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Forest of Coye - Hérivaux Abbey Circuit

Circuit Forêt de Coye - Abbaye d'Hérivaux
Circuit Forêt de Coye - Abbaye d'Hérivaux
Circuit Forêt de Coye - Abbaye d'Hérivaux
Credit : Office de tourisme Grand Roissy

The Cirkwi brief

Explore Enchanting Forests and Ruins Near Paris

Crafted by the Office de Tourisme Grand Roissy, this route is not just an ordinary path through the verdant expanses of France. It's a journey through time, encapsulating the serene beauty of Coye-la-Forêt adjacent to the illustrious forest of Chantilly, and leading to the captivating ruins of the Abbey d'Hérivaux. Imagine walking through diverse landscapes, each step narrating centuries-old stories echoed by the ruins and the ancient church of Saint-Côme and Saint-Damien. This itinerary is an invitation to experience the harmonious blend of nature and history, meticulously curated to awaken the explorer in you with a touch of spiritual serenity. It’s more than just a walk; it’s a voyage through the heart of French heritage.

Brief Technical Overview of the Route

Spanning a distance of approximately 14.23km, this carefully curated itinerary strikes a balance between a moderate challenge and accessibility. With an elevation range from 47m to 131m, it features a cumulative positive elevation gain totaling around 1344.7 meters. This elevation profile suggests a route that moderately ascends and descends, offering hikers and walkers a variable yet rewarding physical experience. The journey highlights significant landmarks including the enchanting Abbaye d'Hérivaux and the historic church of Saint-Côme and Saint-Damien, culminating in a comprehensive exploration of the area's diverse topography and architectural marvels.

Seasonal Insights and Safety Tips

Embarking on this enchanting journey through history and nature requires some foresight and preparation, especially considering seasonal variations. Spring and autumn are particularly magical, with mild temperatures and the forest canopy bursting into vibrant colors. However, these seasons also demand appropriate attire to guard against unpredictable weather. Summer offers longer daylight hours for exploration but always carry water to stay hydrated. Winter, cloaked in serene silence, can be slippery; sturdy boots are a must. Regardless of the season, it’s crucial to respect private properties and adhere to marked trails for both safety and conservation purposes.

The Significance of Luzarches and its Surroundings

Luzarches, a quaint town nestled in the heart of Val-d'Oise, serves as the starting point of this historical and natural expedition. The region, rich in architectural and environmental heritage, plays host to landmarks that are testaments to France's medieval and renaissance periods. The area’s historical tapestry is further enriched by its connection to notable figures and the enduring legacy of the abbey and the church, representing the intertwined nature of France’s religious and secular narratives. The lush landscapes surrounding Luzarches not only provide a backdrop for the journey but also underscore the harmonious coexistence of human and natural history within this region.

Weather Patterns and Ideal Visit Times

The region encompassing the forest of Coye and the Abbey d'Hérivaux features a temperate climate, characterized by mild winters and warm summers. This climate fosters a lush, vibrant flora that changes complexion with the seasons, offering a different experience throughout the year. For the optimal journey, the period from late spring to early autumn is highly recommended. During these months, the weather is generally favorable, with a lower chance of rain and more comfortable temperatures for hiking. Planning your visit during these months will enhance your experience, allowing you to fully appreciate the natural beauty and historical nuances of this remarkable route.
Automatically generated.

Technical informations

This circuit was updated on: 29/02/2024
14 km
4 h 30 mn
max. 131 m
min. 47 m
134 m
47 m

Altimetric profile

Starting point

Parking de l'église Rue de Meaux , 95270 Luzarches
Lat : 49.111439Lng : 2.428588

Points of interest

image du object

Abbey of Hérivaux

Route d'Hérivaux 95270 Luzarches
- Office de Tourisme Grand Roissy -
image du object

Eglise Saint-Côme-et-Saint-Damien

L'église paroissiale St Côme et St Damien témoigne par son chevet de cinq siècles d'architecture, du XIème au XVIème siècle. Une grande partie du mobilier intérieur évoque les Saints Côme et Damien. Elle est classée Monument Historique en 1912.Construite sur un ancien édifice gallo-romain puis carolingien dédié à St Barthélémy, elle apparaît dès le VIIIème siècle sous le vocable de St Côme – St Damien, frères jumeaux, patrons des médecins. Son aspect pittoresque est dû à la juxtaposition harmonieuse d'éléments romans, gothiques puis de la Renaissance. La façade ouest, œuvre de l'architecte Nicolas de Saint-Michel, achevée en 1551 est la partie la plus remarquable. Le portail, richement décoré, est typique de la 2ème renaissance. Une grand partie du mobilier intérieur évoque les St-Côme et Damien (peintures, sculpture,.....) L’église de Luzarches est placée sous le double vocable de saint Côme et de saint Damien, frères jumeaux du Moyen-Orient au IIIème siècle. L’origine de ce patronage assez rare est attestée dès le VIIIème siècle. En effet un diplôme de Charlemagne daté de 775 mentionne à Luzarches une église « in honore. S. Cosmae et Damiani ». A la fin du XIIème siècle, Jean de Beaumont, seigneur de Luzarches, rapporte leurs reliques de Terre Sainte. C’est alors que leur culte se développe. Il fonde en 1180 une collégiale dans le haut de la ville qu’il place sous le vocable de saint Côme. Dès lors, l’église du bas porte le seul nom de saint Damien. Ce n’est qu’après la désaffection de cette collégiale en 1790 que l’église retrouve son double vocable. En 1320, les corporations des médecins, chirurgiens et pharmaciens de Paris et de Luzarches se réunissent, sous le patronage de ces saints guérisseurs, en une seule confrérie de piété dont les membres s’engageaient à consulter gratuitement le 1er lundi de chaque mois. Elle se perpétue jusqu’à la fin du XIXème siècle.

2 Rue François de Ganay 95270 Luzarches
- Office de Tourisme Grand Roissy -

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