Pierre & Marie are on holiday on the Sud Vendée Littoral, Marie headed out to La Faute-sur-Mer to find a fun activity to do in the resort town. Pierre needs to go and meet Marie, but all he can remember is Marie saying “it slides or it rolls” before she left, but he doesn’t really remember.Help Pierre find Marie so they can have fun together. You’ll discover lot’s of leisure activitiesthat you can enjoy in the locality of La Faute-sur-Mer, certain are accessible all-year-round and others from April to October. This adventure was created by the Sud Vendée Littoral’s tourist office.Look all around and be carefull, watch-out for cars when crossing the roads. Get your roller skates on, your skateboard, your scooter, your trainers, your cap and go to the park carpark to start the adventure.Ok, let’s go?!
Un parcours Baludik est un jeu de piste géolocalisé accessible gratuitement depuis votre smartphone : aidez-vous des indices à disposition pour résoudre les énigmes et découvrir ou redécouvrir le territoire.
Office de tourisme Vendée du Sud