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To the south of the Marne by bike

Sculptures de la Dhuis
Credit : J Servieres

The Cirkwi brief

Discover the Enchanting South Marne by Bike

Embarking on a journey by bike through the southern banks of the Marne offers an opportunity beyond just exercise; it's a voyage through nature's artwork curated by the Office of Tourism of Marne et Gondoire. This route takes you through the iconic landscapes marked by the majestic Pont Jeanne d'Arc, leading to the tranquil havens of the Frênes and Bicheret parks. As you traverse, the path unfolds into a gallery displaying the astonishing sculptures of la Dhuis. Each pedal brings a fresh wave of serene landscapes that reflect the essence of French countryside tranquility, making it an itinerary that promises to replenish the soul.

Brief Technical Overview

This cycling route spans approximately 11.8 kilometers, with the terrain's altitude ranging between 39 meters at its lowest and reaching up to 121 meters. Riders should prepare for a total positive elevation gain of between 158 to 161 meters. Structured as a loop, the route initiates from 2 rue du chemin de fer in LAGNY-SUR-MARNE, cleverly crafting a journey that both starts and finishes at the same point. This variation in altitude and distance makes it an engaging ride for cyclists looking for a moderate challenge complemented by the beauty of its surroundings.

Seasonal Tips and Safety Advice

Regardless of the season, this cycling route offers diverse experiences. During spring and summer, the parks are in full bloom, offering vibrant landscapes, making it an ideal time for those seeking scenic beauty. However, autumn brings a unique palette of fall colors that are equally captivating. In winter, the route can be more challenging due to colder temperatures and potential icy conditions. Always check the weather before setting out, wear appropriate clothing, and ensure your bike is in good condition. Safety should be your top priority; thus, wearing a helmet, having a repair kit, and staying hydrated are essential tips for a safe and enjoyable ride.

Lagny-sur-Marne: Heart of History

Lagny-sur-Marne, the starting point of this captivating bike route, is not just a town but a historical gem tucked away in the French landscape. Situated in the Marne-la-Vallée area, this region holds a pivotal place in French history with its roots stretching back to medieval times. The area around the Marne has been a witness to numerous historical events and developments making it rich in cultural heritage. This bike itinerary not only offers a journey through natural beauty but also a ride through time, where each turn tells a story of the past.

Weather Insights and Ideal Visit Times

The climate in Lagny-sur-Marne and the surrounding region of Marne-la-Vallée predominantly experiences mild temperatures with distinct seasons. Spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) offer the most pleasant weather for cycling, with moderate temperatures and lesser chances of rain. Summers are relatively warm, making early morning or late afternoon rides delightful. Winters can be cold and occasionally snowy, which adds a magical feel but requires extra caution and preparation. To make the most of your cycling adventure, planning your visit during spring or autumn is highly recommended for the best conditions.
Automatically generated.

Technical informations

This circuit was updated on: 19/03/2024
12 km
1 h
max. 121 m
min. 39 m
158 m

Altimetric profile

Starting point

5 2 rue du chemin de fer , 77400 Lagny-sur-Marne
Lat : 48.880247Lng : 2.704723

Points of interest

image du object

Parcs des Frênes et du Bicheret

Ces deux parcs contemporains sont rassemblés en un parc unique de plus de 30 hectares. Le tout petit ru du Bicheret y prend sa source et reçoit, plus loin, des eaux de ruissellement de la ville dans un bassin central.Cet espace abrite également des arbres remarquables : chênes, platanes et saules.

Parc des Frênes 77144 Montévrain
- Marne et Gondoire Tourisme -
image du object

Pont Jeanne d'Arc

La légende veut que Jeanne d'Arc ait emprunté ce pont lors de ses trois passages à Lagny-sur-Marne entre 1429 et 1430. Datant de l'époque médiévale, il franchit le ru du Bicheret, petit affluent de la Marne.

Chemin du Pont Jeanne d'Arc 77144 Montévrain
- Marne et Gondoire Tourisme -
image du object

Sculptures de la Dhuys

C’est à partir de l’ancien pont de l’aqueduc de la Dhuys, bombardé en 1939, que Jacques Servières réalise, depuis 1987, un parc d’une quarantaine d’imposantes sculptures en pierre sur les bords de la Marne à Chessy.Le jardin de sculptures de la Dhuys ou Dhuis prend son nom de la rivière, anciennement acheminée en cet emplacement par un aqueduc, jusqu'au réservoir de Ménilmontant à Paris. La quarantaine de statues est réalisée à partir des pierres du pont aqueduc détruit. Elles sont réparties entre une clairière et un chemin : Le sculpteur Jacques Servières s'est inspiré pour le départ de son oeuvre du site cambodgien d'Angkor... Cet espace est accessible librement. Les statues sont monumentales, certaines hautes de près de 4 mètres. Elles représentent des personnages humains, essentiellement féminins, ou des animaux, mythiques ou réels. Chaque sculpture porte l'initiale du sculpteur, ainsi que sa date de réalisation. En 2016, Jacques Servières a donné une longue interview audiovisuelle, dans le cadre d'une série thématique sur les représentations autour de l'art, en collaboration avec le collectif l'Humain visible. Le lien vers cette vidéo se trouve ci-dessous.

Ancien chemin de Meaux 77700 Chessy
- Seine et Marne Attractivité -

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