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I luoghi antichi del piacere

I luoghi antichi del piacere
Credito : Au Salon de la rue des Moulins Toulouse-Lautrec

Il breve di Cirkwi

Scopri l'itinerario delle case del piacere nascoste di Parigi
Balades-Fluviales-An-Eala presenta un itinerario che svela una Parigi non presente nelle normali guide turistiche. Questo viaggio attraverso le storiche case del piacere della città, che una volta ronzavano negli angoli oscuri di Parigi fino al 1946, invita ora i curiosi e gli intraprendenti. Dai capricci sadomasochistici di Chez Christine alle case del desiderio discretamente segnalate, ogni passo in questo percorso sussurra storie di un'epoca parigina dedicata alla realizzazione delle fantasie carnali. Immergiti in una esplorazione in cui architettura e storie nascoste si mescolano, rivelando un lato di Parigi che prosperava sia nel segreto che nello spettacolo.

Breve panoramica tecnica
Con una distanza totale di 6,76 km, questo percorso a piedi è accessibile a persone comode con distanze moderate. Partendo da un'altitudine di 32 metri, il punto più alto raggiunge i 53 metri, introducendo una leggera ma gestibile salita. Sebbene manchino ripide salite, la variazione di altitudine offre una sfida fisica delicata mantenendo un ritmo piacevole. Con Balades-Fluviales-An-Eala come creatore, questo percorso comprende strategicamente luoghi significativi ma dispersi di interesse storico, richiedendo attenzione al ritmo e alla resistenza.

Suggerimenti stagionali per i visitatori
Le passeggiate attraverso i quartieri storici del piacere di Parigi sono attività che si svolgono durante tutto l'anno, e ogni stagione colora il percorso in diverse sfumature. La primavera e l'autunno offrono i climi più temperati, perfetti per passeggiate spensierate. L'estate, sebbene soleggiata, può portare temperature più calde, consigliando passeggiate al mattino o nel tardo pomeriggio per evitare il caldo a mezzogiorno. Gli inverni a Parigi sono generalmente freddi; vestirsi caldamente e prepararsi a possibili piogge o neve garantisce un'esperienza confortevole. Indipendentemente dalla stagione, è fondamentale indossare scarpe comode per camminare e rimanere sempre consapevoli dell'ambiente circostante, soprattutto di sera.

Parigi: Un arazzo storico
Nel cuore della Francia si trova Parigi, non solo la capitale della nazione ma anche una gemma storica di fama mondiale. Il nono arrondissement, tra gli altri, è una testimonianza di un'epoca passata di libertinaggio, segnando la rilevanza di Parigi nel campo dell'evoluzione culturale e sociale. Questo quartiere, insieme all'ottavo e al secondo, svela strati di storia in cui piacere e commercio si intrecciavano, contribuendo alla reputazione di Parigi come città della luce, dell'amore e della libertà. La loro importanza storica e culturale si estende oltre l'aspetto sensazionale, offrendo spunti sul cambiamento del volto della vita urbana e dei costumi sociali.

Considerazioni sul meteo per la tua visita
Parigi, incastonata nel cuore della Francia, gode di un clima temperato con inverni miti ed estati calde. La città registra un discreto quantitativo di piogge durante tutto l'anno, con la primavera e l'autunno che presentano una combinazione di aria fresca e frizzante e occasionali piogge. Per coloro che pianificano di intraprendere questa passeggiata storica, i mesi di fine primavera di maggio e giugno o il periodo di inizio autunno di settembre e ottobre offrono le condizioni climatiche più confortevoli. Durante questi periodi, le temperature miti e le minori probabilità di pioggia creano condizioni ideali per esplorare i vicoli nascosti di Parigi e i segreti storici a piedi.
Generato automaticamente.

Informazioni tecniche

Questo circuito è stato aggiornato il: 21/02/2024
6.8 km
1 h 30 mn
1 h
max. 53 m
min. 31 m

Profilo altimetrico

Punto di partenza

75009 Paris
Lat : 48.87959Lng : 2.3391

Punti di interesse

image du object


The building was created in 1837. It place once reserved for sadomasochism. Mistress Christine received his clientele, whip in hand, whip marked with his name. The neo-Gothic façade always visible, hidden rooms equipped with irons, chains, gibbet, easels, a complete arsenal for amateur thrill. "Nothing is missing" said one of the house

9 Rue de Navarin 75009 Paris
- Balades-Fluviales-An-Eala -
image du object


Nothing appears on the beautiful white facade of the building. Found on the ground floor a theater was that of Adolphe Sax, inventor of the saxophone. And discovers a staircase representation of the removal of a Sabine, she is naked, and a little further a sculpture of women dressed in ancient. It was a high-end brawdy-house. During the Second World War, it was reserved for German officers, as five other brawdy-houses in Paris: Les Beautiful Hens, The Sphinx, The Chabanais and The One-Two-Two

50 Rue Saint-Georges 75009 Paris
- Balades-Fluviales-An-Eala -
image du object


The house opens around 1857 it will be held by the most famous madam of his time: The Farcy who will end his life as lady and benefactress of the city of Montargis. Toulouse-Lautrec's will meet her very often. The restaurants "with office" (private room) frequently sent emissaries seek professional women to spice dinners for good society. The building no longer exists, but the memory of its founder in fact a mandatory step of our pilgrimage.

29 Rue Joubert 75009 Paris
- Balades-Fluviales-An-Eala -
image du object


The former mansion of Prince Murat in 1924 became a bawdy-house. Modest beginning, the company took off; the house will have 22 rooms (the hayloft, the torture chamber, the Egyptian room, the car of the Orient Express, etc .... It practiced a trip around the world erotic pleasures. Women were superb and the restaurant was excellent. It received all the celebrities of the moment and who wanted to be seen. It was with the Sphinx and the Chabanais one of the institutions the most luxurious and most famous of his time: in 1938, 60 girls, 300 visitors and 150 bottles of Champagne per day. Requisitioned for the officers of the German army, it will become a place of relaxation for the Gestapo and the quislings. In 1946 the building will be sold to the National Business Association of Hides and Skins France, the furniture is auctioned. The building is quite banal, nothing remains of the institution receiving the finest pre-war French society and international.

122 Rue de Provence 75009 Paris
- Balades-Fluviales-An-Eala -
image du object


The building dates from 1700. The Mills House, also called White Flower, hosted the painter Toulouse-Lautrec, he occupied a room in the year, he had set up his studio and there has made many of his canvases on which you can see the decor places (the salon of the rue des Moulins, These ladies refectory, The sofa, etc). He has decorated with a fresco the toilet 2nd floor. The place was known for its Gothic-inspired room, it would be practiced black masses. The Païva’s bed, a famous courtesan of the nineteenth century adorned one of the rooms. It was a famous luxury hotel for its torture chamber. He was also requisitioned for the German general staff. Its contents were auctioned in 1946 but the collective unconscious has probably preserved traces of its existence because the price per square meter is much higher in this building than in neighboring buildings.

6 Rue des Moulins 75001 Paris
- Balades-Fluviales-An-Eala -
image du object


Opened in 1878 as the One Two Two, this received only the cream of international society, kings, officials, artists (including Marlene Dietrich). The client entered a cave, there were waterfalls. It was on the first floor the living room called "Le Salon Pompeii decorated with mirrors and Roman sofas and with frescoes. The rest is up to the rider. At the Universal Exhibition of 1900, the home received an award for its Japanese room. His most loyal customer was the future King Edward VII of England, he has in the Hindu room his own bathtub made in copper with a mermaid with big breasts at the front (he filled with champagne) and chair of pleasure. The base price of a benefit was 100 francs (500 euros). The brawdy-house became an office building, but the marble staircase and the wrought iron doors of the two stairs are always there. We discover in front of the store 12 " Au Bonheur du Jour, a gallery dedicated to the history of eroticism.

12 Rue Chabanais 75002 Paris
- Balades-Fluviales-An-Eala -
image du object


By itself rue Blondel was a long time a jewel of street prostitution. At the 32, The Beautiful Hens were an institution of very good quality, popular for his "tableaux vivants”: "the distraught nun" or "the awaking bride". The decor was one of the most remarkable of the whole Paris, there were some mosaics of red earthenware, they are now classified but difficult to access. Only a mosaic portrait still stays in the entrance, the staircase has retained its elegance. The most other mosaics were covered. If you ask the shop next door, it is sometimes possible to enter. Maybe you can see the living room and ceramic tables

32 Rue Blondel 75002 Paris
- Balades-Fluviales-An-Eala -
image du object


We visited brothels luxury that made the glory of gay Paris, they have nothing to do with the slaughter houses where poor girls brutalized by alcohol and fatigue were doing 60 sessions for a pittance. We end our tour with one of them. There were a dozen in Paris in 1938. They were reserved for the lower class people and foreign workers. Founded in 1871, The Mill Gallant also received tramps, it consisted of two parts: The Senate at a constant price of 10 francs and the Chamber of Deputies, the rate hovers around 15 francs depending on the quality of proposed choice, no room, no privacy. Right now nothing gives more to imagine what existed in this place, it became a beautiful building of good standard.

10 Rue de Fourcy 75004 Paris
- Balades-Fluviales-An-Eala -

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