Leaving from Blandas.
This route takes you quickly to the cirque de Navacelles. From Blandas, follow the D113 for around 300m, then take the PR on the left to head up the cliff to Les Faïsses. From here, it's a short round trip of less than 2 km to admire the view of the cirque from the balcony of the belvédère des chênes. Back at Les Faïsses, take the single track that leads to the Rocher du Loup, and at the road turn right onto the balcony path that climbs slightly to Calorouge. At the crossroads, turn right onto the PR which takes you along the D113 before crossing the Fontaret woods and the fitness trail. At the Croix St Jean, take the D847 for almost 2 km, then the PR on your right and another short stretch of road to the hamlet of Quintanel. From here a PR will take you to Les Très Toullières, then a short stretch of road to Le Landre before rejoining the GR to Blandas.
Office de Tourisme Sud Cévennes - 16/07/2024
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