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Purple layout - Nanteuil-Lès-Meaux

Purple layout - Nanteuil-Lès-Meaux


Stroll within the town of Nanteuil-Lès-Meaux

2.5km or 30 min long walk from the Marcel Pagnol square to the entrance of "Bois le Comte" wood.

Technical Information

Very easy
2.6 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

Place Marcel Pagnol 77100 Nanteuil-Lès-Meaux , 77100 Nanteuil-lès-Meaux
Lat : 48.940008Lng : 2.88446

Additional information


Phone : 01 60 23 06 10

Open period

All year round between 12 am and 11.59 pm.

Subject to favorable weather.

Updated by

Meaux Marne Ourcq Tourisme - 02/02/2022
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5 place Charles de Gaulle (Cité épiscopale) 77100 MEAUX France

The Cirkwi brief

Discover Nanteuil-Lès-Meaux: A Tranquil Promenade

Embark on a leisurely walk through the charming commune of Nanteuil-Lès-Meaux, guided by the local expertise of the Office de Tourisme du Pays de Meaux. This scenic 2.6 km trail, beginning at Place Marcel Pagnol and concluding at the entrance of Bois le Comte, invites you to immerse yourself in the tranquility of its landscape. Along this route, you'll experience the serene blend of village charm and natural beauty, making it an ideal escape for those seeking a gentle adventure in the heart of France. The inviting path promises a refreshing 30-minute journey into the lush surroundings, designed to captivate both the eye and the spirit.

Essential Route Insights

This 2.6 km journey commences at an elevation of 50 meters, peaking at 86 meters, with a total elevation gain between 42-58 meters throughout the walk. The route, perfect for walkers of all levels, showcases gradual inclines that contribute to its overall gentle difficulty rating. The walk takes approximately 30 minutes to complete, making it an accessible endeavor for those looking to immerse themselves in nature without dedicating an entire day. This succinct overview highlights the technical aspects of the trail, provided to ensure walkers are well-prepared for the pleasant journey ahead.

Seasonal Tips and Safety

As your local guide, I recommend embarking on this trail during the early morning hours to fully appreciate its quiet beauty. Spring offers a vibrant display of flora, while autumn brings a palette of warm colors that transform the landscape. Regardless of the season, ensure you wear comfortable walking shoes and carry water, especially during summer's peak temperatures. Winter visitors should dress warmly and be cautious of slippery sections after snowfall or rain. Always stay on marked paths to protect both the environment and yourself.

Historical Charm of Nanteuil-Lès-Meaux

Nanteuil-Lès-Meaux, nestled within the rich tapestry of French history, offers more than a simple walk; it's a journey through time. This area, part of the larger Meaux region, boasts a history stretching back to medieval times. The path you'll tread has likely felt the footsteps of countless before you, including potentially historical figures from the numerous conflicts that have shaped this land. The surrounding landscape, buildings, and even the air seem to whisper stories of the past, making Nanteuil-Lès-Meaux a captivating destination for those interested in immersing themselves in France's storied legacy.

Climate Guide for Visitors

Nanteuil-Lès-Meaux enjoys a temperate maritime climate, with mild summers and cool winters, making it a year-round destination. However, the optimal visitation period would be late spring to early autumn, when the weather is most conducive to outdoor activities. July and August offer warm days that are ideal for exploring, but these are also the months with the highest chance of rainfall. Winter, on the other hand, can be brisk, yet it provides a unique serene beauty to the tranquil paths, especially after a fresh snowfall. Dressing in layers is advisable to comfortably adapt to changing conditions throughout the day.
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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾