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Katts' Stroll

Berthen Balade des Katts
Credit : Nord Tourisme

The Cirkwi brief

Experience the Charm of Mont des Cats Walk

Nord Tourisme invites you to embark on a refreshing journey – the Balade des Katts. This family-friendly stroll takes you across the scenic heights of Mont des Cats, showcasing an intriguing blend of natural beauty and architectural marvels. Picture walking through serene paths leading to the storied Abbey of Mont des Cats, venturing into the mysterious Chapel of Fevers nestled in lush woodlands, and admiring quaint Flemish houses brimming with blooms. This route, enriched with cultural heritage and natural splendor, promises a blend of relaxation and discovery, perfect for those yearning to experience the essence of northern France’s countryside.

Brief Technical Overview of Walk

Covering a distance of approximately 4.8 km, the Balade des Katts is nestled at an altitude ranging between 99 and 160 meters, presenting a negligible elevation change. The trail, primarily designed for walking, winds through varying terrains offering a modest challenge suitable for family outings. With a maximum elevation of 160 meters, this route gives participants a gentle yet engaging experience. Embrace the opportunity to immerse yourself in the serene environment and enrich your understanding of the area's ecological dynamics without feeling overwhelmed by physical demands.

Seasonal Tips for Your Visit

Regardless of the season, the Mont des Cats area boasts a unique charm. For spring and summer visitors, the vibrant hues of blooming flowers and lush greenery provide a picturesque backdrop, while autumn offers a spectacle of changing colors. Wearing appropriate clothing and comfortable walking shoes is advisable year-round due to variable weather conditions. Always carry water, especially in warmer months, and consider a light raincoat or umbrella to stay prepared for sudden showers. Winter visitors should layer up to combat the chill and enjoy the serene, frost-touched landscape safely.

Insights into the Heart of Berthen

Berthen, ensconced in the Hauts-de-France region, serves as the gateway to the enriching Balade des Katts. This area is not only celebrated for its scenic beauty but also revered as a testament to the rich cultural tapestry of the area. From the founding of the Abbey of Mont des Cats in 1832, which has become a focal point for Trappist monks, to the charm of traditional Flemish architecture, Berthen encapsulates the historical and spiritual soul of the region. Its strategic position has made it a guardian of both spiritual wisdom and the natural bounty of the countryside, continuing to inspire visitors from around the globe.

Weather Insights and Best Visit Times

The climate in Berthen, typical of the Hauts-de-France region, is classified as temperate oceanic. This translates to mild summers and cool winters, with precipitation fairly distributed throughout the year. To fully enjoy the Balade des Katts, the ideal visitation period spans from late spring to early autumn, when the weather is most conducive for outdoor activities. During these months, the chances of encountering favorable conditions—mild temperatures and reduced rainfall—are significantly higher, making your experience both comfortable and visually rewarding.
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Technical informations

This circuit was updated on: 14/02/2024
4.8 km
2 h
max. 160 m
min. 99 m
99 m
Styles : BaladeDiscoveryIn the country
Public : FamilyOccasional hikers
Theme : Patrimony

Altimetric profile

Starting point

24-70 Parking du monastère , 59270 BERTHEN
Lat : 50.7853885269Lng : 2.66608170678


image du object

Point 1

Dos au bâtiment d’accueil, regardez se faufiler vers la Belgique la « cordillière des Flandres ». Entrez dans le bois de l’Ermitage (propriété de l’Abbaye). Passez à la chapelle de la Passion dite Koorse Kapelle ou chapelle des fièvres. Passez ensuite à l’émetteur de télévision.

- Nord Tourisme -
image du object

Point 2

Poursuivez tout droit sur le chemin de Boeschepe et ses petites maisons flamandes jusqu’au carrefour. Montez à droite le « chemin de l’Abbaye » puis descendez à gauche le long du mur de l’abbaye et rejoignez le chemin piétonnier. Arrivé à une petite route, quittez le chemin et avant le stop virez à droite sur le chemin. Poursuivez-le tout droit jusqu’à une grande route.

- Nord Tourisme -
image du object

Point 3

Faites un droite/gauche sur cette route avec prudence puis suivez le chemin du moulin. Coupez une route et descendez vers l’auberge du Castberg. Remontez le sentier. A la route, virez à gauche et rapidement, au carrefour, empruntez le chemin qui monte à droite, à travers le bois.

- Nord Tourisme -
image du object

Point 4

Avant la grande route, plongez à nouveau à gauche dans le bois. A la sortie continuez à droite sur une petite route ombragée puis au n°768 laissez-la pour un sentier sinueux à droite, « le chemin du bois de la source ».

- Nord Tourisme -
image du object

Point 5

Arrivé à une petite route, montez, à nouveau à droite, jusqu’au col de Berthen (alt. 109m). Poursuivez sur la route à gauche avec prudence puis à droite, chemin de Peenacker. (jolie vue sur l’abbaye).

- Nord Tourisme -
image du object

Point 6

Quittez la route et grimpez tout droit le chemin de terre. Bifurquez à droite dans le bois. Suivez bien le balisage et revenez à l’émetteur de télévision. Partez alors en sens inverse du départ pour retrouver le parking du monastère.

- Nord Tourisme -

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