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Around Itteville

Around Itteville
Around Itteville
Around Itteville
Credit : Essonne Tourisme/RS

The Cirkwi brief

Discover Itteville: A Walk Through Nature and History
Embarking on a journey through the picturesque landscapes of Itteville, one can't help but feel a connection to the natural surroundings. Offered by Essonne Tourism, this itinerary takes you along the blue-marked trails, through the enchanting marshlands of Itteville, and into the heart of its quaint village and the surrounding woods. The route promises not only a peaceful walk among diverse ecosystems and a chance to spot rare birdlife but also a meaningful exploration of local heritage. Let the serenity of nature's untouched beauty inspire you as you wander through this beautiful part of France.

Brief Technical Overview
Spanning 7.8 kilometers, this walk reaches a maximum altitude of 140 meters, with a minimum at 54 meters, presenting a total positive elevation change of 81 meters. The route, carefully crafted to showcase the best of Itteville's natural and historical landmarks, is predominantly on foot, taking an average of 2 to 3 hours to complete. The diversity in elevation and terrain provides a moderate challenge, offering both seasoned hikers and casual walkers an invigorating experience. It exemplifies a balanced blend of natural exploration and physical exertion.

Seasons' Safety and Tips
As a local guide, my advice for those planning to walk this trail is to come prepared for all seasons. During spring and autumn, the marshland's diverse flora and fauna are particularly vibrant, yet paths can be wet—wear waterproof footwear. Summer offers longer days and warmer weather, perfect for leisurely explorations, but always carry water and sun protection. In winter, the paths may be muddy or icy; sturdy boots and layers are essential. Remember, respecting the conservation efforts by staying on marked paths and keeping noise to a minimum ensures a pleasant visit for everyone.

Insights into Itteville and Environs
Itteville, nestled in the department of Essonne within the Île-de-France region, boasts a rich tapestry of cultural and natural heritage. The marshland, an exemplary site of biodiversity, reflects the area's commitment to preserving natural ecosystems amidst changing landscapes. Historically, Itteville and its surroundings have been shaped by the ebb and flow of rural and agricultural practices, which have left an indelible mark on the land and local customs. The rehabilitation efforts in the marshland area echo the broader regional dedication to balancing historical preservation with natural conservation.

Climate Patterns and Best Visit Times
The climate in Itteville is typically characterized by mild, sometimes warm summers and cool, occasionally cold winters. Rainfall is distributed fairly evenly throughout the year, making any season suitable for visiting. However, for the most enjoyable experience, I recommend the late spring to early autumn period (May to September). During these months, the weather is generally more conducive to outdoor activities, with the added benefit of witnessing the marshland and surrounding forests in full, vibrant bloom. It's the ideal time to explore the beauty of Itteville's landscapes.
Automatically generated.

Technical informations

This circuit was updated on: 27/02/2024
7.8 km
2 h 30 mn
max. 140 m
min. 54 m
81 m


Styles : HikingIn the country

Altimetric profile

Starting point

1 Rue Forget , 91760 Itteville
Lat : 48.51517Lng : 2.33771

Points of interest

image du object

Domaine départemental et communal du marais d'Itteville

Formant une cuvette de 85 hectares, le marais d'Itteville se trouve sur la rive droite de la Juine, dans son dernier méandre avant de rejoindre la rivière Essonne. Par les écosystèmes remarquables qu'il abrite, il constitue l'un des sites naturels majeurs du département. Ses roselières, vastes étendues de roseaux qui occupent le cœur de la zone humide, en sont l'un des éléments les plus marquants. Depuis les trois observatoires, vous aurez peut-être la chance d'apercevoir le timide Blongios nain, le Chevalier guignette ou encore le Martin-pêcheur d'Europe. L'abandon des pratiques rurales traditionnelles (élevage, prairies de fauche) et différentes formes de nuisances (remblais, décharge, mitage, etc.) ont cependant considérablement dégradé l'équilibre de cet écosystème. C'est pourquoi, un vaste programme de réhabilitation progressif mené par le Conseil départemental, porte notamment sur la remise en pâturage de prairies abandonnées, la résorption de dépôts sauvages et des opérations de défrichement.

1 Rue Forget 91760 Itteville
- Essonne Tourisme -
image du object

Site géologique d'Orgemont

Ce site est unique en son genre: c'est le seul gisement à fossiles de vertébrés et mollusques continentaux du Stampien final. Classé Réserve Naturelle Nationale depuis 2011, il possède un intérêt scientifique majeur. L'affleurement en lui-même se compose de la partie supérieure de Sables de Fontainebleau (Sables à galets de Saclas et Falun d'Ormoy) et à son sommet, du Calcaire d’Étampes. De nombreux pillages ont eu lieu à la fin du XXe siècle, ce qui empêche d'estimer la quantité de fossiles encore présents sur cette ancienne sablière.

35 Chemin d'Orgemont 91760 Itteville
- Essonne Tourisme -

Data author

Image Essonne Tourisme
proposed by Essonne Tourisme
19 rue des Mazières 91000 Evry-Courcouronnes France

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