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Walk in the olive trees at Notre Dame du Mont

Walk in the olive trees at Notre Dame du Mont
Walk in the olive trees at Notre Dame du Mont


Walk through the small country roads and olive trees a few minutes from the village.

Cross the Lac de Breil by the Charabot Bridge, pass under the viaduct of the railway line (tag 7), take the stairs to the right and continue to the fountain. Take the stairs behind the fountain then join the road for about 500m. Arrival at the Notre Dame du Mont chapel where you can picnic in the shade of olive trees.
Retrace your steps to a small road on the right, route de Ciaus, descend to the fountain then return to the village.

Possibility of continuing straight on passing in front of the fountain up to the Saint Antoine de Padoue chapel, you will also see the Saint Jean bell tower just behind. And continue on the road to the transport ecomuseum and the sncf station.

Technical Information

Not specified
4 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

Route Notre Dame du Mont , 06540 Breil-sur-Roya
Lat : 43.940114Lng : 7.50467

Points of interest

image du object

Notre-Dame du Mont Chapel

Located on a beautiful site of the Breilloise olive grove, the chapel incorporates Romanesque apses, Gothic portals and a Baroque bell tower around its three Romanesque naves with baroque decorations.The attic of the chapel is home to bats in summer, protected by the Natura 2000 programme and the Mercantour National Park. The Madonna of the Mount has a basilical plan with a central nave and two collaterals. Three apses in the cul de four extend the three naves. The structure of the main nave is supported by high walls above the arcades that separate it from the collateral. This nave is illuminated by side bays in the upper part. The collaterals, lower, are covered with "shed" frames. They are illuminated by oculus at the top of each facade. The side bell tower rebuilt in the early seventeenth century, is partly located in the south apsidiol which remains partially legible inside. A semicircular vaulted porch was built west of the central nave in the early 17th century. It was raised by the creation of a small dwelling around 1830. A masonry cistern of the same period adjoins it to the north. A semi-elliptical forecourt is located at the front of the side gate, north of the building.

route de la Madone du Mont 06540 Breil-sur-Roya
- Menton, Riviera & Merveilles -
image du object

Saint-Antoine de Padoue Chapel

Small chapel near the Saint-Jean bell tower. It was built after the destruction, at the beginning of the 18th century, of the Benedictine priory of which the bell tower Saint-Jean was a part, Recently renovated thanks to the financing of the Soucéta brîïenca.Restored in 1922. With dedication inside the nartex: HOC SACELLUM A PATRIBUS DIVO ANTONIO CURA RESTAURATUM FUIT ANNO MCMXXII It was moved from its original site following the construction of the station rights-of-way.

Avenue de l'Authion 06540 Breil-sur-Roya
- Menton, Riviera & Merveilles -
image du object

Bell tower Saint Jean

This bell tower with its twin openings, very characteristic of the first Romanesque art, is the only surviving vestige of the ancient priory Sanctis Johannes. It is not visited but is visible from the road.The chapel and annexes were destroyed in 1707 by the army of Prince Eugene retreating after their defeat before Toulon. Philippe de Beauchamp says "early 12th-century bell tower, vestige of a Benedictine church still in use in 1667, destroyed in 1707 by the Imperials, set in a beautiful site". According to Charles Botton, the chapel was destroyed in 1707. Gave its name to the Saint Jean district Tegulae incorporated into the bell tower Ancient tombs found in the district.

Quartier Saint Jean 06540 Breil-sur-Roya
- Menton, Riviera & Merveilles -
image du object

Ecomuseum of the Wonder Train

Exhibition of old machines (SNCF historic steam and electric locomotives, trams, old cars). Presentation of the history of the SNCF railway line at Col de Tende, including a large model on the line.For several years, the volunteer members of the Breil sur Roya Ecomuseum Association have been gathering rare pieces on the history of transportation in our region. The locomotives, train carriages, railcars, trolleys and old trams are displayed in the open air and in a shed in the immediate vicinity of the station, the tracks and a level crossing. The collections of objects and models are presented inside the old carriages which have been refurbished for this purpose.

Plateau de la gare 06540 Breil-sur-Roya
- Menton, Riviera & Merveilles -

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Office de Tourisme Menton, Riviera & Merveilles - 03/07/2024
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All year round.

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾