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Around Sainte Mildrede

Volckerinckhove autour de sainte Mildrède
Credit : Nord Tourisme

The Cirkwi brief

Discover Sainte Mildrede's Trail: A Journey Through Time and Nature
Venturing into the heart of Volckerinckhove reveals a journey designed by Nord Tourisme that highlights the rich tapestry of the region's heritage and landscapes. "Autour de Sainte Mildrede" presents an accessible year-round circuit, particularly appealing for families seeking an intersection of culture and the tranquility of nature. Without dwelling on metrics, imagine traversing through verdant settings, where the allure of inviting culinary stops like the Herberge In d'Hope promises a taste of the local hospitality. This route doesn't merely chart a path; it's an invitation to experience the soul of the region.

Brief Technical Overview
Focusing on the specifics, "Autour de Sainte Mildrede" spans approximately 8.7km, with altitude variations modestly placed between 6 to 63 meters. Noticeably, the route achieves a total ascent and descent of 90 meters each, marking it as moderately challenging but certainly manageable. Marked by yellow signs, the trail offers a clear guide through its course—a factor that greatly aids navigation. Distilled to its essence, these details form a clear picture of what adventurers can anticipate: a comfortably paced exploration augmented by gratifying elevational shifts.

Seasonal Tips and Safety
Regardless of the season, preparing adequately for "Autour de Sainte Mildrede" enhances the experience. During wetter months, waterproof footwear is indispensable, ensuring comfort amidst the lush, sometimes damp, terrain. Summer welcomes explorers with open arms, offering sunlit paths and verdant views, yet reminding to carry water and sun protection. Safety is paramount; thus, whether amidst autumn's palette or winter's crisp embrace, staying within the marked paths and respecting nature's boundaries ensures not only a safe journey but an enjoyable one at every step.

Volckerinckhove: A Cultural Crossroads
Delving into the essence of Volckerinckhove and its surrounds, one finds a locale steeped in history and cultural significance. This journey through "Autour de Sainte Mildrede" is not merely a physical traversal but a passage through time. The region, nestled within the broader narratives of Flandre and Audomarois, is a testament to a rich cultural tapestry. From its religious edifices to its verdurous landscapes, every aspect speaks volumes of a community that has thrived through centuries, offering explorers a glimpse into the resilience and beauty of this northern part of France.

Climate Insights for A Pleasant Visit
The climate in Volckerinckhove is characterized by mild temperatures and varied precipitation throughout the year. Spring and early Autumn emerge as the prime times for undertaking "Autour de Sainte Mildrede," with the weather providing a comfortable backdrop for exploring. While summers are pleasantly warm, offering a vivid display of the region's natural beauty, they also call for sun protection. Winters, though cooler, carry a unique charm—if properly dressed, adventuring through the serene, crisp landscape can be a delightful experience. Each season presents a different facet of the trail's allure, allowing for a uniquely satisfying journey whenever you choose to venture forth.
Automatically generated.

Technical informations

This circuit was updated on: 15/02/2024
8.7 km
2 h 40 mn
max. 63 m
min. 6 m
65 m
Styles : HikingIn the country
Public : Family

Altimetric profile

Starting point

15 Eglise, 30 Contour de l'Église , 59470 VOLCKERINCKHOVE
Lat : 50.8388328212Lng : 2.30459346508


image du object

Point 1

Départ soit du parking et en remontant la rue principale puis à gauche (ou dos à l’église, prendre la rue principale à droite puis à gauche) le Meule Veld Pad qui mène, entre champs et pâtures. Continuez tout droit, sur le chemin des templiers, puis rejoignez la RD 46 et prenez la 2ème route à droite sur le chemin de Sainte-Mildrède.

- Nord Tourisme -
image du object

Point 2

Continuez tout droit. Vous êtes à proximité du lieu-dit « la Cabarette », lieu d’origine pense-t-on d’une pomme du même nom, typique des Flandres. Sur le chemin des templiers, continuez tout droit, laisser la première route à droite,  et prenez la deuxième route à droite chemin de Saint Mildrede.

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image du object

Point 3

Tout droit, descendez vers la chapelle Sainte-Mildrède.

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image du object

Point 4

A droite, effectuez un aller-retour à la chapelle Sainte-Mildrède – «Sint Mulderskappelle» en flamand – propriété privée – puis reprenez l’itinéraire principal. Empruntez à droite la RD 226 puis à gauche la rue de Merckeghem.

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image du object

Point 5

Tournez à droite. Cette route se poursuit en chemin de terre, le chemin du Bois. Passez un large fossé, le courant de Sainte-Mildrède.

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image du object

Point 6

Empruntez à droite le chemin de la Belette qui traverse le Wezel Bosch – « bois de la belette ».

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image du object

Point 7

Prenez à droite la RD 226, puis à gauche. Passez devant le château d’eau puis suivez la route de Spycker droit devant vous.

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Point 8

Quittez la route pour le chemin de terre (tout droit). A travers champs, vous atteignez un point dénudé et élevé qui permet de scruter l’horizon et d’apercevoir les clochers de presque tous les villages.

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image du object

Point 9

Continuez tout droit par la Braemveld Straete. Tournez à gauche sur la D246 puis à droite sur la rue principale et rejoignez le parking ainsi que l’église de Volckerinckhove dont vous pouvez faire le tour. Vous pouvez aussi aller découvrir le Moulin à cheval, la Chaumière et son four à pain.

- Nord Tourisme -

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