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Le sponde della Marna e la casa di Charles Trenet

Le sponde della Marna e la casa di Charles Trenet
Credito : Poulpy

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Esplora Joinville-Le-Pont: Un viaggio lungo la Marne

Realizzato da Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur, questo viaggio ti immergerà in una fusione unica di bellezza naturale e fascino storico a due passi da Parigi. Mentre ti aggiri lungo le pittoresche sponde del fiume Marne, preparati ad essere affascinato da una varietà di case dalle diverse architetture, dai cottage con il tetto di paglia alle moderne opere d'arte, tutte incastonate tra rigogliosi giardini e verdi prati. Questo percorso offre più di uno sfondo pittoresco; è un passaggio per vivere la gioia serena delle attività sulle rive dell'acqua come il canottaggio, il kayak e altro ancora, mentre ti immergi nelle storie della dimora di Charles Trenet e della ricca storia del canale scritte da Charles Nodier.

Dettagli tecnici svelati

Con una lunghezza di 14.615km e un dislivello altimetrico compreso tra 30m e 44m, questo percorso presenta un leggero cambiamento di altitudine di circa 101-106 metri. Il viaggio comprende un mix equilibrato di terreni, tra percorsi asfaltati per ciclisti, jogging e pattinatori, e sentieri più vicini alla natura per gli appassionati di camminate desiderosi di sentire la brezza dell'acqua. Il percorso è stato intelligentemente progettato per offrire facilità di accesso e sfide fisiche minime, rendendolo accogliente per persone di tutte le condizioni fisiche. Evidenzia la pianificazione e l'esecuzione meticolosa che sono state impiegate nella creazione della Galleria di Saint-Maur, migliorando la navigabilità della Marne e aggiungendo uno strato storico unico alla tua avventura.

Consigli stagionali e suggerimenti per la sicurezza

Indipendentemente dalla stagione, la chiave per godersi questo percorso panoramico sta nella preparazione. In primavera e autunno, gli strati di abbigliamento sono il tuo miglior alleato dato che le temperature possono fluttuare. Durante l'estate, protezione solare e idratazione sono fondamentali, con il mattino o il tardo pomeriggio che sono l'ideale per evitare l'afa di mezzogiorno. L'inverno ha il suo fascino con meno folla, ma è essenziale vestirsi bene. Per quanto riguarda la sicurezza, il percorso è adatto a tutte le età; tuttavia, è consigliato mantenere l'attenzione vicino ai corpi d'acqua e rimanere sui sentieri designati. Non dimenticare che il percorso è adatto a diverse attività, quindi il rispetto per tutti gli utenti garantisce un'esperienza armoniosa.

Il battito culturale di Joinville

Joinville-le-Pont, una gemma incastonata nella regione dell'Île-de-France, è una testimonianza della relazione simbiotica tra i parigini e il fiume Marne. Nel corso dei secoli, è fiorita da un punto di attraversamento strategico in una comunità vivace e ricca di significato culturale e storico. L'impresa ingegneristica della Galleria di Saint-Maur nel 1825 ha notevolmente incrementato l'appeal della zona, rendendola una rinomata meta per i pittori impressionisti, celebri poeti come Charles Nodier e il leggendario Charles Trenet. Questo itinerario non ti guida solo lungo un percorso panoramico, ma ti invita a percorrere i sentieri leggendari che hanno plasmato l'anima di questa regione.

Informazioni climatiche per una visita perfetta

Il clima a Joinville-le-Pont è generalmente temperato, caratterizzato da estati miti e inverni freschi. Il periodo più piacevole per intraprendere questo viaggio è tra la fine della primavera e l'inizio dell'autunno, da maggio a settembre, quando il clima è caldo e il rischio di pioggia è minimo. Questo periodo permette di apprezzare appieno le acque tranquille della Marne e l'ambiente lussureggiante e vibrante. Tuttavia, per coloro che cercano tranquillità lontano dalla folla, una giornata invernale fresca e soleggiata può offrire un'esperienza serena e introspettiva, anche se con l'aggiunta di alcuni strati extra per il calore.
Generato automaticamente.

Informazioni tecniche

Questo circuito è stato aggiornato il: 21/02/2024
15 km
max. 44 m
min. 30 m
17 m
Stili : PasseggiataIn campagnaIn cittàInsolito
Pubblici : FamigliaAnzianiCiclisti
Temi : IncontriCulturalePatrimonio

Profilo altimetrico

Punto di partenza

94340 Joinville-le-Pont
Lat : 48.81441Lng : 2.46235


image du object

Port of Bonneuil

Managed by ports of Paris, the port of Bonneuil-sur-Marne is the second installation in importance ( 1 Mt). An east strategic platform Parisian, the container terminal benefits from infrastructures of the 2nd multimodal platform of Ile-de-France. With its 186 hectares a 8 km from Paris, the big port of the southeast of the capital offers rented, serviced industrial grounds, central reservations, premises of activities, warehouses and offices of support on 200 000 m2. It welcomes 150 companies and has a rail terminal, a real asset for the companies which choose to become established there.The container terminal river of 1,2 ha, river capacity of 25 000 EVP is harmed by the regular river lines connecting it in Havre and in Rouen via Gennevilliers. In February, 2010, on the occasion of its forty years, the autonomous port of Paris adopts a new commercial name and becomes Ports of Paris ( PDP). From the end of 2013, it participates in the economic interest group " HAROPA ", grouping the ports of Havre, Rouen and Paris.

131 Quai de la Pie 94100 Bonneuil-sur-marne
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Bridge of Joinville

The bridge, connects both banks of the Marne over the island Fanac. Several successive works of engineering existed on this site since 1205, the current work dating 1937. The bridge of Joinville knows successively several names: bridge Olin between the XIIIth and the XVIth century, the bridge of Moulins of the XVIth in the XVIIIth century, bridge of Saint-Maur of the XVIIIth at the beginning of the XIXth century. The current name of bridge of Joinville is given from 1835.

Quai Pierre Brossolette 94340 Joinville-le-pont
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -

Punti di interesse

image du object

Tunnel of Saint-Maur

Tunnel of Saint-Maur on 1809-1825: drilling of the canal. Charles Nodier, historian, member of the Académie française, describes the drilling of the canal in his New History of Paris. The purpose is there to abbreviate of three leagues the navigation on the Marne. The canal has two parts: a subterranean section of 600 meters, and open-air 500 meters. Louis Bruyère is in charge of his execution. Having cost 1 760 000 francs, it is opened to the navigation on October 10th, 1825.

Rue Henri Barbusse 94340 Joinville-le-Pont
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Bridge of Créteil

The first bridge inaugurated in 1841 emplace ancestral system of tub is a suspension bridge of a single span of uncertain reliability. To finance this work, a toll is set up until 1870. By that time, the bridge is destroyed during the French-Prussian war. A second bridge is built between 1872 and 1874 on the plans of the architect Joret. This second bridge is demolished and replaced by the current in 1962.

35 Quai du Port de Créteil 94100 Saint-Maur-des-Fossés
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Bridge of Petit Parc

Bridge of Petit Parc called also Bridge of Saint-Maur is a road bridge which crosses the Marne and connects the municipality of Saint-Maur-des-Fossés (on the right bank) with the left bank in the limits of the municipalities of Joinville-le-Pont and Champigny-sur-Marne. It is a metallic work of two symmetric spans of 46 meters trained each of five parallel bows.

Quai du Petit Parc 94100 Saint-Maur-des-Fossés
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Bridge of Chennevières

The bridge of Chennevières is a road bridge which allows to cross the Marne between Saint-Maur-des-Fossés and Chennevières-sur-Marne.

Pont de Chennevières 94210 Chennevières-sur-Marne
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Bridge of Champigny

The bridge of Champigny is a road bridge which crosses the Marne in the location of the Island of the Drinking trough and connects the municipalities of Champigny-sur-Marne and Saint-Maur-des-Fossés. The current work is built between 1930 and 1934. It is trained by two beton bridges armed established each of two bows articulated in the 35 and 60 meter births. They are connected by an intermediate viaduct of 32 meters, also concrete, situated on the island of the island of l'Abreuvoir..

Pont de Champigny 94500 Saint-Maur-des-Fossés
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Island Fanac

The island Fanac counted, in 1999, 98 inhabitants on 3,9 hectares (119 in 1990). She was partially urbanized from the end of the xixe century and shelters about forty buildings. Having been reserved for a long time for the agriculture, she keeps another natural character. Indeed, although the bridge of Joinville the crossbar, it harms her only by a staircase accessible to the pedestrians, completed by an elevator installed in 2010. Situated in flood-risk area, the island Fanac may be covered by waters during the floods of the Marne. The island Fanac is a site protected by an order of the prefect of September 3rd, 1965 on the basis of the law of May 2nd, 1930 in conformance with places of interest. Artists' important proportion lives there.
 The island welcomes cultural activities (municipal Hector Berlioz music school, school of plastic arts) and sportswomen (club of canoeing Joinville Eau vive, Rowing club the Marne and Joinville). The building of the Rowing the Marne and Joinville, built in 1883, was a victim of a fire in October, 2005. Its reconstruction as before was realized in 2007. The music school is installed in the old open-air dance hall " Guinguette chez Jullien " described by the writer Émile Zola.

1-2 Chemin de l'Île Fanac 94340 Joinville-le-Pont
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Quay of Polangis

This district is completely situated on the old Park of the castle of Polangis, provided gradually with the end of 19 ° century until 1929.
 In 2012, the inhabitants of this part(party) trained an association " Réunissons Polangis ", to ask for their fastening with the municipality of Joinville-le-Pont, historic and unique cradle of the district of Polangis, and so reunite the whole district on the location of the old park of the castle of Polangis. A petition collecting 411 inhabitants on 700 asked expressly for this fastening: the association put down as such, in April, 2013, a file in the Prefecture of Val-de-Marne. After the municipal elections of March, 2014, the Prefect will engage the procedure of fastening. This site possesses the famous open-air dance hall " Chez Gégène ", the "Petit Robinson" (neglected for several years, in the course of rehabilitation and of enlargement since April, 2013) and the old open-air dance hall become "Pomme d'Api" restoring of the ANAS (association of the national police force). This place is steeped in history. The linen produced on the lands of the Brie was of use to the Middle Ages to make fibers for clothes and to produce some oil for the food and the lighting. In the xiie century, a tub allows the passage of the Marne, in the current location of the bridge of Joinville. In 1205, the monks of the abbey of Saint-Maur build the first bridge on the Marne to connect their lands of Portus Longini, who will become Poulangis (xixe century) then Polangis. A tub is created to connect the district in Nogent-sur-Marne: it existed to 1970s. The small arm of Polangis, also called river or canal of Polangis or the same brook of Polangis, is an artificial channel dug in 1886 and 1.500 meters long, to sell better the surrounding plots of land to the Parisians followers of the boating. Then the flood of 1910, considered since as a centennial floods, the Marne reinstalls in its old alluvial plain and both thirds of the district of Polangis are covered with water. The floods of 1924 flood again the district.

24 Quai de Polangis 94340 Joinville-le-Pont
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

The building-reservoir

We nickname it the house of the Pump. Why? Because the architect Emile Locqueville integrated into this construction of 1913 the disused constructed reservoir there half a century earlier by Caffin to feed with water his lot of Varenne. Flooded in the middle of machicolation and of turrets, the monster is above suspicion. Cunning and esthetic.

94 Promenade des Anglais 94210 Saint-Maur-des-Fossés
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

The cube of the " melodious madman " - "Le cube du fou chantant"

" I like the Marne, it rests me of the stage ", said funnily Charles Trenet. Keen on houses - besides his family property of Narbonne, he will possess two others in Antibes and in Perpignan, as well as a castle in Aix-en-Provence, an apartment to Nogent-on the Marne and a duplex in Canet-en-Roussillon - the " melodious madman " also lived in Varenne, in front of the island of Amour. Encouraged by its friend Cocteau, Trenet acquired, in the 1930s, this "concrete cube" which he occupied (partially with her mother) during fifty years. He found the inspiration of numerous melodies there and sang the lifestyle to Saint-Maur all over the world, as shown by the text " to See again Paris ". Not far from the property, a sculpture pays tribute to the artist. At the foot of the work, the bronze hat is a molding of one of its felt-tips.

91 Quai Winston Churchill 94210 Saint-Maur-des-Fossés
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -

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