The dolmen at La Pierre Levée is made up of three orthostats and an oval table 45 centimetres thick.
Man has been tilling the soil at Brétignolles sur Mer for over 5,000 years, as evidenced by the presence of pottery and a flint notched scraper found on the site of the megalith. Marcel Baudouin and G. Lacouloumère, excavating the dolmen in May 1904, also discovered a small skeleton, its head facing west and covered by a slab.
One of the legends has it that the devil was surprised to suddenly come across the Virgin Mary on his way while he was carrying stones. He then dropped his booty, which now lies in this field. According to another legend, the table turned over at the sound of the bell from the nearby church of Saint-Nicolas-de-Brem. The name Soubise stone was given to it after the passage of the Protestant troops of the Prince of Soubise in 1622.