At the heart of les 3 Vallées, Meribel’s Bikepark is an area devoted to mountain biking for beginners or experts, families or friends, offering everything from gentle bike rides to high level riding.
The Méribel valley’s Bikepark has been certified as a mountain bike area with la Fédération Française de Cyclisme since 1998 (mountain bike centre n°85).
For summer, Méribel’s Bikepark is equipped with:
# 10 DOWNHILL trails (DH) (1 green, 3 blues, 3 reds, 2 blacks and 1 double black) offering over 35km of pure downhill, with new alternatives on existing trails and the marked out World Cup trail!
# 10 ENDURO trails (1 green, 2 blues, 3 reds and 4 blacks), offering 104 km of itineraries that are easily accessible by the lifts.
# 4 CROSS-COUNTRY trails (XC) (1 green, 1 blue, 1 red and 1 black).
# 3 specials ELECTRIC-ASSIST mountain bike trail.
4 bike patrollers are on call in the Bikepark to make sure the trails are in a good state, advise you on the itineraries and give assistance.
The easier green DH1 with blue alternatives; renovation of the red DH4 with even more jumps and “flow” and black alternatives; 2 electric-assist mountain bike trails, 1 green and 1 blue.
Discover this summer exclusively the Pumptrack and the Ludizone on the Chaudanne! The Pumptrack is a closed and fun circuit made up of bumps and turns, accessible to all and 100% without pedaling! The Ludizone will teach you how to ride on a small circuit with a descending profile composed of small steps, bumps to discover and taste safely the sensations of mountain biking before going to discover Bike Park!
Free entry for children < 5 years, people > 75.
Méribel Tourisme - 02/05/2024
Report a problem
Number of slopes : 24
Km of slopes : 223.2
Number of green slopes : 3
Km of green slopes : 16.3
Number of blue slopes : 7
Km of blue slopes : 60.1
Number of red slopes : 7
Km of red slopes : 77.6
Number of black slopes : 7
Km of black slopes : 69.2
Number of ski lifts : 3
Number of chair lifts : 1
Number of gondolas : 2
From 29/06 to 30/08/2024.
Subject to favorable weather.
Phone : +33 (0)6 16 64 26 49
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