Tèrra Aventura is also in Gençay! Equipped with the Terra Aventura application, players will have to solve a series of riddles! The treasure hunt will allow you to discover this small town dominated by the remains of its fortified castle.
Dive into the medieval world with Zéroïk and all the poi'z!
Fixed telephone : +33 5 49 87 47 73
Accueil touristique de Civray
e-mail : tourismecivray@civraisienpoitou.fr
Accueil touristique de Civray
Web site (URL) : www.terra-aventura.fr/parcours
Tèrra Aventura
Sports activities
Cultural activities
Terra Aventura
Bar / refreshments
Coach parking
Refreshment area
Facebook : www.facebook.com/terraaventura