Road bike, mountain bike, mountain bike with electrical assistance (junior, adult) rental. Mountain equipment rental and accessories selling shop.
Situated La Chal
. Rental SCOTT Mountain bike (downhill mountain bike hydraulic brakes) to explore the mountain through the trails, and the sensational descents from the top of the slopes of Les Sybelles thanks to chairlifts open in summer. The Charvin Express Chairlift ( Saint Jean d'Arves - La Chal) and the Moulin Express Chairlift (Saint Sorlin d'Arves - 3km) are open from Monday to Thursday. The Sybelles Express (Le Corbier) and La médaille d'Or ( La Toussuire ) chairlifts are open on Monday Wednesday and Thursday. The opening of the chairlifts depends on weather conditions
. Rental SCOTT road bikes to climb the famous Col de La Croix de Fer and Col du Glandon (mythical Tour de France routes).
. Bike for junior.
. Wash station for bike.
. Electrically assistance for mountain bike.
. Rental of mountain equipment, via ferrata, climbing boots...
. Sales of clothes and mountain accessories.
. Sale of new and second-hand bikes and montain bikes.
Every week several exits supevised for all levels and all ages with a mountain bike instructor. Registration close to the store Skiset - Le Crêt de la Grange.
Phone : 0033 (0)4 79 59 71 81
Email :
Website :
From 16/06 to 20/09.
9.00 - 12.30 am
2.00 - 7.00 pm
Other periods : contact us.
Mountainbike hire
Racing cycle hire
Battery assisted mountain bike rental
Office de tourisme Saint-Jean-d'Arves - 10/02/2024
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