A short introductory stage between the sanctuaries of Betharram, on the eastern edge of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, and the bastide town of Bruges, representative of the villages of the Pyrenean foothills, founded in the 14th century with a vocation to welcome pilgrims. To reach it, the route alternates between the heights of the hills bathed in light and the coolness of the discreet rivers at the bottom of the valley.
chapelle du XVIIe siècle (voûtes en bois peints, tableaux, orgue et retables), musée, fontaine, pont de 1687.
église gothique flamboyant (chapelle Saint- Jacques), oppidum à 1,5 km hors GR.
bastide fondée en 1357, église avec une tour-clocher du XVIe siècle et un portail gothique, vieux pont sur le Landistou.
White and red (GR®)
Walking trail
Hiking Route (GR®)