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The Pilgrims' Path

The Pilgrims' Path
The Pilgrims' Path
The Pilgrims' Path
Credit : Essonne Tourisme/RS

The Cirkwi brief

Discover Breuillet's Historic Pilgrimage Path: A Spirited Journey

Immerse yourself in the profound history and spiritual ambiance of a legendary route once traversed by countless pilgrims. This carefully crafted itinerary brought to you by Essonne Tourism invites you to explore the religious heritage of the area, including the notable landmarks around Saint-Yon and the Porte des Bourdeaux. The journey concludes with a visit to the enchanting Domaine départemental de Chamarande, offering a blend of historical insight and natural beauty. Allow yourself to be transported back in time and experience a sense of peace and renewal along this sacred path.

Brief Technical Overview of the Route

The pilgrimage path extends over approximately 14.39 kilometers, with starting and ending altitudes ranging from 56 to 150 meters. Hikers will navigate a total vertical ascent between 250 to 225 meters, making it a moderately challenging route. The variance in elevation and distance ensures a balanced journey, suitable for visitors possessing a basic to intermediate level of fitness. Engaging in this trek presents an excellent opportunity to experience both the serene landscapes and the subtly taxing terrain embodied in this historic trail.

Seasonal Tips and Safety Recommendations

To fully appreciate the nuances of this pilgrimage route, visitors are advised to consider the seasonal variations. Spring and autumn seasons offer the most pleasant temperatures and scenic beauty, perfect for capturing the essence of the trail. It's crucial to wear suitable hiking footwear and carry adequate water, especially during summer when temperatures peak. For winter adventurers, ensure you have sufficient layers and check weather forecasts for unexpected changes. Locals also recommend starting early to make the most of the natural daylight and the sites' serene morning ambiance.

Essonne: A Rich Tapestry of History and Culture

The region surrounding Breuillet, nestled in the heart of Essonne, is steeped in a rich historical and cultural tapestry dating back centuries. This pilgrimage path, rooted in the Christian tradition, underscores the area's significance as a spiritual and strategic haven during tumultuous times. The remnants of Saint-Yon and the Porte des Bourdeaux serve as silent testaments to the enduring human spirit and dedication that shaped the landscape. Essonne's commitment to preserving its heritage, while embracing the whispers of the past, provides a unique window into the soul of French history and culture.

Essonne Weather Insights and Visitation Timing

The climate in Essonne is generally temperate, characterized by mild winters and warm, albeit sometimes rain-prone, summers. Considering the climatic conditions, the most favorable times for undertaking the pilgrimage path are late spring (May-June) and early autumn (September-October). These periods offer a harmonious blend of comfortable temperatures and reduced rainfall, enhancing the overall experience. As the landscape transforms with the seasons, so does the essence of the trail, promising a myriad of visual and spiritual delights tailored to the time of your visit.

Automatically generated.

Technical informations

This circuit was updated on: 27/02/2024
14 km
4 h
max. 150 m
min. 56 m
241 m


Styles : HikingDiscoveryIn the country
Public : BackpackerOccasional hikersExperienced hikers
Theme : Patrimony

Altimetric profile

Starting point

91650 Breuillet
Lat : 48.56475Lng : 2.17176

Points of interest

image du object


Le lieu tient son nom de Saint-Yon, un martyr chrétien décapité par les soldats romains sur cette butte. L'église et la Porte des Bourdeaux sont les vestiges d'un village dont la position stratégique permettait de surveiller la vallée de l'Orge et la plaine de Brie.

- Essonne Tourisme -
image du object

Arboretum de Segrez

Vous serez séduit par la beauté, la dimension ou l’originalité des arbres, par les perspectives entre pelouses, eaux et bâtiments.Le château XVIIIème siècle fut la demeure du Marquis d'Argenson puis de la comtesse de Blot et bien d'autres. La famille Lavallée en devint propriétaire au XIXème : le parc devint un arboretum de grand renom grâce aux introductions d'arbres du monde entier et aux créations de Monsieur Lavallée. Aujourd'hui privé, vous y découvrirez dans le cadre de visites guidées de jeunes arbres étonnants côtoyant les arbres centenaires dont certains sont classés "arbres remarquables". Le château de Segrez et les 24 hectares du parc sont inscrits à l'inventaire des monuments historiques depuis 2009. Visite sur réservation auprès de Mme Claire Bouillon à Essonne Tourisme : 01 64 97 96 34 -

rue Alphonse Lavallée 91910 Saint-Sulpice-de-Favières
- Essonne Tourisme -
image du object

Eglise Saint-Sulpice de Favières

Surnommée la plus belle église de village de France, l'église Saint-Sulpice, aux allures de cathédrale, constitue un chef-d'œuvre du gothique rayonnant.Une fois franchi son portail sculpté, nef lumineuse, beaux vitraux datés du XIIIe siècle, et chapelle des Miracles du XIIe siècle abritant le buste reliquaire de saint Sulpice, se dévoilent au regard. Dominant, du haut de sa silhouette, le petit village de Saint-Sulpice-de-Favières, l'église Saint-Sulpice fut construite aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles, à la demande de Saint Louis, pour accueillir les nombreux pèlerins venus vénérer les reliques de saint Sulpice. Ce dernier, chapelain du roi Clotaire II et évêque de Bourges au VIIe siècle, aurait, en ces lieux, ressuscité un enfant noyé. Visite guidée sur réservation auprès de Mme Claire Bouillon à Essonne Tourisme : 01 64 97 96 34 -

1 Rue aux Fèves 91910 Saint-Sulpice-de-Favières
- Essonne Tourisme -
image du object

Departmental Domain of Chamarande

Property of the Departmental Council of Essonne, the Domain of Chamarande is classified as a historical monument. The park of 98 ha has been refitted by landscape architect Jacques Sgard. The Domain also houses the departmental archives.Atypical, heritage and cultural site, the Departmental Domain of Chamarande is a key element of Essonne territory. Unique in Ile-de-France, it combines both an artistic and cultural center, a built complex and a landscaped area recognized as "Jardin remarquable" (outstanding garden). The entire cultural program has a wide audience and is promoting the democratization of culture to all Essonne.

38, rue du Commandant Arnoux 91730 Chamarande
- Essonne Tourisme -

Data author

Image Essonne Tourisme
proposed by Essonne Tourisme
19 rue des Mazières 91000 Evry-Courcouronnes France

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