-Landon of 3 km. Installed recently, this set of panels aims to better inform the visitor and guide him through a brief reminder of the history of the site concerned, accompanied by visuals, plans or archive images. All you have to do now is to walk along its streets and paths to see the many treasures that the city has to offer. The little extra! If you walk along the towpath of the Scandiberique (EV3), along the Canal du Loing, you will discover a thirteenth panel telling the story of the canal bridge in Néronville.

place du Marché 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gatinais Val de Loing -
image du object

Church of Our Lady of the Assumption

A lesson in masterful medieval architecture blending Carolingian, Romanesque and Gothic styles.Expression of the prosperity and pride of the city, the 57-meter bell tower is unique in the French landscape, despite invasions, wars but also lightning and fires; it eternally erects an impressive stone silhouette of rare lightness, which the light and the wind cross ight through. This bell tower is a real architectural feat! This hybrid building brings together 4 centuries of architecture. The early novel of the 10th and 11th centuries is expressed in the central portal as well as in the pillars on the north side of the nave. The 12th century is found in the transept and the heart with superb capitals as well as in the beginning of the bell tower whose floors were not completed until the 13th and 14th centuries. The enlargement of the church in the 14th century necessitated the resumption of the south arcades of the nave allowing the widening of the south side aisle. In 1840, the Notre Dame church was listed as an historic monument.

Rue de Nemours 77570 Château-Landon
- Office de Tourisme Gatinais Val de Loing -

Autore dei dati

6 rue Hetzel 77570 Château-Landon France

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