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Daviaud Path - La Barre de Monts / Fromentine Be careful to: - not translate proper names - respect the subtleties

Daviaud Path - La Barre de Monts / Fromentine
Be careful to:
- not translate proper names
- respect the subtleties
Daviaud Path - La Barre de Monts / Fromentine
Be careful to:
- not translate proper names
- respect the subtleties

The Cirkwi brief

Discover Scenic Marais Walks at La Barre-de-Monts

Embarking on the Sentier du Daviaud originates a journey not just through the winding paths of the marais but also through the heart and soul of La Barre de Monts / Fromentine. This outing, curated by the Office de Tourisme La Barre de Monts Fromentine, encapsulates a gentle amble through enduring landscapes where nature's unspoiled beauty and the area's rich heritage effortlessly intertwine. Through this voyage, one unveils an enchanting milieu abundant in both fauna and flora, all while caressing the life tales of the town's early dwellers. A relaxed yet indulging narrative for anyone yearning to nestle in Nature's lap, while teasing their curiosity about local lore.

Essential Route Insights Revealed

With a span of approximately 6.53 kilometers, this sojourn comfortably nests within an easy walking category, featuring minimal elevation—the terrain raises not more than 3 meters at its peak and descends to about 1 meter at its lowest. The yellow markers guide pathfinders, weaving through a scenic mix of natural habitats and culturally significant landmarks. The lack of significant altitude change implies that the journey offers an accessible endeavor for enthusiasts of all levels, making it a perfect blend of leisure and exploration.

Seasonal Trekking Tips Unveiled

Regardless of the time of year, the Sentier is inviting, yet each season paints the marais in a different hue, offering a distinctive experience. In spring, the flora bursts into vibrant life; to truly savour this, ensure you're equipped with dependable waterproof footwear to counter the occasional wet trails. Summer brings an expansive palette of avian life; light clothing and sunscreen are essential. Autumn's canvas is rich with golden tones, an idyllic backdrop for photography enthusiasts—just prepare for brisk changes in weather. Winter, though cooler and quieter, holds its own charm; layering becomes key. Always pack water, irrespective of the season.

La Barre-de-Monts: A Cultural Beacon

La Barre-de-Monts, nestled in the Pays de la Loire region, stands as a testament to the enduring cohabitation of man and nature. It's a locale where history whispers from the marshlands, echoing past lives shaped by the rhythms of the marais. From its geographical significance as a gateway to the Île d'Yeu to its contribution to the salt trade that once thrived in these parts, this land weaves the cultural fabric of France's grand narrative. Exploring here is not just a journey through nature but a passage through time itself, enriching visitors with stories of resilience and adaptation.

Climate Insights for Optimal Visit

La Barre-de-Monts enjoys a temperate maritime climate, characterized by mild winters and cool summers, making it a year-round destination. However, for the most pleasant experience on the Sentier du Daviaud, aim for late spring through early autumn. During these months, you'll encounter the most favorable weather conditions—minimal rainfall, moderate temperatures, and an abundance of wildlife. This window not only maximizes the natural beauty of the region but also minimizes the challenges posed by the weather, ensuring your trek is as enjoyable as possible.
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Technical Information

Very easy
1h45mn (1d)
6.5 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

85550 La Barre-de-Monts
Lat : 46.87384Lng : -2.10386


image du object

Le Daviaud

Départ du Daviaud, porte d'entrée vers un marais poétique et merveilleux ! Au sein de ce site, partez à la rencontre du marais, de ses paysages, de son histoire, de ses habitants et de sa culture. En quittant le parking, prenez la piste cyclable vers la gauche (quand vous êtes dos au Daviaud). Au niveau de la patte d'oie, à 250m, coupez la route et prenez en face. Continuez tout droit sur 1 km.

Le Daviaud 85550 La barre-de-monts
- Office de Tourisme La Barre de Monts Fromentine -
image du object

La Girardière

A l'intersection à 500m, prenez à droite puis continuez tout droit. En arrivant au Stop, au niveau de L'Espérance, tournez à gauche puis, à 100m à droite sur le chemin rocailleux (direction Le Rouillon). Poursuivre tout droit. Au bout de ce chemin, vous pourrez admirer l'écluse de la Cloison sur votre droite. Prenez à gauche et continuez sur ce chemin sur 1,6 km.

L'Herière 85550 La barre-de-monts
- Office de Tourisme La Barre de Monts Fromentine -
image du object

Le Pré Colas

Vous arrivez au niveau du Pré Colas, avec un bâtiment le long du chemin, sur votre droite. N'hésitez pas à faire une halte. A l'intérieur de ce bâtiment se trouve un panneau explicatif sur le marais vendéen ainsi qu'une carte différenciant les différents espaces que sont la forêt, la dune et la plage, le marais doux et le marais salé.

Cavaleau 85690 Notre-dame-de-monts
- Office de Tourisme La Barre de Monts Fromentine -
image du object

La Croix Givrand

A l'extrémité de ce chemin, on retrouve la route. A droite se dresse l'écluse de La Croix Givrand (située sur la commune de Notre Dame de Monts). Tournez à gauche et, 200 m plus loin, traversez le petit pont. Poursuivez sur cette route. A 1,2 km, empruntez le chemin à gauche (suivre le panneau cyclable). Continuez tout droit sur 900m. Arrivé à l'intersection avec la route, prenez à droite puis au stop à gauche. Poursuivez jusqu'au Daviaud.

La Croix Givrand 85690 Notre-dame-de-monts
- Office de Tourisme La Barre de Monts Fromentine -

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾