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Between Soline and Noues

Between Soline and Noues
Credit : ©ccbm

The Cirkwi brief

Discover Scenic Hermé: A Forested Path to Seine Valley

Set off from the quaint village of Hermé for a journey through shaded woodlands, ascending to a vantage point with a breathtaking view of the Seine valley. This nature trail, presented by the Communauté de communes Bassée-Montois, weaves through the essence of the French countryside, inviting walkers to immerse themselves in the tranquility of their surroundings. As you navigate through this picturesque route, let your senses be captivated by the earthy aroma of the forest floor and the gentle rustle of leaves, evoking a sense of peace and connection with nature.

Trail Specifics Unveiled

The Hermé trail extends over 11.7 kilometers, with an elevation range from 58 to 120 meters, featuring a total ascent and descent of 119 meters. This route tests one's stamina while providing gentle inclines for those looking to increase their endurance. The journey from the lowlands to the peak unveils the diverse landscape of the region, offering both novice and experienced hikers an engaging experience. Assessing its technical aspects, the trail presents a moderate challenge, suitable for individuals seeking to explore the natural beauty of Hermé without embarking on an overly strenuous hike.

Seasonal Insights for Hikers

To ensure a memorable visit, it's crucial to prepare according to the season. During spring and autumn, the trail reveals a vibrant palette of colors, making it an ideal time for photography enthusiasts. Summers are lush, but hydration is key, as the canopy provides limited shade. Winters, while stark, can be enchanting with frost but require caution for slippery paths. Regardless of the season, sturdy footwear and weather-appropriate clothing are essential. Always check weather forecasts before setting out and consider carrying a small backpack with water, snacks, and a basic first-aid kit.

Historical Echoes of Hermé

Hermé, nestled within the broader context of the Ile-de-France region, is more than just a starting point for a scenic trek. Its roots run deep within the fabric of French history, positioned in the Seine-et-Marne department, an area famed for its rich cultural heritage. The trails around Hermé not only offer natural beauty but also whisper tales of the past, where every footstep echoes through time. From ancient forest rights to its role in local commerce, exploring Hermé and its surroundings is akin to walking through a living museum, revealing stories of resilience, tradition, and evolution.

Weather Advisory for Hermé Visitors

The climate in Hermé is temperate and generally welcoming year-round, characterized by mild summers and cool winters. The most favorable time for trail exploration is from late spring to early autumn, where the weather conditions are optimal for outdoor activities. Rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year, making it advisable to always prepare for potential showers. Winter walks can be uniquely serene if one is prepared for the colder temperatures. To fully enjoy the scenic route and its panoramic valley views, selecting a clear, mild day will enhance the overall experience, leaving visitors captivated by the natural splendor of the region.
Automatically generated.

Technical informations

This circuit was updated on: 23/02/2024
12 km
max. 122 m
min. 58 m
57 m
Styles : BaladeIn the country
Public : FamilyOccasional hikers

Altimetric profile

Starting point

10 Place de la Mairie , 77114 Hermé
Lat : 48.48335Lng : 3.34945


image du object


Départ de la place de la mairie. Prendre à droite puis à gauche à la borne incendie, le chemin de la boisse au barde. Au bout du chemin, prendre à droite. Continuer tout droit jusqu’à la route départementale (D78) et la traverser.

10 Place de la Mairie 77114 Herme
- Communauté de communes Bassée-Montois -
image du object

Suivre le chemin jusqu’à la ligne électrique, tourner à droite, passer le pont du chemin de fer puis emprunter la route goudronnée en direction de Servolles. Entrer dans Servolles, prendre le 1er chemin de terre à gauche puis à nouveau à gauche en laissant derrière vous le château d’eau. Prendre le 1er chemin à droite en direction du bois et le longer (sur votre droite).

D78 77114 Herme
- Communauté de communes Bassée-Montois -
image du object

Au point haut, vous bénéficiez d’une vue panoramique sur la Bassée. Arriver au bois, tourner à droite et le contourner jusqu’aux silos. Traverser la D78, prendre le 1er chemin à droite, puis à gauche et à nouveau à droite. En traversant la D18, arriver dans Toury par la rue Eugène Garnier.

Unnamed Road 77114 Herme
- Communauté de communes Bassée-Montois -
image du object

Tourner à droite, rue des Messiers puis sortir de la route sur votre gauche et emprunter le chemin de terre ombragé en face sur environ 500m. Reprendre la route puis tourner à la 1ère à gauche, rue du pont des chaises. Passer le pont du chemin de fer, prendre la première à gauche puis la première à droite. Pour retrouver la mairie, prendre le 1er chemin à droite.

1-3 Rue Eugène Garnier 77114 Herme
- Communauté de communes Bassée-Montois -

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