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Cirkwi 简报


信用 : fabienne lemoine

Cirkwi 简报


这条行程是由Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur设计的,是离巴黎仅一步之遥的宁静景观宝库。想象一下,在伊莱德瑞瓦札日尔(Île des Ravageurs)的郁郁葱葱的公园中漫步,桥梁将您连接到克雷泰尔的河岛的丰富过去。每一步都带您穿越了印象派画家皮萨罗(Pissarro)到左拉(Zola)的景色,并将您包裹在一个田园诗般的仙境中,城市的喧嚣都随着马恩河潺潺的流淌而褪去。这次漫步不仅仅是一次旅程,它是一次潜入自然和文化无缝融合的世界的潜水。











此线路在以下时间更新: 21/02/2024
3.9 km
max. 37 m
min. 32 m
风格 : 漫步发现在城市
公众 : 家庭偶尔徒步者自行车手
主题 : 文化遗产报道



94000 Créteil
Lat : 48.7883Lng : 2.47199


image du object

Île des Ravageurs

A small river island which possesses a relatively rectangular shape, about 300 m of length from north to south and 40 m of wide from east to west; all in all, the island measures approximately 10 700 m. The island of the Devastating occupies a kind of indentation in the southeast of the island saint-Catherine. She is connected with her by two pedestrian footbridges, the footbridge of Pie who also crosses the Marne and allows to reach its oriental bank (and to Saint-Maur-des-Fossés) and the second footbridge, smaller, nearby. A very wooded park reserved for the pedestrians covers all of the island.

5-15 Impasse du Moulin Berson 94000 Créteil
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Île Sainte-Catherine

A river island which possesses a lengthened shape, of 740 m of length from north to south and 130 m of wide from east to west; all in all, the island measures approximately 91 300 m. The island saint-Catherine is separated from the cristolienne bank by a small arm of the Marne: the Arm of Chapître, which derives from the main arm westward from the south extremity of the island and continues then northward. She is separated from islands Breeze-bread and of Swiss cheese, in the North, by another arm connecting from east to west the main arm of the Marne with her derived channel. In the southeast of the island, a last arm separates her from the island of the Devastating, which trains a kind of indentation in its surface.

 The island is connected with the West bank of the Marne by a single bridge accessible to motor vehicles, to the South. In the continuation of this one, the pedestrian footbridge of Pie connects the island with the east shore of the Marne (and Saint-Maur-des-Fossés). The second footbridge is situated in the North, in the direction of the island Breeze-bread. The third footbridge, in the southeast, allows to reach the island of the Devastating, and finally, a last footbridge allows to join the pedestrian and trading street. Populated with kingfishers, with mandarin ducks, with gooses barnacles, of herons, afforested by the multi-hundred-year-old plane trees, by the chestnut trees, by the willows, the island is also renowned for the charm of its houses, the disturbed ambient silence as by the only birdsong.

4-22 Avenue du Beau Rivage 94000 Créteil
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Île Brise-Pain

A river island which measures approximately 900 m of length from north to south and 160 m of wide at the most from east to west; all in all, the island measures approximately 95 000 m. L'Île Brise-Pain is separated from the cristolienne bank in the northwest by an arm of the Marne, whereas the main arm of the river passes by along its east shore. In the southeast, a small channel separates her from l'île de la Gruyère. In the South, a last channel separates her from the island Sainte-Catherine.

 The North of the island is crossed by the avenue of Verdun, a secondary road twice two ways on which also circulates Trans-Val-de-Marne. This avenue connects the island with both banks of the Marne, in the East by the bridge of Créteil and in the East by a smaller bridge. Except this main access, a pedestrian footbridge connects her with the West bank in the northwest, an other one in the island of Swiss cheese in the southwest and the third in the island saint-Catherine in the South. A last footbridge crosses over a small dam on the main arm of the Marne and connects the east shore of the island, more or less in its middle, with the east shore of the Marne.

The island possesses numerous houses and is traveled almost from north to south by a passable road, the main aisle. She also counts the last open-air dance hall of Créteil, the domain Sainte-Catherine.

38 Allée Centrale 94000 Créteil
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Île de la Guyère

A small river island. It is about a long plot of land, about 480 m of length from north to south and only 60 m of wide at the most from east to west, near its south extremity, the majority of the island making only around thirty meters wide; all in all, the island measures approximately 17 400 m. The island of Swiss cheese is separated from the island Brise-Pain, clearly bigger and placed in the East, that by a small channel of the Marne along its oriental bank. In the South spreads out the island Sainte-Catherine. The island is connected with the bank of the Marne by a small bridge, more or less in its middle. Almost in its continuation, another bridge connects it with the island Breeze-bread. These two bridges and the short street which connects them are the only public accesses to the island.The rest of its surface is covered by private houses.

1 Allée des Coucous 94000 Créteil
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Allotments or family (Jardins ouvriers ou familiaux)

Paradises of flowers, fruits and vegetables, cristoliennes plots of land of family gardens are places of relaxation and user-friendliness very appreciated by the inhabitants. While allowing the families to devote to a constructive pastime and to save on their purchases of fruits and vegetables, the family gardens contribute to tighten the social links and improve the environmental quality of the places of house.

 The first allotments in France were doubtless created in Sedan, in the Ardennes, by Félicie Hervieu. Around this initiative, an organization establishes in 1893, under the name of work of the reconstruction of the family. It groups then 145 people of 27 families. Five years later, this organization gathers 530 people of 125 families. One of its peculiarities is that it is exclusively managed by women. 

In 1904, there are only 48 allotments in Paris region for 3,5 million inhabitants. By means of the Company of the allotments of Paris and suburb, their multiplication is favored. In 1913, the Paris region possesses 1 515, among which half is implanted in suburb. Both world wars cause the putting in kitchen gardens of numerous parks and historic plots of land. At the end of the Second World War, one account 250 000 allotments in France.

Chemin du Halage 94000 Créteil
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Club of veil and rent of canoeing (C.V.B.M.)

The C.V.B.M. proposes in Créteil, infrastructures pleasant and adapted to the practice of the livable sail and the storm sail, a crane of 1.5 T, a hold of launch, a quay with anchorages, a vast clubhouse. A program of regatta gives to the C.V.B.M a constant sports activity, among which two regatta mattering for the classification of league which run from the point of view of water. U.S.C Créteil Canoë-kayak. Having a park of 250 boats, we welcome groups and individual, valid and handicapped persons, on our ground of a hectare to introduce you to the practice of the canoeing on the Marne.

67 Quai de la Pie 94100 Saint-Maur-des-Fossés
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -

