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Boat rides at the Festival de l'Oh!

Boat rides at the Festival de l'Oh!
Credit : Navigation, Croisières en boucle

The Cirkwi brief

Seine River Cruises: Discover Paris with Festival de l'Oh!

Boarding a boat for a unique journey down the Seine presents an unparalleled opportunity to soak in the city’s essence from a fresh perspective. Designed by Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur, this tour bridges the gap between entertainment and education, offering sun-dappled afternoons packed with culture, history, and architectural marvels—all delivered by professional speakers. Feel the gentle breeze and witness the serene beauty of the waterways that have shaped Parisian life for centuries. This blend of leisure and learning provides an unforgettable experience of France’s storied capital.

Key Route Details Unveiled

Spanning over 12.229 kilometers, the itinerary unfolds between altitudes of 27 to 31 meters, incorporating a modest positive elevation change. The journey not only makes the best of Paris's scenic flatlands but also ensures an easy navigation. Crafted for enthusiasts seeking a detailed exploration, the path promises an engaging experience regardless of physical prowess, ensuring accessibility for many. An exquisite chance to delve into the journey’s dimensions, from the docks of Paris Port de Bercy to the tranquil waves of the Seine.

Seasonal Insights and Safety Tips

To enhance your cruise experience, packing for the weather is essential. During summer, lightweight clothing and sun protection are advisable, while spring and autumn call for layers to combat cooler breezes. Winter cruisers should dress warmly. Beyond attire, arriving early ensures a smoother boarding process. Paying attention to safety briefings and respecting onboard rules, especially on deck, will make for an enjoyable and secure journey. Remember, the River Seine's beauty is timeless, but preparedness heightens enjoyment across seasons.

Paris: Heart of French Culture and History

Embarking from Paris, a city eternally linked to the arts, humanity, and revolutionary thought, enriches the journey with layers of historical and cultural significance. The Seine itself, a lifeline of the city, has witnessed centuries of evolving landscapes, from royal processions to modern celebrations. This itinerary doesn’t just navigate a river but traverses a living museum of French heritage, offering a narrative that complements the stones of its banks and bridges, echoing tales from Paris’s storied past to its vibrant present.

Climate Guide for Optimal Visits

Parisian climate fluctuates from mild springs and autumns to warm summers and cool winters. Precipitation is moderate but can enhance the city's charm, especially when viewed from the shelter of a river cruise. The best time for cruising is late spring through early autumn, when the weather is most conducive to enjoying open-air views and the gentle Seine breezes. Winter cruises offer a different appeal, with the city's lights reflecting beautifully on the water, albeit with a need for warmer attire.
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Technical informations

This circuit was updated on: 21/02/2024
12 km
max. 31 m
min. 28 m
Styles : BaladeDiscoveryIn the countryUnusualFestive
Public : FamilyPersons with reduced mobilityOccasional hikersSeniorsTeenagersAccessible with prams/stroller
Themes : CouplesCulturalPatrimony

Altimetric profile

Starting point

75012 Paris
Lat : 48.835692Lng : 2.379055

Points of interest

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Escale de Paris

Port de Bercy, quai de Bercy (12ème), au pied de la passerelle Simone de Beauvoir Samedi de 14h00 à 22h00 Dimanche de 11h00 à 19h00

Place Simone de Beauvoir 75012 Paris
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Escale d'Ivry-sur-Seine

Au croisement du quai Henri-Pourchasse et de la rue de la Baignade L’escale présente quelques difficultés de terrain ou d’aménagement pour les fauteuils. Avec l’aide d’un accompagnateur, l’accessibilité reste possible. Samedi de 14h00 à 20h00 Dimanche de 11h00 à 19h00

12-13 Quai Henri Pourchassé 94400 Ivry-sur-Seine
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Escale d'Alfortville

Parc de l'île au Cointre, quai Blanqui Samedi de 14h00 à 20h00 Dimanche de 11h00 à 19h00

22 Quai Blanqui 94140 Alfortville
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Escale de Vitry-sur-Seine

Au niveau du Pont du Port-à-l'Anglais, quai Jules-Guesde, chemin de halage Samedi de 14h00 à 23h00 Dimanche de 10h00 à 19h00

24 Quai Jules Guesde 94400 Vitry-sur-Seine
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Escale de Villeneuve-Saint-Georges

Place Mouliérat à Villeneuve-Triage Samedi de 12h00 à 20h00 Dimanche de 11h00 à 19h00

1 Place Moulierat 94190 Villeneuve-Saint-Georges
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -
image du object

Escale d'Orly

Voie du Bouvray - Chemin de Halage Samedi de 14h00 à 20h00 Dimanche de 11h00 à 19h00

Chemin de Halage 94600 Orly
- Balades Fluviales Fabienne Lemoine Fondateur -

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