In recent years, leisure has also taken a prominent role along with business activities. Enjoying the sea in their leisure time is a daily activity for residents and visitors. In 2012, the Camariñas Yacht Club became the first marina of the Costa da Morte to be awarded the blue flag. This award has made it a regular stop point in the Costa da Morte for 2 to 5 m long recreational boats. Its floating docks serve as a safe shelter on their journeys between the Mediterranean Sea and northern Europe.
In addition to providing mooring, the Club offers users and sailors services such as technical assistance, boat maintenance and repair, motor mechanics and carpentry, as well as diesel, water and electricity supply and wifi throughout the harbour area.
From infancy
Around here, it is common to see the schoolchildren of Camariñas sailing or kayaking at sea during the school term, or learning the wind variations by flying a kite.
Sailing course contacts
(Sports Department - Municipality of Camariñas): (+34) 981 736 000
VIDEO: Ecotourism "Sea of Colour"
VIDEO: Camariñas spot "On the seashore"