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The Loop of villages

The Loop of villages


All facets of the Val d'Arly in one small hike: traditional hamlets, farms, pastures, forests and Mont-Blanc!
DEPARTURE: Flumet / Saint-Nicolas la Chapelle Tourist Office OR Church of Saint-Nicolas La Chapelle - parking.

ROUTE: from the Tourist Office, go down to the PLAN D'EAU and then go towards LE PONT DE CHAUCISSE. From there, start the climb of Chaucisse through LES RECOURBES and CHOZALETS. In CHAUCISSE, continue to the right on the communal road by LES ROZETS and ROUTE DES MONTAGNES. Turn left towards NANT DE CHAUCISSE, the PRAZ DES SIERRES, pass under the TREU and join LES AVENIÈRES. Borrow briefly on the right the trail to BOIS DES AVENIÈRES and go down the path to the left LE TREZ, THE CRETS, THE PLAN, MARCINELLE, LES COMBES and SAINT NICOLAS CHAPEL (church). From the village, follow the municipal road on the left and join LE PRAZ, LA LANDELIÈRE and LE PONT DE CHAUCISSE. Back to the Tourist Office by the PLAN D’EAU.

- The church of Chaucisse
- View of the Val d'Arly

Technical Information

12 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

73590 Saint-Nicolas-la-Chapelle
Lat : 45.81763Lng : 6.513633

Points of interest

image du object

Tourist Office of Val d'Arly - Flumet / St Nicolas la Chapelle

In the land of Mont-Blanc, between the Aravis and Saisies passes and on the Route des Grandes Alpes, the office of the Val d'Arly Tourist Office in Flumet welcomes you all year round! Do not hesitate to visit us during your stay.Our reception service offers the following services: - registration for free/paying activities offered by the Office or its service providers - sale of goodies with the "Flumet en Fête" logo - photocopies, scanners - provision of documentation on Flumet and the surroundings of the resort - sale of Savoie fishing permits and Haute-Savoie reciprocity - sale of hiking and snowshoeing maps - sale of mountain bike cards - sale of Trail maps

- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
image du object

Saint Nicolas la Chapelle church

This baroque church dedicated to Saint Nicolas dates from the 18th century. It is remarkable for its bell tower with double lantern, its sculpted porch, its frescoes and its canopy altar. Do not miss this last ornament: it is unique in Savoie!Formerly the village was called Saint-Nicolas-de-Flumet, it was then given the name of Saint-Nicolas-la-Chapelle in memory of an old chapel dedicated to Saint Nicolas located a little higher than the current church. It was built between 1774 and 1776: the previous one threatened to fall into ruin. It was so damaged that we preferred to destroy it to rebuild a larger and airy building. Saint Nicolas is well known in the region, especially since the village of Saint-Nicolas-de-Véroce, near Saint-Gervais-les-Bains, received a very long time ago - in the 11th century - a bone from the wrist of the true Saint Nicholas, protector of children and schoolchildren. The furniture made for the new building, fortunately well preserved from the ravages of the Revolution, was increased by a few elements in the 19th century. It was then that the building was also adorned with a majestic bell tower and frescoes under its vaults. Its architectural quality and the richness of its furniture earned this church its inclusion in the supplementary inventory of Historic Monuments in 1989.

- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
image du object

Beach at Flumet's lake

The lake, situated between Albertville and Mégève, is ideal for swimming and relaxation and makes up part of the Arrondine leisure centre with its various sporting facilities and children’s play equipment. Set in a leafy corner of the area.Supervised swimming in July and August. ATTENTION: vacation centers, groups or other groups may access the lake only in the morning until 12:00 noon or after 6:00 p.m. under the condition that they have their own means of surveillance and rescue, and under their own responsibility.

- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
image du object

"Le Gâteau" - Panoramic views

Magnificent panorama of the stations of the Val d'Arly, "Croix Cartier", "Le Croisse-Baulet", "Le Mont-Blanc"... A viewpoint is available to help you locate the various summits.

- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
image du object

Chaucisse church

Large chapel or small church? The hamlet of Chaucisse was a very long walk from the parish church… especially in winter! In 1818, therefore, a chapel was erected in the village in order to be able to celebrate services… without the risk of travel.In 1815, Joachim Dumax-Baudron (1750-1828), former cook of Marshal Berthier, originally from Chaucisse, decided to bequeath a chapel and a school to his hamlet of origin. The chapel, dedicated to Saint François de Sales, was built in 1818. Ten years later, by decision of the bishop, it became a parish church. But in the 1960s, with the demographic decline, the parish was finally attached again to Saint-Nicolas-la-Chapelle. The tavaillons (wooden “tiles”) roof and painted walls of this private chapel have recently been restored. Inside, you will find furniture and decoration in which the artistic tastes of the Baroque period are expressed.

Hameau de Chaucisse 73590 Saint-Nicolas-la-Chapelle
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -

Date and time

  • From 01/06/2024 to 30/09/2024
  • From 01/06/2025 to 30/09/2025

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Updated by

Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly - 24/06/2024
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Reception conditions for animals

Dogs must be kept on a leash due to the presence of herds.

Open period

From 01/06 to 30/09.


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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾