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The Renarde Valley around Saint-Sulpice-de-Favières

The Renarde Valley around Saint-Sulpice-de-Favières
The Renarde Valley around Saint-Sulpice-de-Favières
The Renarde Valley around Saint-Sulpice-de-Favières
Credit : Essonne Tourisme/RS

The Cirkwi brief

Explore The Enchanting Valley of Renarde: A Hiking Guide

Crafted by Essonne Tourisme, this itinerary embarks from the picturesque village of Saint-Sulpice-de-Favières, leading you through the serene landscapes of the Renarde Valley and the woodlands of Baville. Imagine wandering through a canvas of natural beauty, where the soothing tranquility of the countryside envelops you, creating an ambiance of utter peace. As you stroll, let the rich tapestry of the valley's flora and the historical whispers of the area inspire a deep connection with nature's unspoiled splendor. Discover a path less traveled, inviting exploration and reflection.

Brief Technical Overview

Spanning a distance of approximately 7.63 kilometers, this hiking route boasts a manageable altitude range, with the highest point reaching 149 meters and the lowest at 58 meters. The total positive elevation gain tallies up to 132 meters, presenting a balanced challenge suitable for most walking enthusiasts. Those traversing this path will find it to be a well-rounded experience, combining moderate ascents and descents within the breathtaking French countryside. The journey offers an accessible yet rewarding adventure, highlighting the meticulous planning by Essonne Tourisme.

Seasonal Tips and Safety

Regardless of the season, prepare yourself for an engaging hike through the valley of Renarde. For spring and summer explorers, lightweight clothing and ample water are essential to navigate the warmer temperatures comfortably. Conversely, autumn and winter visitors should equip themselves with layered attire and weather-resistant gear to combat cooler conditions and potential rainfall. Always stay on marked trails to protect the surrounding nature and ensure personal safety. Moreover, checking the weather forecast and starting early in the day is advisable to make the most of your journey through this enchanting landscape.

Historical Significance and Locale

Saint-Sulpice-de-Favières, nestled within the heart of France, serves not only as the starting point for this journey but also as a beacon of medieval history. Renowned for its gothic church, the village and its surroundings, including Saint-Yon and the historic Porte des Bourdeaux, play integral roles in showcasing the strategic importance of this area throughout history. The valley of Renarde and the woodlands of Baville are steeped in natural and cultural heritage, representing a cross-section of France's rich historical tapestry within the Essonne department.

Regional Weather Insights

The climate in this part of Essonne generally features mild to warm summers and cool winters, making it an accommodating destination year-round. However, the optimal period for hiking the valley of Renarde would be late spring through early autumn, when temperatures are pleasant, and the risk of rainfall is lower. During these months, the natural landscape flourishes, offering hikers the full spectrum of the region's natural beauty. Despite the generally forgiving weather conditions, always be prepared for sudden changes in weather, especially when venturing into outdoor activities.
Automatically generated.

Technical informations

This circuit was updated on: 28/02/2024
7.6 km
2 h
max. 149 m
min. 58 m
132 m


Styles : DiscoveryIn the country
Public : Occasional hikers
Theme : Patrimony

Altimetric profile

Starting point

11 Rue de Rochefontaine , 91910 Saint-Sulpice-de-Favières
Lat : 48.54176Lng : 2.17534

Points of interest

image du object


Le lieu tient son nom de Saint-Yon, un martyr chrétien décapité par les soldats romains sur cette butte. L'église et la Porte des Bourdeaux sont les vestiges d'un village dont la position stratégique permettait de surveiller la vallée de l'Orge et la plaine de Brie.

- Essonne Tourisme -
image du object

Arboretum de Segrez

Vous serez séduit par la beauté, la dimension ou l’originalité des arbres, par les perspectives entre pelouses, eaux et bâtiments.Le château XVIIIème siècle fut la demeure du Marquis d'Argenson puis de la comtesse de Blot et bien d'autres. La famille Lavallée en devint propriétaire au XIXème : le parc devint un arboretum de grand renom grâce aux introductions d'arbres du monde entier et aux créations de Monsieur Lavallée. Aujourd'hui privé, vous y découvrirez dans le cadre de visites guidées de jeunes arbres étonnants côtoyant les arbres centenaires dont certains sont classés "arbres remarquables". Le château de Segrez et les 24 hectares du parc sont inscrits à l'inventaire des monuments historiques depuis 2009. Visite sur réservation auprès de Mme Claire Bouillon à Essonne Tourisme : 01 64 97 96 34 -

rue Alphonse Lavallée 91910 Saint-Sulpice-de-Favières
- Essonne Tourisme -
image du object

Eglise Saint-Sulpice de Favières

Surnommée la plus belle église de village de France, l'église Saint-Sulpice, aux allures de cathédrale, constitue un chef-d'œuvre du gothique rayonnant.Une fois franchi son portail sculpté, nef lumineuse, beaux vitraux datés du XIIIe siècle, et chapelle des Miracles du XIIe siècle abritant le buste reliquaire de saint Sulpice, se dévoilent au regard. Dominant, du haut de sa silhouette, le petit village de Saint-Sulpice-de-Favières, l'église Saint-Sulpice fut construite aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles, à la demande de Saint Louis, pour accueillir les nombreux pèlerins venus vénérer les reliques de saint Sulpice. Ce dernier, chapelain du roi Clotaire II et évêque de Bourges au VIIe siècle, aurait, en ces lieux, ressuscité un enfant noyé. Visite guidée sur réservation auprès de Mme Claire Bouillon à Essonne Tourisme : 01 64 97 96 34 -

1 Rue aux Fèves 91910 Saint-Sulpice-de-Favières
- Essonne Tourisme -

Data author

Image Essonne Tourisme
proposed by Essonne Tourisme
19 rue des Mazières 91000 Evry-Courcouronnes France

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