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The Hillsides of Morin and Aubetin - Boissy-le-Châtel

The Cirkwi brief

Explore Boissy-le-Châtel's Historic VTT Trails
Embark on a journey unfolding through the serene landscape of Boissy-le-Châtel, meticulously crafted by Coulommiers Pays de Brie Tourisme. This route not only promises the thrill of mountain biking but is also a gateway to the rich cultural tapestry of the area. As the pedals turn, the story of our curated path unwraps the beauty, heritage, and the gentle whisper of nature along the Coteaux du Morin et de l'Aubetin. This experience extends an invitation to traverse through time and terrain, revealing the essence of exploration and discovery in every turn.

Brief Technical Overview
Detailing the route, we encounter a stretch of approximately 11.7 km, setting off at an elevation of 79m which peaks at 140m, presenting a modest yet engaging challenge with a total positive elevation change of 118m. The journey, suitable for VTT enthusiasts, is structured to accommodate a well-paced exploration while also catering to those seeking to push their limits. These technical attributes ensure a balanced ride, offering both leisure and challenge across the undulating terrain of Boissy-le-Châtel.

Seasonal Tips and Safety
When exploring Boissy-le-Châtel's trails, preparation varies with the seasons. In spring and autumn, wear layers to adapt to unpredictable weather; summer demands sun protection and hydration. Winter riding, though rare, requires proper equipment against the cold. Always check your VTT condition before departure. For a safe journey, inform someone of your itinerary and estimated return time. Local signage and maps are your allies; use them. Embrace each season's unique charm but prioritize safety and respect nature's pace.

Historical Significance of Boissy-le-Châtel
Boissy-le-Châtel, a commune steeped in history, plays a pivotal role in understanding the Seine-et-Marne department’s past. From the architecture of Mairie École, a testament to the town’s evolution, to the intricate history of possession shifts signified by the transformation of a château's stable into a municipal building. The narratives encapsulated within these landmarks, like the installation of a clock in the Mairie by Hubert Pierrelée, reflect the intertwining of local heritage with broader historical currents, highlighting the region’s cultural and architectural progression over centuries.

Local Weather and Optimal Visit Times
The climate in Boissy-le-Châtel offers a temperate experience, with distinct seasonal changes. Spring and autumn present mild temperatures ideal for exploring. Summer provides warmth, perfect for longer days on the trail, though it's advisable to start early to avoid midday heat. Winter, colder and wetter, might challenge VTT adventures but also showcases a unique landscape beauty. For the most enjoyable experience, plan visits during late spring or early autumn, when the weather is most conducive to outdoor activities, balancing temperature and rainfall for optimal conditions.
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Technical Information

1h (1d)
12 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

6 Rue de l'Église , 77169 Boissy-le-Châtel
Lat : 48.8209Lng : 3.13633

Points of interest

image du object

Mairie École de Boissy le Châtel

Au XVIIIe siècle, la famille LEFEVRE de Caumartin fait construire les communs du château ainsi que l'écurie près de l'église, qui fut ensuite vendue comme bien national en 1792 pour être transformée en maison d'habitation. La mairie rachète l'écurie en 1848. 32 ans plus tard, la municipalité rase l'ancienne écurie du château et construira sur son emplacement la Mairie-Ecole, sur les plans dessinés par l'architecte de la ville de Coulommiers, Jules Marmottin (1843-1904). Le maire, Hubert Pierrelée, y fit installer une horloge par monsieur Mirat, horloger à Coulommiers. Au début du siècle, deux réverbères à pétrole seront également installés sur le perron de la Mairie.

3 Place de la Mairie 77169 Boissy-le-Châtel
- Coulommiers Pays de Brie Tourisme -
image du object

Galleria Continua

Guided by the rhythm of the seasons, Les Moulins hosts many times a year projects and exhibitions of monumental art works by artists from the five continents.On October 21 2007, Galleria Continua inaugurated a new peculiar site for contemporary creation in the Parisian countryside.. Renovated, the site, a former paper factory of 10,000 m2 embraces its new artistic life with, during its first three years of activity, already 30,000 visitors from all over the world. Since 2008, Galleria Continua launched a new kind of exhibition experience with Sphères, a collective show with different international galleries invited every year. This project allows the visitor to see several international artists.

46 rue de la Ferté Gaucher 77169 Boissy-le-Châtel
- Coulommiers Pays de Brie Tourisme -
image du object

Cycles Marec

Location tous types de vélos : vélos de ville, VTT, vélos électriques, tandem...

2 rue des Brosses 77169 Boissy-le-Châtel
- Coulommiers Pays de Brie Tourisme -

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾