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Running Route 16km "South of the Marne"

Bords de Marne à Lagny-sur-Marne
Credit : rene_lanneau

The Cirkwi brief

Discover the Marne River Banks: A Scenic 19km Journey

Wanderlust beckons along the picturesque Marne River with a 19km route that invites not only runners but adventurers of all sorts. Planned meticulously by the Office of Tourism of Marne and Gondoire, this trail encapsulates the essence of Guermantes, Bussy-Saint-Georges, and Lagny-sur-Marne in a single sweep. Prepare to lose yourself in the rich tapestry of natural and historic marvels as you traverse the banks of France's longest river. Offering more than just a physical challenge, this journey promises an immersive experience into the heart and soul of Marne and Gondoire.

Technical Route Overview

Covering a distance of 19km, with elevation ranging from 40m to a peak of 123m, this route presents a moderate challenge to enthusiasts. The estimated cumulative elevation gain is around 230m, offering a blend of flat terrains and gentle ascents. Crafted for both novice and seasoned runners, the well-thought-out path allows for a comprehensive engagement with the environment, while ensuring a physically rewarding session. Perfect for those seeking a blend of scenic beauty and physical exertion.

Seasonal Tips and Safety

Regardless of the season, this trail offers unique charms. In spring, the blossoming flora along the Marne's banks is a sight to behold, while autumn decorates the path with vibrant hues. Summer provides lush greenery, though hydration is key under the sun. Winter, coated in frost, offers a serene quietude, yet demands proper thermal gear. Safety-wise, always inform someone of your plans, carry a mobile phone, and wear reflective clothing if you're out at dusk. Remember, the weather can change quickly, so check forecasts before departing.

Heart of History and Culture

Embarking on this trail is a journey through time and culture. Guermantes, Bussy-Saint-Georges, and Lagny-sur-Marne are steeped in history, from ancient farms to medieval churches. The Marne River itself has been a lifeline for the region, influencing trade, agriculture, and lifestyle over the centuries. This route is not just a fitness path but a passage through areas that have shaped local culture and history, making it an enriching experience for both the body and the mind.

Local Weather Insights

The overall climate is temperate, with mild summers and cool winters, making any season ideal for visiting. However, for the most pleasant journey, the late spring to early autumn period is recommended. During these months, the weather balances warmth with comfortable cool breezes, offering the best conditions for outdoor activities. Nonetheless, always prepare for sudden changes in weather by carrying appropriate clothing and checking the local forecast regularly.

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Technical Information

Not specified
19 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

1 Promenade de l'Épinette , 77600 Guermantes
Lat : 48.852563Lng : 2.719812

Points of interest

image du object

Banks of the Marne

On foot, by bike, on horseback, by boat... The Marne and its banks can be discovered throughout the whole year. The river runs through nine communes of Marne and Gondoire.The Marne is the longest French tributary. 525 km long, the Marne begins in Haute-Marne, on the Langres plateau. You can travel along its 183 km of navigable streams, from Epernay to its confluence the Seine, and enjoy a river stop at Lagny-sur-Marne. It is the ideal departure point to discover a region with a rich natural and historic heritage, but also to enjoy water and sporting activities like rowing and canoeing.

Quai de la Gourdine 77400 Lagny-sur-Marne
- Marne et Gondoire Tourisme -
image du object

Parc des Cèdres

Véritable écrin de verdure de 14 hectares où se mêlent forêts, prairies et points d’eau, le parc des Cèdres, créé en 1860, s’étend sur les liaisons douces de la Vallée de la Gondoire.Vous pouvez profiter d’agréables promenades boisées et découvrir de nombreuses essences d’arbres : cèdres, érables, séquoias, pins noirs… Ainsi que les étangs, le lavoir ou la glacière du domaine. Surmontée d’une coupole maçonnée, cette dernière se trouve face à l’allée des platanes. Cette construction de la seconde moitié du 19e siècle permettait de stocker la glace rélevée en hiver afin de conserver les aliments et les boissons durant l’été. Appelée aussi “puits à glace”, cette glacière profonde de 12 mètres est suffisamment large pour contenir jusqu’à une tonne de glace. Usitée et commercialisée depuis l’Antiquité, la glace devient, du 17e au début du 20e siècle, un produit de luxe qui permet de fabriquer des crèmes glacées ou encore de soigner les fortes fièvres.

Chemin Feraille 77600 Conches-sur-Gondoire
- Marne et Gondoire Tourisme -

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾