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Loop in Neuilly-sur-Marne starting from the Carrefour de la Résistance.

The Cirkwi brief

Discover Neuilly-sur-Marne: An Exhilarating 4km Loop

Embark on a delightful journey through the heart of Neuilly-sur-Marne, starting from the iconic Carrefour de la Résistance. This 4-kilometer loop, meticulously crafted by the renowned Mille-Pattes, promises an immersive stroll through the lush landscapes and serene atmosphere of this charming locale. As you navigate this easy yet invigorating path, you'll be enveloped by the natural beauty and the whispers of local history that adorn this small but spirited corner of France. Invite the essence of Neuilly-sur-Marne into your adventure and witness the unity of culture and nature at every step.

Essential Trail Insights Unveiled

This walk unveils the geometric precision of a 3.885km pathway, with altitudes fluctuating subtly between 37m and 45m. The total elevation gain is neatly packaged into 22 meters, providing just enough variation to keep the walk engaging without becoming strenuous. The route's design thoughtfully accommodates enthusiasts of all levels, proposing a meticulously calculated experience that challenges just enough to invigorate, yet ensures accessibility and enjoyment for a broad audience.

Seasonal Tips for Trail Explorers

Spring and fall are magical on this route, offering mild temperatures and the vibrancy of changing seasons. During these periods, the trail's beauty peaks, making it the perfect time for photography and nature walks. Summer brings lush greenery but also heat; early morning or late evening walks are recommended. Winter, while chillier, presents a unique serene beauty, but extra caution should be taken for slippery paths. Always check weather conditions before setting out, and remember, good footwear and water are year-round essentials.

Heart of Neuilly's Rich History

Neuilly-sur-Marne, nestled within the Seine-Saint-Denis department, is more than just a picturesque spot; it's a place deeply rooted in French history. Its streets and buildings whisper tales of the past, where every corner holds a story. From ancient times through the industrial revolution and into modern-day, Neuilly-sur-Marne has evolved while maintaining its unique identity. This trail not only offers a scenic walk but also an intimate encounter with the rich cultural tapestry that defines this region.

Climate Guide for Optimal Visits

The climate in Neuilly-sur-Marne is predominantly temperate, with distinct seasons that each bring their own charm. Winters are cool, but rarely harsh, making it suitable for a brisk walk clad in warmer gear. Spring breathes life with moderate temperatures and blossoming flora, ideal for experiencing the natural beauty on offer. Summers can be warm, encouraging early morning or late evening walks to avoid the midday sun. Fall, with its mild climate and colorful palette, offers an excellent window for outdoor exploration. The best visiting times are late spring through early fall.

Automatically generated.

Technical informations

This circuit was updated on: 22/02/2024
3.9 km
1 h
45 mn
30 mn
max. 45 m
min. 37 m
Style : Balade
Public : Family

Altimetric profile

Starting point

22 Rue Gambetta , 93330 Neuilly-sur-Marne
Lat : 48.85748Lng : 2.53226


image du object

Place de la Résistance

Au départ du carrfour de la Résistance, aller prendre la rue Gambetta, puis la rue emile Cossonneau à droite. Se diriger ensuite vers l'église Saint-Baudille. On rejoint ensuite la rue P et C. Thomoux vers la Marne et on rentre dans le square de l'eau à droite. Sur le bord de Marne, prendre à gauche.

- Mille-Pattes -
image du object

écluse de Neuilly sur Marne

Suivre le chemin de halage jusqu'à l'écluse que l'on ne traverse pas. Quitter sur la gauche le bord du canal pour suivre un chemin parallèle qui longe le stade Guy Boniface que l'on contourne en le gardant sur la gauche.

9 Chemin de l'Écluse 93330 Neuilly-sur-marne
- Mille-Pattes -
image du object

rue du Général Donzelot

prendre à droire la direction de l(Iroko, puis continuer jusqu'à l'avenue Jean Jaurès (N34) que l'on traverse sur une passerelle. Entrer ensuite sur la droite dans le parc du Croissant Vert et longer la ferme pédagogique.

84 Rue Alfred Kastler 93330 Neuilly-sur-marne
- Mille-Pattes -
image du object

rue Duguay-Trouin

On ressort du parc au niveau de la rue Duguay Trouin que l'on suit jusqu'au rond-point. Prendre en face la rue du 19 mars 1962, puis à gauche la rue de l'Epargne. Au bout de cette rue, prendre à gauche la rue de l'Epi d'Or, puis à droite la rue du Gal Schmitz. Il faut suivre à droite la rue du Colonel Moll et ensuite à gauche la rue Foulques. Vous voilà de retour sur la rue du Général de Gaulle (N34).

1 Rue Albert Camus 93330 Neuilly-sur-marne
- Mille-Pattes -

Data author

Image Mille-Pattes
proposed by Mille-Pattes

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