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Lake's edge preserve - Bout du Lac

Lake's edge preserve - Bout du Lac
Lake's edge preserve - Bout du Lac
Lake's edge preserve - Bout du Lac
Lake's edge preserve - Bout du Lac


Whether it rains or shines, this 90-minute walk never fails to charm regardless of the weather! Discover this last great wetlands area on the edges of Lake Annecy, which bears witness to a remarkable transformation of natural habitat over 20,000 years.
This path is fully paved, which means everyone (wee ones in prams and adults) can keep their feet dry!

Technical Information

Very easy
3.3 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

74210 Doussard
Lat : 45.785624Lng : 6.226352

Points of interest

image du object

Réserve Naturelle Nationale du Bout du Lac d'Annecy

The Bout du Lac nature reserve is a rare, unspoilt area on the shores of Lake Annecy, inviting you to discover a protected natural area. The site is accessible to the mobility-impaired and hearing-impaired.The Bout du Lac nature reserve is a wetland area crossed by two rivers, the Eau Morte and the Ire, which feed Lake Annecy. This marshy area to the south of the lake is an exceptional habitat. Wet forests, reedbeds, wet meadows and alkaline peat bogs make up this ecosystem, offering a diversity that is conducive to the establishment of a large number of common, rare or sensitive animal and plant species. The site's major interest lies in the presence of the underwater herbarium, which supports the development of a fauna of invertebrates and fish, and also in the reed bed, which is a refuge for the common toad, a protected area for the European beaver and for the reptiles of Haute-Savoie. Breeding birds such as the reed bunting, spotted locustella and three warblers can be found in the higher parts of the reedbed. The bittern sometimes completes this list. Wintering birds (tufted duck, common pochard and ruddy duck) spend the cold season here in good conditions. Next on the list are the willow and alder thickets, the pedunculate oak woodlands, the arable and hay meadows and the gallery forests along the watercourses. The remarkable diversity of these biotopes supports a remarkable flora. Protected species include gentian pneumonanthe, snake's tongue, water ragwort, sweet-smelling orchid and Swiss woodruff.

Bout du Lac Route de la vieille Eglise 74210 Doussard
- Apidae -
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Audioguide du bout du lac

Arpentez les sentiers de la réserve naturelle du Bout du Lac d’une nouvelle façon ludique, en découvrant à votre rythme le patrimoine naturel et historique raconté par les anciens et enfants du pays.Ouvrez les oreilles et rendez vous à la réserve naturelle du Bout du Lac pour suivre Nestor le Castor qui vous indiquera l’emplacement des QR codes à scanner pour écouter l’audioguide.

- Apidae -
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Skiwake 74

Skiwake74 offers private lessons, wakeboarding, wakesurfing, waterskating, waterskiing and monoskiing courses, and baby skiing for the little ones from 2 years old... all this in a magical spot, lake Annecy!To enjoy yourself but also improve, be trained and accompanied to reach your goals. All this thanks to our sports school (every Saturday and Sunday: practice as a team with our coaches) to prepare you for competitions, diplomas or just to share this passion. RELAXATION AREA You want to unwind after your lesson or just take a seat and watch? A terrace, a tent, deck chairs, coffee tables and hammocks create a "Chill" zone perfect to relax by the lake with your family, colleagues or mates! BARBECUE And of course sports and swimming make you hungry! This is why we put a barbecue at your disposal*, you will only have to bring your sausages and kebabs and fill up your stomachs with a view of the lake and mountains. An area under arbour allows you to eat in the shade.

120 route de la plage Bout du lac 74210 Doussard
- Apidae -
image du object

Ski & Wake 74

Skiwake74 offers private lessons, wakeboarding, wakesurfing, waterskating, waterskiing and monoskiing courses, and baby skiing for the little ones from 2 years old... all this in a magical spot, lake Annecy!To enjoy yourself but also improve, be trained and accompanied to reach your goals. All this thanks to our sports school (every Saturday and Sunday: practice as a team with our coaches) to prepare you for competitions, diplomas or just to share this passion. RELAXATION AREA You want to unwind after your lesson or just take a seat and watch? A terrace, a tent, deck chairs, coffee tables and hammocks create a "Chill" zone perfect to relax by the lake with your family, colleagues or mates! BARBECUE And of course sports and swimming make you hungry! This is why we put a barbecue at your disposal*, you will only have to bring your sausages and kebabs and fill up your stomachs with a view of the lake and mountains. An area under arbour allows you to eat in the shade.

120 route de la plage Bout du lac 74210 Doussard
- Apidae -

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Asters - 26/07/2024
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Throughout the year : open daily.


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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾