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Hiking Trail: Walk from Arpenaz to Luzier

Hiking Trail: Walk from Arpenaz to Luzier
Hiking Trail: Walk from Arpenaz to Luzier
Hiking Trail: Walk from Arpenaz to Luzier
Hiking Trail: Walk from Arpenaz to Luzier
Hiking Trail: Walk from Arpenaz to Luzier
Hiking Trail: Walk from Arpenaz to Luzier
Hiking Trail: Walk from Arpenaz to Luzier


From the Arpenaz waterfall to the hamlet of Luzier, a beautiful little contemplative walk combining the water, the forest, the village and its chapel. A beautiful Nature & Heritage discovery accessible to all.

Go hiking safely!

Walking time is approximate and does not take into account break times.

The topo/step-by-step description guides you generally but does not replace a 1/25,000 hiking map or other topoguides available in our tourist office!

In Sallanches, our Office of Guides & Leaders also offers a wide choice of outings accompanied by mountain professionals providing you with complete expertise on the environment and alpine nature, inquire at the tourist office to register.

Whatever your hike, check the weather before you go. Remember to take cereal bars, sufficient water, sunglasses, sunscreen, a cap or hat, a small first aid kit, as well as clothing suitable for your outing in your backpack. depending on the season and the forecast weather.

Technical informations

This circuit was updated on: 23/04/2024
1.9 km
max. 594 m
min. 523 m
102 m
Public : Family

Altimetric profile

Starting point

755 Départ : parking de la Cascade d'Arpenaz route d'Oëx , 74700 Sallanches
Lat : 45.97425Lng : 6.6407

Points of interest

image du object

La Cascade d'Arpenaz (waterfall)

At a height of 270m, this magnificent waterfall, dominating the hamlet of Luzier, is the 3rd highest waterfall in France and is of geological interest (shales). Listed natural site. Impressive in the spring, you can refresh yourself there in the summer.Natural site classified since 1991. The waterfall is easily observed from the highway or national. Many travelers have always stopped at its foot to admire its splendid waterfall. This waterfall has its charm in any season, but its fall is very impressive in spring when the snow melts. In summer, a reception basin that can be used as a "vat" for swimming, and a small stream sheltered by the forest await you there. The torrent, called Nant d'Arpenaz or La Laiteuse, descends from the Platé massif, where it originates from several streams from the mountain pastures of the Véran mountain. From its source located at an altitude of 1850 m to where it flows into the Arve, the torrent travels 4 km. The name "Arpenaz" comes from the Celtic prefix "Ar" meaning living water and the Celtic suffix "pen" meaning rocky head. The site is also of geological interest, with its "S" rock folding. Developed site: free parking, picnic areas, starting point for hiking and mountain biking trails. When the Arpenaz waterfall inspires... The novelist Théophile Gaultier described the Arpenaz waterfall in the middle of the 19th century as follows:. "From the upper plateaus of the mountain, between the tumult of large rocks of a purplish gray, the water descended and seemed from afar a vein of silver embedded in the stone. From a distance, the most furious waterfalls seem motionless and have the air of streaks of snow between masses of rocks. At the edge of this steep slope, the mountain cuts steeply and the water rushes into the void".

Route d'Oëx 74700 Sallanches
- Sallanches TOURISME -
image du object

Chapelle de Luzier (Chapel)

The Chapelle de Luzier was built in 1716, and is located at the top of the village. Three saints share its patronage: St Anne, the Virgin Mary's mother, St Guérin and St Alexis, who is considered the patron of the chapel.

hameau Luzier route de l'école 74700 Sallanches
- Sallanches TOURISME -
image du object

Lac de baignade des Ilettes

Jetez-vous à l'eau !" Ce 2ème lac est un véritable paradis estival, parfait pour la baignade, surveillée en été, le paddle, le kayac et la farniente.. Plages de sable ou d'herbe pour le plaisir de chacun..Avec ses 450 m de long, ce lac propose de nombreux intérêts en toute saison. Sur sa partie nord, une plage de sable accueille la zone de baignade surveillée en juillet-août. avec la possibilité de se doucher à proximité du poste de secours. Un restaurant est présent dès les beaux jours, offrant l'occasion également de savourer un café ou une glace face au lac. Sur les autres rives vous pourrez vous relaxer sur les pelouses verdoyantes qui bordent eaux du lac sous le soleil ou à l'ombre des arbres. Vous trouverez sur une des rives des équipements de loisirs : terrains de volley, table de ping-pong ainsi que des aires de pique-nique aménagées. Les barbecues sur pied sont autorisés selon les conditions établies par l'arrêté municipal. Un parcours santé est à votre disposition sur la partie nord de ce lac. Classé en catégorie 2 pour la pêche il est donc autorisé de pêcher en dehors de la saison estivale. Pour préserver la tranquillité, l'hygiène et la propreté des lieux, l’accès à ce 2ème lac est interdit aux animaux. Ces derniers peuvent emprunter la voie dite rustique le long des berges de l’Arve à toute période de l’année. Des parkings gratuits ainsi que des installations sanitaires sont disponibles sur place.

ancienne route impériale 74700 Sallanches
- Sallanches TOURISME -
image du object

Lac de planche à voile des Ilettes

Envie de glisser sur l'eau ? Avis aux amateurs de" jibe" et de "fun" qui sont les bienvenus sur ce 3ème lac, l'un des meilleurs spots de la Haute-Savoie pour les véliplanchistes.Avec ses 515 m de longueur, il permet plusieurs activités : planche à voile sur la partie sud, pêche sur la partie nord en catégorie 2 (du 2ème samedi de mars au 31 décembre inclus) mais aussi promenade le long des berges et découverte du milieu aquatique en explorant le bout nord du lac où vous trouverez une cabane d'observation des oiseaux d'eau et des poissons, un véritable trésor pour les amoureux de la nature. En suivant le sentier "Au fil de l'eau" vers le nord, qui traverse la passerelle de Luzier vous pourrez rejoindre la fameuse cascade d'Arpenaz, à seulement 2km (30 min à pied). Ce 3ème lac est accessible aux animaux sous réserve du respect des dispositions suivantes : • la baignade des animaux est strictement interdite ; • les animaux doivent être tenus en laisse ; • les propriétaires de chiens devront ramasser les déjections de leur animal. Les animaux peuvent emprunter la voie dite rustique sur les berges de l’Arve (digue) à toute période de l’année. Le barbecue au sol est strictement interdit.

ancienne route impériale 74700 Sallanches
- Sallanches TOURISME -

Additional information

Guidebook with maps/step-by-step

Departure: Cascade car park
1. Take the path in the car park which indicates the direction of Luzier. In the spring this trail is very fragrant with the smell of wild garlic which abounds in the area.
2. the path climbs a little in the undergrowth with a few roots and small pebbles to step over
3. then you arrive at a crossroads where you have to follow the one on the right towards Luzier.
4. the path is now flatter; in the fall you will be able to observe some wild cyclamen.
5. when you leave the undergrowth you cross the fields which descend to the hamlet of Luzier.
6. Arrived at the hamlet you go down the street on the right which passes in front of a large farm then in front of the chapel of Luzier (the chapel can be visited only on request, however you can have some explanations at the tourist office); you will also pass in front of beautiful, highly decorated village basins.
7. Then you will join the small road of Oëx to reach the starting point.


Lakeside or by stretch of water
Village 2 km away
Waterfall view
In the country
Forest location
Mountain view

Updated by

Office de Tourisme de Sallanches - 22/04/2024
Report a problem

Open period

All year round.

Subject to favorable weather.

Type of land

Not suitable for strollers


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Reception complements

Go hiking safely!

Walking time is approximate and does not take into account break times.

The topo/step-by-step description guides you generally but does not replace a 1/25,000 hiking map or other topoguides available in our tourist office!

In Sallanches, our Office of Guides & Leaders also offers a wide choice of outings accompanied by mountain professionals providing you with complete expertise on the environment and alpine nature, inquire at the tourist office to register.

Whatever your hike, check the weather before you go. Remember to take cereal bars, sufficient water, sunglasses, sunscreen, a cap or hat, a small first aid kit, as well as clothing suitable for your outing in your backpack. depending on the season and the forecast weather.

Data author

32 Quai de l'Hôtel de ville 74700 74700 - SALLANCHES France

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