This Romanesque church dates back to the 12th century. The chapel comprises a nave bordered by four columns and a raised chancel, with two columns forming its entrance. Each of these six columns has a different design on its capital: hungry monsters, wondrous animals and various floral motifs. In the 19th century, the church was extended towards the west, which explains why the chancel is situated at the centre of the building. The church was registered as an historical monument in 1926.
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Office de Tourisme Destination Agen
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Office de Tourisme Destination Agen
Fixed telephone : +33 5 53 68 56 00
Mairie de Castelculier
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Date de début : 01/01/2024 00:00:00
Date de fin : 31/12/2024 00:00:00
Conditions de visite : Free visit by appointment
Conditions de visite : Guided tour by appointment only
Durée moyenne de la visite de groupe : 30
Durée moyenne de la visite individuelle : 30