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24 km per l'Edizione 2024 2018: gare 18 Km

Il breve di Cirkwi

Esplora il Cammino della Gloria: Itinerario Olimpico di Parigi 2024

Imbarcandosi in un viaggio di 18 km attraverso il cuore e l'anima dei luoghi delle attese Olimpiadi di Parigi 2024, anche gli spiriti più sedentari possono trarne ispirazione. Realizzato con cura da FFRandonnée Seine-Saint-Denis, questo percorso non è solo una passeggiata; è un passaggio attraverso il tempo e l'ambizione, collegando il presente alla futura gloria dello sport. Girovaga attraverso Saint-Ouen, meravigliati del capolavoro architettonico de l'Île des Vannes e respira gli spazi aperti del parco Georges-Valbon. È un invito a vivere sia le ricchezze ambientali che storiche, camminando leggermente sullo stesso terreno che presto ospiterà campioni globali.

Panoramica Tecnica del Percorso

Con una distanza totale di 18,15 km, questo percorso accuratamente progettato attraversa terreni diversi, raggiungendo un'altezza massima di 61 metri e scendendo a 24 metri nel punto più basso. Il percorso presenta una salita equilibrata con un dislivello positivo e negativo totale di 55 metri ciascuno, richiedendo un livello moderato di forma fisica. Il viaggio sfida non solo il corpo, ma offre anche una prospettiva unica sui futuri luoghi delle Olimpiadi e dei Paralimpiadi, offrendo una combinazione di scorci urbani e naturali.

Consigli Stagionali per i Viaggiatori

Indipendentemente dalla stagione, questo percorso offre un fascino unico e delle sfide. In primavera, goditi la vegetazione rigogliosa e il clima temperato ideale per lunghe passeggiate. L'estate porta giorni più lunghi, perfetti per l'esplorazione; tuttavia, idratazione e protezione solare sono essenziali. Le temperature miti e i cambiamenti dei colori delle foglie rendono l'autunno uno spettacolo per gli occhi, mentre in inverno il percorso richiede maggiore cautela a causa del possibile ghiaccio. Indossa sempre scarpe da passeggio comode e controlla le previsioni del tempo prima di partire per garantire un'esperienza sicura e piacevole.

Un Viaggio Attraverso la Storia

Iniziando nella comune storicamente ricca di Saint-Denis, questo itinerario non solo teletrasporta i partecipanti ai futuri luoghi olimpici ma attraversa anche territori ricchi di storia. Saint-Denis, patria della famosa Basilica dove sono sepolti i re di Francia, è una testimonianza del passato regale della Francia. L'Île-Saint-Denis, con il suo complesso sportivo innovativo, rappresenta un simbolo di trasformazione e modernità. Questo viaggio non è solo un'impresa fisica ma un passaggio attraverso i secoli del ricco tessuto culturale e storico della Francia, sottolineando l'importanza della regione nella formazione dell'identità nazionale.

Guida Meteo per l'Esploratore

La regione ha un clima temperato, caratterizzato da inverni miti e estati calde. Le piogge sono distribuite in modo equo durante tutto l'anno, con picchi leggeri in primavera e autunno. Per un viaggio piacevole, punta alla fine della primavera o all'inizio dell'autunno, quando le temperature sono ideali per lunghe passeggiate e la possibilità di pioggia diminuisce. Indipendentemente dalla stagione, preparati sempre alla possibilità di improvvisi cambiamenti del tempo e porta l'attrezzatura adatta per garantire una memorabile e piacevole esplorazione di questo percorso verso le Olimpiadi del 2024.

Generato automaticamente.

Informazioni tecniche

Questo circuito è stato aggiornato il: 21/02/2024
18 km
4 h 30 mn
max. 61 m
min. 24 m
55 m


Stili : EscursionismoScoperta
Pubblici : Escursionisti occasionaliEscursionisti esperti
Temi : CulturalePatrimonio

Profilo altimetrico

Punto di partenza

12 Rue Francis de Pressensé , 93210 Saint-Denis
Lat : 48.9198Lng : 2.3619


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Reach Fratellini Academy

From the RER B station take the avenue towards the Stade de France, then left the avenue Francis de Préssensé. Continue towards the RER D station, rue des cheminots, reach the reception point to the acedemie Fratellini.

7456 Rue Francis de Pressensé 93210 Saint-denis
- FFRandonnee Seine-Saint-Denis -
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To Château de Saint-Ouen

Follow rue des Cheminots, rue du Landy, and after rue Émile Cordon up to Saint-Ouen City Hall.Take rue Albert Dhalenne, opposite the City Hall, pass in front of the Château de Saint-Ouen. WC available at park entrance.

25 Rue des Cheminots 93210 Saint-denis
- FFRandonnee Seine-Saint-Denis -
image du object

To Pleyel Tower

Cross over Saint-Ouen bridge, turn left onto quai Chatelier Prolongé, bypass the sports complex, the JOP site – site for Paris Olympic Games 2024. Turn right onto boulevard Marcel Paul, Saint-Ouen bridge , rue du Landy, take rue Saint-Denis on the left. In the Vieux Saint-Ouen, pass in front of the church, great view point from the esplanade on the banks of the Seine. The olympic village will be set up on rue Ampère on your left. Site JOP 2024 – Paris Olympic Games. Pass in front of the Cité du Cinema, take the allée de Seine on the right to reach the Tour Pleyel – Pleyel Tower.

14 Rue Albert Dhalenne 93400 Saint-ouen
- FFRandonnee Seine-Saint-Denis -
image du object

To Parc de la Légion d'Honneur

From Pleyel, depart here for 13 km, continue onto the Stade de France, Site JOP 2024 -Paris Olympic Games, paying particular attention to the road markings, be careful, there are several pedestrian crossings. Go over the mail de l'Ellipse in front of the Stade de France, cross over the footbridge and make your way to the Parc de la Légion d'Honneur.

Carrefour Pleyel 93200 Saint-denis
- FFRandonnee Seine-Saint-Denis -
image du object

To the Basilica

Cross through Parc de la Légion d'Honneur on the left, exit and take rue Haguette opposite, turn right on rue de la Légion d'Honneur, turn left onto rue des Carmélites, right onto rue Gabriel Péri, and after, rue de la Boulangerie and rue du Cygne.

46 Avenue Paul Vaillant Couturier 93200 Saint-denis
- FFRandonnee Seine-Saint-Denis -
image du object

To The Parc Georges-Valbon

From the Basilica, depart here for 10 km, follow rue de Strasbourg, Bld Lénine and then la Levée de la Vieille Mer to arrive at Marville sports park. Site JOP 2024 – Site Paris Olympic Games 2024. Go into the park via the swimming pool entrance, go down the road turning left to arrive at the Montjoie entrance of Parc Georges-Valbon.

1 Rue de la Légion d'Honneur 93200 Saint-denis
- FFRandonnee Seine-Saint-Denis -
image du object

To the Maison Glissant

From here, opposite the horse-riding centre, follow the markings for PR 5, pass by the waterfalls, the meadow, the Haricot pond, the pont des Iris (Bridge) and the belevedere to reach the village fair at the maison Glissant. Enjoy Festive and sportive activities with the challenge « Nordic walking » Nordic 93 ».

Avenue Roger Salengro 93120 La courneuve
- FFRandonnee Seine-Saint-Denis -

Punti di interesse

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1 Boulevard Marcel Paul 93450 L'Île-Saint-Denis
- FFRandonnee Seine-Saint-Denis -
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Stade De France

The Stade de France (French pronunciation: ​[stad də fʁɑ̃s]) is the national stadium of France, located just north of Paris in the commune of Saint-Denis. Its seating capacity of 81,338 makes it the sixth-largest stadium in Europe. The stadium is used by the France national football team and French rugby union team for international competition. The Stadium is also the tenth-largest stadium in the world, and the largest in Europe for track and field events, seating 78,338 in that configuration. Despite that, the stadium's running track is mostly hidden under the football pitch, as no major track events have been held there regularly since 2017, when Meeting de Paris returned to Stade Sébastien Charléty after 19 years. The European Athletics Championships will be held there in August 2020. Originally built for the 1998 FIFA World Cup, the stadium's name was recommended by Michel Platini, head of the organising committee. On 12 July 1998, France defeated Brazil 3–0 in the 1998 FIFA World Cup Final contested at the stadium. It will host the opening and closing ceremonies and the athletics events at the 2024 Summer Olympics. Stade de France, listed as a Category 4 stadium by UEFA, hosted matches at the 1998 FIFA World Cup, the UEFA Champions League finals in 2000 and 2006, and the 1999 and 2007 Rugby World Cup, making it the only stadium in the world to have hosted both a Football World Cup final and a Rugby World Cup final. The facility also hosted the Race of Champions auto race in 2004, 2005, and 2006. The stadium hosted the 2003 World Championships in Athletics and since 1999 it has hosted the annual Meeting Areva athletics meet. It also hosted some matches at UEFA Euro 2016, including the 2016 final, where France lost to Portugal 1-0 after extra-time. Domestically, the Stade de France serves as a secondary home facility of Parisian rugby clubs Stade Français and Racing Métro 92, hosting a few of their regular-season fixtures. The stadium also hosts the main French domestic cup finals, which include the Coupe de France (both football and rugby), Coupe de la Ligue, Challenge de France, and the Coupe Gambardella, as well as the Top 14 rugby union championship match. From : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/stade_de_france

23 Avenue Jules Rimet 93200 Saint-Denis
- FFRandonnee Seine-Saint-Denis -
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Basilica Saint-Denis

The Basilica of Saint Denis (French: Basilique royale de Saint-Denis, or simply Basilique Saint-Denis) is a large medieval abbey church in the city of Saint-Denis, now a northern suburb of Paris. The building is of unique importance historically and architecturally as its choir, completed in 1144, shows the first use of all of the elements of Gothic architecture. The site originated as a Gallo-Roman cemetery in late Roman times. The archeological remains still lie beneath the cathedral; the people buried there seem to have had a faith that was a mix of Christian and pre-Christian beliefs and practices.Around 475 St. Genevieve purchased some land and built Saint-Denys de la Chapelle. In 636 on the orders of Dagobert I the relics of Saint Denis, a patron saint of France, were reinterred in the basilica. The relics of St-Denis, which had been transferred to the parish church of the town in 1795, were brought back again to the abbey in 1819. The basilica became a place of pilgrimage and the burial place of the French Kings with nearly every king from the 10th to the 18th centuries being buried there, as well as many from previous centuries. (It was not used for the coronations of kings, that function being reserved for the Cathedral of Reims; however, French Queens were commonly crowned there.) "Saint-Denis" soon became the abbey church of a growing monastic complex. In the 12th century the Abbot Suger rebuilt portions of the abbey church using innovative structural and decorative features. In doing so, he is said to have created the first truly Gothic building.[3] The basilica's 13th-century nave is the prototype for the Rayonnant Gothic style, and provided an architectural model for many medieval cathedrals and abbeys of northern France, Germany, England and a great many other countries. The abbey church became a cathedral in 1966 and is the seat of the Bishop of Saint-Denis. Although known as the "Basilica of St Denis", the cathedral has not been granted the title of Minor Basilica by the Vatican. From : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/basilica_of_st_denis

- FFRandonnee Seine-Saint-Denis -
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53 Avenue Roger Salengro 93120 La Courneuve
- FFRandonnee Seine-Saint-Denis -

Autore dei dati

1Ter Place des martyrs de la Résistance et de la Déportation 93110 Rosny-sous-Bois France

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