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Trail of the Eeckout Veld

Merckeghem circuit de l'Eeckout Veld
Credit : Nord Tourisme

The Cirkwi brief

Discover Eeckout Veld: A Stunning Walk Through History

Imagine stepping into a landscape where every turn brings a new vista, a place where the old maritime dykes tell tales of bygone days. This picturesque route, crafted by Nord Tourisme, beckons with its serene country roads and hedge-lined agricultural paths. The Eeckout Veld circuit is not just a walk; it's an embrace of nature and history, accessible year-round. While traversing this path, the whisper of the past is ever present, and with each step, the beauty of Merckeghem unfolds. It's an experience that doesn't just guide you through it but seductively draws you into its heart.

Brief Technical Insight on Eeckout Veld

The Eeckout Veld route spans a total distance of approximately 7.07 km, with elevation ranging from 1 to 58 meters above sea level. It features a mild elevation gain between 86 to 89 meters, indicating a relatively easy to moderate hiking experience. The yellow markings guide adventurers along this scenic journey, offering mixed terrain that includes country roads and natural trails. In wet conditions, certain segments can become slippery or muddy, highlighting the need for appropriate footwear. This technical snapshot underscores a journey well-suited for enthusiasts seeking a blend of accessibility and challenge.

Seasonal Tips for the Trail

Regardless of the season, the Eeckout Veld has its unique charm. During spring and summer, the lush scenery provides a vibrant backdrop for your adventure, though it's advisable to wear sunscreen and hats for protection against the sun. Autumn transforms the route into a canvas of fall colors, making it an ideal time for photography enthusiasts. Winters, while serene, require caution due to slippery paths; thus, sturdy, waterproof footwear is essential. Common sense and preparation, such as bringing water and snacks, will enhance your experience throughout the year.

Merckeghem: A Stroll Through History

Merckeghem, nestled within the heart of Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France, is not just a starting point for the Eeckout Veld circuit but a mosaic of cultural and historical richness. This area, with its evocative landscapes and ancient maritime dykes, offers more than just natural beauty. It stands as a testament to the region's intricate history, from its strategic importance in medieval times to its role in shaping agricultural practices. The Eeckout Veld, within this broader historical tableau, serves as a bridge connecting the present to the past, inviting explorers to tread the line between adventure and discovery.

Local Weather Insights for Visitors

The Nord-Pas-de-Calais region, characterized by its temperate maritime climate, offers mild winters and comfortable summers, making it an inviting destination year-round. Rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year, though the Eeckout Veld trail may present more challenging conditions during wet periods. Spring through autumn provides the most agreeable weather for trekking, with pleasant temperatures and the countryside in full bloom. Planning your visit between March and October will allow you to fully enjoy the Eeckout Veld circuit under the best possible meteorological conditions.

Automatically generated.

Technical informations

This circuit was updated on: 17/02/2024
7.1 km
2 h 30 mn
max. 58 m
min. 1 m
49 m
Styles : BaladeIn the country
Public : FamilyOccasional hikers
Theme : Patrimony

Altimetric profile

Starting point

30 Eglise, Chemin de Cassel , 59470 MERCKEGHEM
Lat : 50.8620481482Lng : 2.29595723334


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Point 1

Face à l’église, rejoignez à gauche la RD 226 et prenez à gauche la direction de Watten.

- Nord Tourisme -
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Point 2

Au numéro 444, descendez les pentes de Merckeghem par un chemin enherbé, nommé Dieper straete – « la rue profonde » qui serpente entre deux rangées de haies.

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Point 3

Arrivé sur la route, prenez à gauche la Aerde straete – « rue de la Terre ». Au carrefour suivant, remarquez la petite chapelle Notre-Dame des Crampes, encore fortement vénérée.En 1991, la restauration devint en fait une reconstruction complète avec l'aide d'Yser Houck et d'un artisan voisin de l'édifice ainsi que des bénévoles Merckeghemois. Cette copie conforme nécessita le nettoyage de 2500 briques anciennes, la récupération de carrelages, d'un seuil en pierre et de tuiles flamandes vernissées, bref, en trois semaines la nouvelle chapelle était née. Tournez à droite.

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Point 4

Prenez à droite la rue de Ronsberg ; le Ronsberg est une éminence oblongue que traverse la route. Du Ronsberg en direction du Nord-Ouest, point de vue sur les mottes de Merckeghem, dispositif de 3 mottes accolées, unique en Flandre française.

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Point 5

Continuez tout droit (rue du Ronsberg). Vue sur le village de Merckeghem qui domine la plaine.

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Point 6

Tournez à droite sur le chemin des Poulets, en direction de Bollezeele. Au carrefour suivant, prenez à droite le chemin de Spycker ; après les bâtiments de ferme, poursuivez le long d’un chemin de terre.

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Point 7

Remontez à gauche la crête de l’ancien trait de côte. La vaste grange de l’ancienne abbaye du Ravensberg se dessine sur votre gauche. L’abbaye fut totalement détruite lors de la Révolution. Elle avait abrité durant six siècles des religieuses cisterciennes. En haut du chemin du Marais ; retrouvez à droite l’église. En chemin, à droite, effectuez un détour à la table d’orientation.

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