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Le stemma di Parigi « Fluctuat nec mergitur »

Le stemma di Parigi « Fluctuat nec mergitur »
Le stemma di Parigi « Fluctuat nec mergitur »
Le stemma di Parigi « Fluctuat nec mergitur »
Credito : Bluebear2

Il breve di Cirkwi

Scopri Parigi: Un Viaggio Storico Attraverso i Suoi Simboli
Come scrittore di una rivista di viaggi, sono entusiasta di presentarti un viaggio unico creato da Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur, che promette una esplorazione intima del ricco patrimonio di Parigi attraverso i suoi simboli iconici e le sue insegne. Questo viaggio non si tratta solo di ripercorrere i passi; si tratta di scoprire l'essenza dello spirito indomito di Parigi, ancorato al suo famoso motto "Fluctuat nec mergitur". Mentre ci immergiamo nei pittoreschi paesaggi e nelle meraviglie architettoniche che hanno resistito alla prova del tempo, scopriremo una narrazione di resilienza, prestigio ed onore incrollabile che il motivo della città racchiude. Unisciti a noi per vivere una fetta diversa di Parigi, lontano dai percorsi turistici ben battuti.

Un Viaggio di Caratteristiche Distintive
Questo itinerario meticolosamente elaborato da Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur si estende per circa 12,92 km, spostandosi da altitudini di 63 metri a minimi di 27 metri con una leggera variazione altimetrica che segnala un'escursione relativamente agevole che la maggior parte delle persone troverebbe gestibile. Il progetto accurato garantisce un flusso senza soluzione di continuità da un punto di riferimento all'altro senza sforzi superflui. I cambiamenti di altitudine positiva previsti oscillano tra i 109 e i 107 metri, indicando un'andatura dolce adatta a partecipanti di tutte le età, rendendolo un viaggio tecnicamente accessibile attraverso il cuore storico di Parigi.

Orientamenti Stagionali per gli Esploratori di Parigi
Ogni stagione a Parigi offre una scenografia unica per questo viaggio emblematico. In primavera, la città fiorisce, offrendo un contesto pittoresco ideale per l'esplorazione. L'estate porta giornate più lunghe, ma anche affluenza turistica maggiore; si consigliano visite di prima mattina o di tarda serata. L'autunno dipinge la città con tonalità calde, perfette per passeggiate rilassanti, mentre l'inverno, sebbene più freddo, spesso offre giornate più limpide. Indipendentemente dalla stagione, è imprescindibile indossare scarpe comode da passeggio e prepararsi sempre per le imprevedibili piogge della città con un ombrello o un impermeabile per garantire un'esplorazione piacevole ed ininterrotta.

Il Cuore della Storia e della Cultura Francese
Parigi, nella sua essenza, non è solo la capitale della Francia ma il fulcro della sua evoluzione storica e culturale, profondamente intrecciata con l'identità della nazione. La città, storicamente un centro per studiosi, artisti e rivoluzionari, vanta un'eredità che si estende per secoli. Gli stemmi e i simboli che incontrerai racchiudono storie di resilienza, rivoluzione e rinascita che hanno plasmato non solo la città ma anche la nazione. Mentre percorriamo questo percorso, non stiamo solo ammirando meraviglie architettoniche, ma stiamo entrando in una narrazione viva e pulsante di ingegno e spirito umano che continua ad influenzare il mondo.

Informazioni Meteo per l'Avventuriero Parigino
Il clima di Parigi è prevalentemente oceanico, caratterizzato da inverni miti e estati piacevolmente calde, rendendolo una destinazione da visitare tutto l'anno. Tuttavia, il momento migliore per intraprendere questo viaggio emblematico sarebbe durante la primavera (da marzo a maggio) o l'autunno (da settembre a novembre). In questi periodi le temperature sono generalmente miti e ci sono meno turisti, offrendo un'esperienza più rilassata della ricca trama di storia e cultura della città. Controlla sempre le previsioni del tempo prima del tuo viaggio, poiché Parigi è nota per le sue piogge impreviste, indipendentemente dalla stagione.
Generato automaticamente.

Informazioni tecniche

Questo circuito è stato aggiornato il: 21/02/2024
13 km
max. 63 m
min. 27 m
41 m


Stili : PasseggiataIn cittàInsolito
Pubblici : FamigliaEscursionisti occasionaliAnzianiAdolescentiCiclisti
Temi : CulturalePatrimonioTurismo della memoria

Profilo altimetrico

Punto di partenza

75004 Paris
Lat : 48.856414Lng : 2.3517394


image du object

Blazon sculptured by the swimming pool of Butte-aux-Cailles

Blazon sculptured in pediment of the swimming pool of Butte-aux-Cailles one of the most old swimming pools of Paris. Fed by an artésien well conceived by François Arago, giving access to a water in 28 °C since 1893, the swimming pool was conceived by the architect Louis Bonnier and built between 1922 and 1924 in addition of ancient public baths dating 1908. The sanitary considerations and of hygiene, news in this time, were taken into account, with for example the passage obliged by the bathers by showers and pédiluve. The facade of the swimming pool is in red bricks, unusual material in Paris for this type of établisement, in a style Art nouveau. It is registered in conformance with ancient memorials since an order of July 31st, 1990.

3 Place Paul Verlaine 75013 Paris-13e-arrondissement
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Blazon of square Marie-Curie

Blazon of Paris decorating the plate of name of the public garden Marie-Curie. This public garden pays tribute to the scientist Marie Curie. It extends over a surface of 4 091 m2 and was fitted out in 1931. The plates of name of Paris have of the different styles is uniform as a rule within a district or within a locality. They are normally accompanied in plates indicating the numbering of every building in the way. Street plates can be made in any sorts of materials: metal, stone, ceramic, etc.

47 Boulevard de l'Hôpital 75013 Paris-13e-arrondissement
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Blazon of the street de la Banque

Blazon, 12, rue de la Banque. This street, possessed the former south-north branch of the passage of Youngs-fathers, opened in 1779, through the hotel Broth. This branch is extended in 1844 up to the place de la Bourse. At first named rue Percée, it takes its current name, because beginning in front of the hotel of Toulouse, the siege of the Bank of France. In N 5 of the street is a commemorative tablet of the place of death of Louis Antoine de Bougainville. In N 8 of the street is the City hall of the 2nd district of Paris. On November 16th, 1943, the Gestapo arrested, on denunciation, Jacques Bidaut, General Secretary of the city hall there. This one supplied false papers, ration coupons, virgin official documents to diverse groups of Resistance fighters. He dies to the camp of Neuengamme, on December 4th, 1944. Just opposite, of N ° 9 - 13, the old Hotel of the Stamp and the Recording, imposing building which we owe to the architect Victor Baltard, who sheltered until 1974 the last big industrial activity of the district.

11 Rue de la Banque 75002 Paris-2e-arrondissement
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -

Punti di interesse

image du object

Facade dressed by the Hôtel de Ville (City hall)

The facade, of style neorevival, is widely inspired by that of the disappeared building. It is ornamented by striking persons of the city of Paris, artists, scholars, politicians, manufacturers. The former city hall enlarged under Louis-Philippe had already been decorated with statues in foot representing the illustrious men of the capital. They were destroyed for the greater part during the Municipality of Paris. After the reconstruction of the City hall, in more important dimensions, new statues, much more numerous, are commanded to decorate facades and inner courtyards.

2 Place de l'Hôtel de ville 75004 Paris
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Coats of arms of Paris of the station Hôtel de Ville

Coats of arms of Paris on the wall of the station Hôtel de Ville of the line 1 of the subway. Blazon situated under the street of Rivoli and under the street of Renard, in the 4th district of Paris. In 2004, it was the fourteenth station the most frequented by the network. Near the access to the quays of the line 1, a patch commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of the gréve of 3000 agents of the Company of the Underground of Paris on August 16th, 1944.

66 Rue de Rivoli 75004 Paris
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Blazon sculptured on the school Telecom Paris

Blazon of Paris sculptured on the school of the street of the Providence. Formerly superior national School of telecommunications, Telecom Paris and College of telegraphy, it is engineers' French, non-specialized public grande école in the field of the information technologies of the communication based in 1878. The street of the Providence is a way opened in 1895 and is so mentioned by a local owner, Mr Guilbey.

49-51 Rue Barrault 75013 Paris
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Blazon, with oars on the school of the street Damesme

Blazon, with oars, on the school of the street Damesme. The street Damesme, is a way, known about the xviie century on the municipality of Gentilly under the name of old road of Lyon, it is incorporated into 1863 in the city of Paris during the annexation of the zone. In 1876, it is connected by the opening of a new section with the street of Tolbiac during the percement of this last one and takes the name of the brigadier Édouard Adolphe Déodat Marie Damesme ( 1807-1848 ) which was lethally damaged during the attack of the Pantheon of Paris during the Days of June, 1848.

1-5 Rue Damesme 75013 Paris
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Blazon of the school Estienne

Blazon situated over the railing of entrance of the school Estienne, the common naming of the College of the arts and the graphic industries ( ESAIG), is a superior educational establishment. It forms young creators in the professions by the printing office, by the design of communication and by the art professions of the book. It is on proposition of the anthropologist and the linguist Abel Hovelacque that the city of Paris adopts in 1887 the project of creation of a professional municipal school of arts and graphic industries. It has for object the professional training of the professions by the book, in all their practical and theoretical aspects. Its purpose was to mitigate the sub-qualification in this infant industry. Paris was considered as the capital of the printing office and as an important example of the public politics of professional training at the beginning of the IIIth Republic. By creating this school, the City Council of Paris provoked a general outcry in the autonomous and corporate environment that was the book-related industry.

36-38 Rue Abel Hovelacque 75013 Paris
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Blazon of the viaduct of Austerlitz

Blazon decorating the viaduct of Austerlitz, line 5 of the subway, on the Seine. The viaduct of Austerlitz is a railroad bridge which crosses the Seine. It is registered ancient memorial. The decoration of the viaduct of Austerlitz was confided to Jean Camille Formigé, also loaded with the architecture of the superstructures of the Paris metro. He made up it of diverse marine symbols (fishes, reams, anchors, tridents). The weapons of Paris are present at the bottom of bows. The passage of the subway between both stations that must be made around and the navigation on the Seine forbidding the presence of pillars in the middle of the river, the project held to realize the viaduct of Austerlitz was established by two parabolic bows, resting on both sides of the river on two stony pillars, allowing the apron to cross the river without intermediate support.

74-78 Quai d'Austerlitz 75013 Paris
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Blazon of the station of Austerlitz

Blazon of the station of Austerlitz, on the window of north entrance of the line 5 of the subway. The station is reconstructed, from 1862 till 1867, by Pierre-Louis Renaud ( 1819-1897 ), chief architect of the company Paris-Orléans, with in particular the big metallic hall of a reach of 51,25 m and 280 m of length. This vast space is moreover used as workshop of hot-air balloons hanging the siege of Paris in 1870. It also builds the detached house of the departures in the North, the perpendicular building of the buffet, the detached house of the arrivals to the South, as well as the building of the administration of the railroad of Orléans in the extremity West of the hall, on the place Valhubert, in the facade style Belle Epoque. In 1900, the company of Paris-Orléans extends its line towards the center of the capital and the station of Orsay becomes the new end of the line, put into service on May 28th on the occasion of the World Fair. This monument is the object of a registration in conformance for historic monuments.

89-97 Quai d'Austerlitz 75013 Paris
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -

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