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From Viarmes to Presles

From Viarmes to Presles
Credit : Cyril Badet pour le PNROPF

The Cirkwi brief

Discover the Enchanting Trail from Viarmes to Presles
Crafted by the Regional Natural Parks of Ile-de-France, this itinerary offers a journey through the serene landscapes stretching from Viarmes to Presles. Without diving into the granular details, let's traverse the essence of this trail—starting from a decline near a station, winding through quaint streets, and culminating in a mesmerizing walk by a small lake and a prominent dolmen. This path is not just a trek but a narrative that guides you through forestry wonders, historical artifacts, and the calmness of village life. It epitomizes the perfect blend of nature’s artwork and cultural heritage, making it a must-trek path for enthusiasts craving a scenic adventure.

Technical Insights: Trail Overview
Spanning a distance of 10.334 km, this trek unveils a topographical variety, with elevations ranging from 50 meters at the lowest to 211 meters at the highest points. The trail boasts an altitude variance, entailing an approximate positive elevation change between 225 to 292 meters which provides a moderate challenge suitable for most hikers. Endorsed by the Regional Natural Parks of Ile-de-France, the route is carefully crafted, ensuring a blend of scenic vistas and natural landmarks. Its composition and elevation offer a comprehensive yet enjoyable hiking experience, underscored by its meticulously planned path.

Seasonal Tips & Safety Recommendations
Embracing this scenic journey from Viarmes to Presles requires more than just enthusiasm. Regardless of the season, ensure you're equipped with sturdy walking shoes to navigate the diverse terrains. Spring showers bring lush landscapes but also slippery paths; caution is advised. Summer offers vibrant foliage, yet hydration is key under the sun’s embrace. Autumn’s cool breeze and colorful tapestry make it an ideal time, though layers are essential as temperatures can dip. Winter, cloaked in serene silence, demands warm attire and an early start to seize daylight. Safety is paramount - always inform someone of your travel plans and pack essentials including water, snacks, and a first-aid kit.

Historical Chronicles of Viarmes to Presles
The trek from Viarmes to Presles threads through a region rich in history and culture. Viarmes, rooted in a geological marvel, and adjacent to the Forest of Carnelle, offers a glimpse into nature's profound beauty and the ingenuity of medieval engineering with the Fontaine aux Moines. This area, nurtured by the Royal Abbey of Royaumont's monks, still houses an operational water supply network from the 13th century. The walk encapsulates a journey through time, not just terrain, embodying a legacy that encompasses the dolmen's ancient mystery and the vitality of local villages, reflecting the enduring spirit of France’s heartland.

Climate Insights: Best Time to Visit
The region experiences a temperate climate, essentially marked by mild winters and warm summers. The distinct seasons each offer unique charms for adventurers. Spring, with its explosion of flora and temperate weather, presents the ideal conditions for hiking. Summer, although warmer, awakens the trail’s vibrancy, requiring sun protection for comfortable travel. Autumn is arguably the most picturesque, with moderate temperatures and a kaleidoscope of colors. Winter, though cooler, can still be appealing for well-prepared hikers seeking tranquility away from the bustling tourist seasons. For optimal experience, spring through autumn is recommended, leveraging the mild climate for outdoor exploration.
Automatically generated.

Technical informations

This circuit was updated on: 29/02/2024
10 km
3 h
max. 211 m
min. 50 m
181 m


Public : Occasional hikers

Altimetric profile

Starting point

Lat : 49.1171126214Lng : 2.36829595622

Points of interest

image du object

Fontaine aux Moines

Viarmes étant bâti sur une couche géologique imperméable,l’eau de la forêt de Carnelle, située sur le plateau, jaillit en de nombreuses sources aménagées. Au 13ème siècle, un remarquable réseau d’approvisionnement en eau potable est mis en oeuvre par les moines de l’abbaye royale de Royaumont. Des canalisations sont ainsi creusées jusqu’à l’abbaye pour alimenter le site en eau potable. Elles sont entrecoupées de regards et de bassins qui permettent la surveillance de l’écoulement de l’eau et l’entretien des galeries. Ce réseau souterrain est toujours en parfait état, il commence ici et mesure 2km500. Jusqu’en 1932, les nombreuses sources de la commune fournissent l’eau potable aux habitants et alimentent puits et lavoirs. Aujourd’hui les captages d’Asnières-sur-Oise alimentent tout le secteur.

21 Chemin de la Fontaine aux Moines 95270 Viarmes
- Parcs naturels régionaux d'Ile de France -
image du object

La Pierre Turquaise

Cette allée couverte est la plus vaste et la plus célèbre de toutes les allées couvertes de la région parisienne, devenue l'archétype des sépultures associées à la culture Seine-Oise-Marne. En 1755, le site aurait été vidé et aménagé en chenil pour abriter les chiens de chasse du prince de Conti. Il servit ensuite de cabane pour les bûcherons. Dans la nuit du 14 au 15 décembre 1985, le site est victime d'un attentat à l'explosif jamais revendiqué, qui l'endommage fortement, pulvérisant le linteau et soulevant plusieurs tables de couverture qui en retombant ont endommagé les orthostates. L'édifice est réhabilité par les Monuments Historiques. L'allée couverte mesure plus de 12 m de long pour environ 2,50 m de large en moyenne pour une hauteur de 2,20 m. Les deux piliers d'entrée sont ornés de bas-reliefs. Le mieux conservé est situé sur le pilier gauche. Ce serait une figure schématique de la déesse des morts.

Unnamed Road 95270 Saint-Martin-du-Tertre
- Parcs naturels régionaux d'Ile de France -

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