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Les Crêtes - Torraz - Christomet - N°12

Les Crêtes - Torraz - Christomet - N°12

Informaciones técnicas

Este circuito fue actualizado el: 26/04/2024
3 km
40 mn
max. 1924 m
min. 1731 m
115 m
Público : Suitable for beginners

Perfil altimétrico

Punto de partida

72 Place du Croisse Baulet , 73590 La Giettaz
Lat : 45.861843Lng : 6.53257

Puntos de interés

image du object

Les Portes du Mont Blanc - La Giettaz

72 place du Croisse-Baulet 73590 La Giettaz
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
image du object

Ruta de raquetas de nieve : Pierrot du Col

Départ Gare d'arrivée Télécabine du Jaillet 74120 Megève
- Mairie de Megève -
image du object

Itinerario Esquí de Senderismo:Cabane des Frasses

Départ parking fin de la route du Jaillet - poursuite de l'itinéraire 5 (L'Elise Allais) 74120 Megève
- Mairie de Megève -
image du object

Itinerario Esquí de Senderismo:Chez Fernand

Départ parking de la Fouettaz 74120 Demi-Quartier
- Mairie de Megève -
image du object

Snow showing Itinerary: L'Elise Allais

One of the 7 marked snowshoe hiking routes throughout the Portes du Mont-Blanc area. 40 min (estimated time given as an indication) .2.5km long. Departure from the Frasses car park to the top of the Jaillet gondola.Combloux village and its ski area "Les Portes du Mont Blanc" offers already a large choice of alpine disciplines... And now they are going one step (or slide!) further by offering to mountain fanatics new snow showing paths! - La Crève Cœur (5.8km long, 784m ascents) From the Bouchet car park, go up along the "Pinson" ski run. Cross the road and continue up the "Baghera" ski slope before joining the snowshoeing track under Beauregard chairlift. At the crossroads, turn right for a beautiful climb in the forest before crossing two slopes. Once back in the forest, keep going upwards until you reach the Plaine Joux plateau, then climb along the slope. Your are at La Croix panoramic viewpoint. Continue until you reach the top of Pertuis chairlift. Your are at the highest point of Combloux. Enjoy the stunning panorama including a spectacular view of Mont Blanc before going back down by one of Combloux ski slopes. When to go? All day long...from the slopes opening to their closing. And to go back down? Several slopes possible: the blue slope 'La Croix' for a last forest journey, the red run 'Les Ambourzalles' for sliding pleasure, or if you are playful, you could also be tempted by the 'Blaireau' black slope.....or even the Boarder cross! Where can I rent touring skis ? In any sports shop of the resort! Do not hesitate to ask for advice, our salers will be glad to help you! Mabboux Sport / Marin Sport 2000 les Pistes / Riding zone/ Ski and bike What if I am a beginner? Contact the French Ski School (ESF) to discover the joys of ski touring with a professional at your side. Want to go higher or further? Ski touring pass 13€. One way up Beauregard, Pertuis and Jouty chairlifts to reach Croisse-Baulet, an off-piste, not secured and not marked itinerary. The presence of a ski instructor or a mountain guide is highly recommended, particularly when considering an excursion into an 'off-piste' area. Pay close attention to the snow conditions and weather forecasts. Do not forget to take with you an avalanche transceiver (Arva in french), a snow shovel and a probe. Before going, tell someone where you are planning to go. In mountain, each detail has its own importance. Even if the Crève Cœur itinerary is marked, secured and in an area where the avalanche risk is non-existent, make sure you have all the necessary equipment in your backpack. When you are climbing along ski slopes, please stick to the right hand side, and be aware of those around you.

Fin de la route du Jaillet (fin de la route déneigée) Parking des Frasses 74120 Megève
- Mairie de Megève -
image du object

Itinerario Esquí de Senderismo:La Charlotte

821 route de la télécabine du Jaillet Départ parking gare télécabine du Jaillet 74120 Megève
- Mairie de Megève -
image du object

Itinerario Esquí de Senderismo:La Ravine à Claudius

Départ à la ferme de Beauregard 74920 Combloux
- Office du Tourisme de Combloux -
image du object

Zona de esquí de senderismo

12 rutas de esquí de senderismo señalizado en toda la zona de las Puertas del Mont Blanc.Lejos de las tranquilas pistas de esquí alpino, en un entorno protegido, podrá disfrutar con seguridad de rutas señalizadas dedicadas al esquí de senderismo. Verdadero deporte de plena naturaleza y libertad en un marco grandioso. Algunos son comunes con las rutas raquetas y peatones. El descenso se realiza por las pistas condenadas: ya no es necesario ser un experto para probar la disciplina. Pide el plan y cualquier otra información en cajas. Rutas accesibles durante el horario de apertura del dominio de esquí. En caso de accidente, contacte con el 112. Señalización amarilla para el esquí de senderismo y señalización violeta para las raquetas. Posibilidad de acompañamiento por las escuelas de esquí presentes en el dominio esquiable. Posibilidad de alquiler de material en tiendas deportivas. Algunas de las recomendaciones son las siguientes: - Tengan el equipo adecuado. - Adapte su itinerario a sus capacidades físicas, a las condiciones meteorológicas y al tiempo de que dispone. - Usted es responsable de su propia seguridad y la de los demás. - Nunca salgas solo e informa a tu entorno de tu itinerario. - Respete la naturaleza y la tranquilidad del lugar. Los equipos de las Puertas del Mont-Blanc trabajan para los apasionados del esquí de senderismo: damage, balizamiento, seguridad, socorro si es necesario... Esta implicación de las Portes du Mont-Blanc representa una inversión consecuente y un esfuerzo de larga duración para seguir ofreciendo a los amantes de la naturaleza magníficas rutas de esquí de senderismo. Por eso se sugiere una contribución a los practicantes: 5€ por día o 50€ por temporada. Vendido en cajas solamente. Tarifa única independientemente de la categoría de edad. Se entregará un regalo por cada compra. Forfait obligatorio para acceder a los remontes. Posibilidad de comprar un paquete Combloux Rando para tomar las telesillas de Beauregard, Pertuis y Jouty (una sola subida por instalaciones). Tarifa única por día. Aparcamiento gratuito. Aparcamientos específicos dedicados a la salida del sector de Jaillet: Parking de la Fouettaz y de Maisonneuve en el municipio de Demi-Quartier.

- Office du Tourisme de Combloux -
image du object

Ski Touring Itinérary: Pierrot du Col

Come and escape...Put on your touring skis and discover the Combloux part of "Les Portes du Mont-Blanc" ski area!Combloux village and its ski area "Les Portes du Mont Blanc" offers already a large choice of alpine disciplines... And now they are going one step (or slide!) further by offering to mountain fanatics new ski touring routes! ... When to go? All day long...from the slopes opening to their closing. And to go back down? Several slopes possible: the blue slope 'La Croix' for a last forest journey, the red run 'Les Ambourzalles' for sliding pleasure, or if you are playful, you could also be tempted by the 'Blaireau' black slope.....or even the Boarder cross! What if I am a beginner? Contact the French Ski School (ESF) to discover the joys of ski touring with a professional at your side. Want to go higher or further? Ski touring pass 13€. One way up Beauregard, Pertuis and Jouty chairlifts to reach Croisse-Baulet, an off-piste, not secured and not marked itinerary. The presence of a ski instructor or a mountain guide is highly recommended, particularly when considering an excursion into an 'off-piste' area. Pay close attention to the snow conditions and weather forecasts. Do not forget to take with you an avalanche transceiver (Arva in french), a snow shovel and a probe. Before going, tell someone where you are planning to go. In mountain, each detail has its own importance. Even if the Crève Cœur itinerary is marked, secured and in an area where the avalanche risk is non-existent, make sure you have all the necessary equipment in your backpack. When you are climbing along ski slopes, please stick to the right hand side, and be aware of those around you.

Départ Gare d'arrivée Télécabine du Jaillet 74120 Megève
- Mairie de Megève -
image du object

Ski Touring Itinerary: L'Elise Allais

Come and escape...Put on your touring skis and discover the Combloux part of "Les Portes du Mont-Blanc" ski area!Combloux village and its ski area "Les Portes du Mont Blanc" offers already a large choice of alpine disciplines... And now they are going one step (or slide!) further by offering to mountain fanatics new ski touring routes! - La Crève Cœur (5.8km long, 784m ascents) From the Bouchet car park, go up along the "Pinson" ski run. Cross the road and continue up the "Baghera" ski slope before joining the snowshoeing track under Beauregard chairlift. At the crossroads, turn right for a beautiful climb in the forest before crossing two slopes. Once back in the forest, keep going upwards until you reach the Plaine Joux plateau, then climb along the slope. Your are at La Croix panoramic viewpoint. Continue until you reach the top of Pertuis chairlift. Your are at the highest point of Combloux. Enjoy the stunning panorama including a spectacular view of Mont Blanc before going back down by one of Combloux ski slopes. When to go? All day long...from the slopes opening to their closing. And to go back down? Several slopes possible: the blue slope 'La Croix' for a last forest journey, the red run 'Les Ambourzalles' for sliding pleasure, or if you are playful, you could also be tempted by the 'Blaireau' black slope.....or even the Boarder cross! Where can I rent touring skis ? In any sports shop of the resort! Do not hesitate to ask for advice, our salers will be glad to help you! Mabboux Sport / Marin Sport 2000 les Pistes / Riding zone/ Ski and bike What if I am a beginner? Contact the French Ski School (ESF) to discover the joys of ski touring with a professional at your side. Want to go higher or further? Ski touring pass 13€. One way up Beauregard, Pertuis and Jouty chairlifts to reach Croisse-Baulet, an off-piste, not secured and not marked itinerary. The presence of a ski instructor or a mountain guide is highly recommended, particularly when considering an excursion into an 'off-piste' area. Pay close attention to the snow conditions and weather forecasts. Do not forget to take with you an avalanche transceiver (Arva in french), a snow shovel and a probe. Before going, tell someone where you are planning to go. In mountain, each detail has its own importance. Even if the Crève Cœur itinerary is marked, secured and in an area where the avalanche risk is non-existent, make sure you have all the necessary equipment in your backpack. When you are climbing along ski slopes, please stick to the right hand side, and be aware of those around you.

Fin de la route du Jaillet (fin de la route déneigée) Parking des Frasses 74120 Megève
- Mairie de Megève -

Fecha y hora

  • Desde 23/12/2024 hasta 01/04/2025 desde 09:00 a 16:30
  • Desde 23/12/2025 hasta 01/04/2026 desde 09:00 a 16:30

Información adicional


Estación de esquí
En montaña
Vista panorámica

Updated by

Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly - 25/04/2024
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Open period

Del 23/12 al 01/04 de 9 a 16:30.

A reserva de buenas de condiciones de nieve y tiempo.

Type of land

Itinerario no arreglado

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