Leaving from Blandas.
From the church, take the D158 (direction cirque de Navacelles) for about 500m, then turn left onto the PR that leads to Le Barral via the Château d'Assas. From Le Barral, 2.5km of minor road (the D413) takes you to the D485, where you turn left to reach Montdardier, cross the village to the village hall and then the start of the GR to Navas (short stretch of road, the D113a). Before the hamlet, take the PR on your left as far as Le Planas, then follow the GR7 on your right, first the road for 1.5 km, then a monotrace on your left which takes you back to your starting point in Blandas, after a few bumps.
Office de Tourisme Sud Cévennes - 16/07/2024
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