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Running route 12km "The two valleys"

The Cirkwi brief

Discover 12km Magic: Run Through Bussy-Saint-Georges

Imagine embarking on a journey that not only challenges your physical limits but also immerses you in the beauty of the French countryside. The "Parcours Running 12km 'Les deux vallées'" is an experience curated by the Office de Tourisme de Marne et Gondoire, taking you through the serene landscapes of Bussy-Saint-Georges, Conches-sur-Gondoire, Gouvernes, and Bussy-Saint-Martin. This isn't just running; it's an opportunity to connect with nature, traversing forests, meadows, and enjoying the serene spots near water bodies. It's a call to the adventurers who seek to blend fitness with the allure of discovering the hidden gems of French heritage.

Technical Insight on the 12km Journey

This meticulously planned route spans exactly 11.6 kilometers, navigating through elevations from 53 meters at its lowest to the peak at 123 meters, crafting a total positive elevation change of 160 meters. Ideal for those looking to challenge their stamina and endurance, this run demands not only physical readiness but also a strategic approach to tackle the varying elevations efficiently. Designed to push your limits while ensuring a journey through picturesque locales, it's a testament to the thoughtful planning by the Office de Tourisme de Marne et Gondoire.

Seasonal Guide for Visitors

For an optimal experience, it's crucial to consider the seasons while planning your adventure through "Les deux vallées." Spring offers a vibrant palette of nature's rebirth, making it perfect for those who appreciate running amidst blossoms. Summer brings warmth and an extended daylight, ideal for early morning or late evening runs. Autumn surrounds you with a colorful transition, but it's advisable to wear layers for the crisp air. Winter is serene yet demands caution for slippery paths. Regardless of the season, always ensure proper hydration and familiarize yourself with the locations of nearest facilities for safety.

Exploring the Heart of Marne et Gondoire

Bussy-Saint-Georges and its surrounding areas boast a rich tapestry of history and culture nestled in the Marne et Gondoire department. This region, rooted deeply in France's historical narrative, provides a backdrop that enhances the running experience with tales of the past. As you traverse the route, you're threading through lands that have evolved over centuries, witnessing the architectural marvels and the preserved natural sites that have withstood the test of time, offering a glimpse into the past amidst the modern-day quest for fitness and discovery.

Climate Insights for The Perfect Run

The region around Bussy-Saint-Georges enjoys a temperate climate, with mild summers and cool winters. This makes spring and autumn the ideal times to visit for your running adventure. Temperatures during these seasons are comfortable, and you're less likely to encounter extreme weather that could disrupt your plans. However, always check the forecast before heading out, as unexpected weather can occur. Especially consider the early mornings of summer for a run, when the air is fresher and the temperature is cooler, giving you a delightful start to the day.

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12 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

21 Boulevard des Genêts , 77600 Bussy-Saint-Georges
Lat : 48.840984Lng : 2.721264

Points of interest

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Parc des Cèdres

Véritable écrin de verdure de 14 hectares où se mêlent forêts, prairies et points d’eau, le parc des Cèdres, créé en 1860, s’étend sur les liaisons douces de la Vallée de la Gondoire.Vous pouvez profiter d’agréables promenades boisées et découvrir de nombreuses essences d’arbres : cèdres, érables, séquoias, pins noirs… Ainsi que les étangs, le lavoir ou la glacière du domaine. Surmontée d’une coupole maçonnée, cette dernière se trouve face à l’allée des platanes. Cette construction de la seconde moitié du 19e siècle permettait de stocker la glace rélevée en hiver afin de conserver les aliments et les boissons durant l’été. Appelée aussi “puits à glace”, cette glacière profonde de 12 mètres est suffisamment large pour contenir jusqu’à une tonne de glace. Usitée et commercialisée depuis l’Antiquité, la glace devient, du 17e au début du 20e siècle, un produit de luxe qui permet de fabriquer des crèmes glacées ou encore de soigner les fortes fièvres.

Chemin Feraille 77600 Conches-sur-Gondoire
- Marne et Gondoire Tourisme -
image du object


Cette tour est transformée en pigeonnier au début du 18ème siècle, après la démolition du château, dont elle constitue le dernier vestige.À l’extérieur, les fossés sont déblayés et laissent apparaître une partie des anciens remparts. À l’intérieur, une salle voûtée, soutenue par un pilier central, est dégagée. La tour s’élève sur trois étages, le dernier étant réservé aux pigeons. La tour a fait l’objet d’une restauration en 1990.

rue de Ferrières 77600 Bussy-Saint-Georges
- Marne et Gondoire Tourisme -

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾