The first mention of the place, «Potentum» dates from the ninth century and highlights the power of the stronghold in the Middle Ages when the Mound of Bascher plays a defensive role against barbaric invasions. Border between the Pays Loudunais and the city of Richelieu, the village has a scattered settlement, leaving room for comfortable country houses. The church of Saint Hilaire, from the Romanesque church, remains only the north portal, the bell tower pierced with bay-windows and arches undernief, and perhaps, the openings of the apse. Nearly all the rest of the building dates from many works of the contemporary era. The last major works date from 1921 for the installation of the clock and 1930 for the buttresses of the church.
Fixed telephone : +33 5 49 22 50 62
Mairie de Pouant
Typologie de la visite guidée : Information signs
Conditions de visite : Unaccompanied tours