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Mountain biking loop "la Lyricantoise"

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Discover Thrilling Biking: La Lyricantoise's Adventure in Île-de-France

Immerse yourself in the heart of Île-de-France with La Lyricantoise, an exhilarating mountain biking circuit that promises a blend of challenge and charm. Presented by the Office de Tourisme du Pays de Nemours, this route is a testament to the area's breathtaking natural wonders. Winding through scenic landscapes, it offers an unmatched biking experience, with playful, undulating singles that demand constant engagement. It's an adventure that brings you up close with nature, encouraging an encounter with the region’s lush greenery while navigating through its unique topography. Get ready to feel invigorated, embraced by the rush of adrenaline and the beauty of Larchant.

Brief Technical Overview

This mountain biking journey spans approximately 40.96 kilometers, with altitudes ranging from 68 to 126 meters. Riders are faced with a positive elevation gain fluctuating between 531 to 545 meters, showcasing the route's varied terrain. Notably, the itinerary exploits the natural undulations of the landscape, resulting in a series of exhilarating ascents and descents. The precision in these figures offers a clear glimpse into the physical demands of La Lyricantoise, underscoring the necessity for sustained effort and technical prowess to navigate this intricate circuit.

Cycling Seasonal Advice

Embarking on La Lyricantoise requires thoughtful planning, especially considering the seasonal variations in the Île-de-France region. During spring, the trail is at its most vibrant, offering cooler temperatures and lush scenery, ideal for avoiding the heat of summer. Come autumn, the forest canopy transforms, providing a breathtaking backdrop of colors that enhance the riding experience. Regardless of the season, safety gear including helmets, gloves, and goggles is essential due to the trail's narrow paths and proximity to natural hazards. Always exercise courtesy towards fellow trail users to maintain a harmonious environment for all.

Historical Richness of Larchant

Larchant, the starting point of La Lyricantoise, is steeped in historical and cultural significance within the Seine-et-Marne department. This village, nestled in the Parc Naturel du Gâtinais français, has been a beacon of natural beauty and historical pilgrimage. Its growth was significantly influenced by the renowned church that attracted pilgrims en route to Compostela. The area's decorated caves and the nature reserve of Marais de Larchant add layers of historical intrigue, offering a glimpse into the past lives that shaped this region.

Climate Insights for Bikers

Île-de-France's Seasonal Climate Guide

The region enjoys a temperate climate, with distinct seasonal changes that influence the optimal times for mountain biking adventures. Winters can be cold and damp, making trails challenging, whereas summers bring warmth and longer days, ideal for exploring. However, the best conditions are often found during the spring and fall, when mild temperatures and reduced precipitation create the perfect biking conditions. To fully enjoy La Lyricantoise, planning your trip during these shoulder seasons is advisable for a comfortable and memorable experience.
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Technical Information

Not specified
41 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

4 rue de la cave de Chatenoy , 77760 Larchant
Lat : 48.283Lng : 2.5977

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Located in the south of the Seine-et-Marne near the forest of Fontainebleau and its most beautiful climbing sites, Larchant, a village of the Parc Naturel du Gâtinais Français, makes the delight of lovers of nature and heritage.

2 Place Pasteur 77760 Larchant
- Office de Tourisme du Pays de Nemours -
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Basilica Saint Mathurin

This famous place of pilgrimage celebrates the memory of Saint Mathurin, who was born here in the third century.His family was pagan, but when he converted to Christianity he instructed his parents and soon gained a great reputation of great saintliness. At that time it was rumoured that the Roman Emperor’s daughter Theodora was possessed of a devil that declared it would only leave her if Saint Mathurin intervened. The Saint was therefore ordered to go to Rome, where he healed the Emperor’s daughter but then died. His body was brought back and laid in a chapel at Larchant, where it was venerated by many visitors. Saint Mathurin was invoked for healing of the mad, and this pilgrimage became one of the most famous in France in the Middle Ages, especially as it was also on the road to Santiago de Compostela. Six kings of France made the pilgrimage to Larchant: Charles IV, Louis XI, Charles VIII, François I twice, Henri II and Henri III. Today’s pilgrimage takes place every year at Whitsuntide. The church as it is today was built from the twelfth to the sixteenth centuries. It had barely been completed when an extraordinary series of catastrophes befell it. It burned twice, struck by lightning in 1490 and again in 1568 during the Wars of Religion. Pillaging and hurricanes added to the list of its miseries, the ultimate disaster being the collapse of the tower in 1675. The Last Judgement door, with its vivid imagery dating from the thirteenth century, gives access to the ruined part of the nave. Access today is by the south door of the transept. Only the choir, the apse and the chapel of the Virgin have kept their roof vaults. The two levels of windows in the apse give it a harmony accentuated by the slim columns set out from the walls. The luminosity of this huge vessel as it must have been when the 46 windows lit it can easily be imagined.

Place du Pilori 77760 Larchant
- Office de Tourisme du Pays de Nemours -
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Fontaine Saint-Mathurin

La tradition raconte que Mathurin était berger et que, pour abreuver ses troupeaux, il avait fait jaillir la fontaine d’un coup de pied, dont on montre l’empreinte dans la roche.La fontaine se compose, à flanc de coteau, d’un petit édicule de pierre, reconstruit probablement plusieurs fois et en dernier lieu, il y a une centaine d’années, et qui recouvre un petit bassin dont une roche forme le fond. Ce bassin est alimenté actuellement de façon intermittente, par de l’eau qui ruisselle à faible profondeur. Cette « source » était sans doute plus abondante autrefois, lorsque la fontaine était située au milieu d’un lande, avant les plantations de pins opérées durant le XIXe siècle. Cette fontaine n’est pas citée dans la légende de saint Mathurin, dont le premier récit date du IXe siècle. Elle ne tient aucune place non plus dans les anciennes cérémomies « officielles », telles que nous les connaissons pour les deux ou trois derniers siècles. Pourtant on y venait en pèlerinage et en procession. Il semble qu’il faille y voir là la persistance d’un ancien culte des eaux, très populaire chez les populations locales, qui aurait été repris par le culte catholique en raison de son caractère vivace et persistant dans la mémoire et la foi des habitants de Larchant. Le Chapitre de Notre-Dame de Paris, seigneur de Larchant depuis l’an mil a préféré tolérer la fontaine, pour attirer les pèlerins vers l’église et recueillir leurs offrandes nécessaires aux travaux de construction. Ce n’est qu’après la Révolution que l’on trouve des allusions écrites à la fontaine. La grande procession annuelle du tour de la Châsse, a été reprise de son côté pendant au moins la première moitié du XIXe siècle. La source subsiste comme lieu de recueillement et but de procession. Elle a gardé cette vocation jusqu’à nos jours. Les habitants de Larchant y sont très attachés et la considèrent toujours comme un élément essentiel de leur patrimoine. Ce texte est issu d’un dépliant édité par l’Association Culturelle de Larchant. La Fontaine Saint-Mathurin n’est pas classée ni inscrite aux monuments historiques.

- Office de Tourisme du Pays de Nemours -
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Auberge de la Dame Jouanne

Le restaurant de la Dame Jouanne est l’une des rares auberges située en pleine forêt, avec son ambiance cheminée et feu de bois, qui fait honneur à la cuisine française traditionnelle.Le chalet Jobert abrite le restaurant de la Dame Jouanne, du nom de ce rocher d’escalade mondialement connu, le plus haut de la forêt de Fontainebleau. Sa cuisine traditionnelle est échafaudée à partir de produits frais, pour des menus variés de 20 à 30 euros. Au pied des massifs d’escalades les plus réputés de la forêt de Fontainebleau, l’auberge accueille toute l’année (sauf le lundi et le mardi) grimpeurs, varappeurs, randonneurs, promeneurs et cavaliers, en salle ou en terrasse, le temps d’une pause en pleine verdure.

Chalet Jobert - Forêt de la Commanderie 77760 Larchant
- Office de Tourisme du Pays de Nemours -

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾