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Les Chalets de Pétetruy FFC n°49

Les Chalets de Pétetruy FFC n°49


Pleasant biking route in the middle of alpine pastures and grazing cows, opposite the Mont-Blanc mountain range.

From the Tourist Office in La Giettaz, take the main 909 road towards the Col des Aravis. Before you get to Les Mortines, take the road on the right as far as Les Clapières. At Les Clapières, cycle in the direction of LA BALMAZ following the Route des Chalets, via the Bois de Fouestarle, the Croix de Ptiouta, the Mègevan and the Route du Plan Bourgeois. Continue along the Route des Chalets towards Pétetruy. The return journey follows the same route as far as La Croix des Buts where you will go down to the path which leads to Les Fardellets and from there rejoin the main road that goes to Le Plan. Once there, take the forest track towards the Roc du Chabonnier before getting to the village of La Giettaz.

Technical Information

21 km
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Altimetric profile

Starting point

73590 La Giettaz
Lat : 45.86248Lng : 6.494788

Points of interest

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Tourist Office of Val d'Arly - La Giettaz Office

Tourist Office of Val d'Arly bureau in La Giettaz en Aravis. Welcome of the public, information, documentation, booking, ticket office, shop, service. Do not hesitate to come and visit us! ATM in the lobby.

1262 route du Col des Aravis 73590 La Giettaz
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
image du object

La Giettaz church

The church of La Giettaz, dedicated to Saint Pierre-aux-Liens, was rebuilt in the middle of the 19th century to replace the medieval building. Its bulbous bell tower and its furniture make it a fine example of late Savoyard Baroque.The first church in the village was built at the very end of the 14th century. Imagine, before this construction, the Giettois went to mass, risking their lives in winter, in Flumet for the inhabitants of the village, and in Megève for the inhabitants of the hamlet of Plan! If the exterior is admirable by the presence of the majestic onion bell tower with two lanterns, the interior of the vast building derives its originality from its Greek cross plan: this choice allowed the construction of a central dome, which was decorated with frescoes. in 1848. Raise your eyes to the sky: restored in the spring of 1999, their colors await your eyes! In 1732, a sculpted altarpiece was installed, paid for by the Giettois who had emigrated to Paris. The current major altarpiece, from 1849, partially reuses this old decor (the pale green part with the twisted columns), so it retains the vitality born of the Baroque spirit.

Rue de la Douane 73590 La Giettaz
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
image du object

Museum - A la Rencontre du Passé

Display of traditional Savoie costumes, a woodwork workshop and a snow themed exhibition: skis, sledges, bob sleighs. Possibility of visit during village tour on Friday mornings.Located in an old house in the center of the village, this museum aims to safeguard and to make known all that constituted the life of our ancestors.

Rue de la Douane 73590 La Giettaz
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
image du object

Villa Jeanne d'Arc

Villa Jeanne d’Arc, built between 1908-1914, is the first example of La Giettaz’s legacy as a resort. Initially a hotel on the Route des Grandes Alpes, then a rest home and finally a preventatorium, it traces the evolution of tourism in the village.At the beginning of the 20th century, at the initiative of the village priest, local residents from La Giettaz built a hotel on the Route des Aravis that boasted every modern comfort, in anticipation of the village’s development as a resort that would attract a growing number of tourists at this location, crossed by the Route des Grandes Alpes. After the war, the establishment was given a new role, that of rest home and then a preventorium. Until 2001, when the Villa closed, it welcomed thousands of guests who contributed to the village’s tourism boom. Recently, the building has found a new vocation, accommodating groups.

- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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Oratoire des Clapières

The Oratoire des Clapières is the only wayside cross to have escaped the destruction of the Revolution : it is the oldest in Val d’Arly. Situated on the Route des Chalets, its name comes from “clapier” meaning pile of stone.

- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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Camping Le Mégevan

Situated in mountain pastures at an altitude of 1550m, facing the Mont-Blanc. Stunning location, accessible by car (2,5km on a rocky path). 6 sites for tents only. Shower : 1€.

Route des Chalets 73590 La Giettaz
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
image du object

Le Mégevan

Opposite Mont Blanc, come and savour authentic Savoyard specialities made using local produce within this magnificent mountain eatery! Come and join us in this friendly setting to simply enjoy a refreshing drink or a home-made dessertThree-quarters of an hour on foot or 2.5 km of stone roadways by car.

Chez Dominique 2304 route des Chalets 73590 La Giettaz
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
image du object

The Chapel of Le Plan

The chapel of Le Plan was built at the end of the 1860s at the initiative of Abbé J.M. Jiguet and the local residents. Blessed in 1870 under the protection of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, the chapel is in neo-gothic style.

Le Plan 73590 La Giettaz
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
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La Datcha

Au Plan, at the foot of the slopes in winter and at the start of the trails in summer. Johann offers traditional, refined cuisine based on local produce. Expert wedding planner. NEW: spit-turner service for family events.

Le Plan 73590 La Giettaz
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -
image du object

Picnic area

At the entrance to the village you’ll find a green space equipped with picnic tables.

Chef-lieu 73590 La Giettaz
- Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly -

Date and time

  • From 01/06/2024 to 30/09/2024
  • From 01/06/2025 to 30/09/2025

Additional information

Updated by

Office de Tourisme du Val d'Arly - 17/07/2024
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Open period

From 01/06 to 30/09.


Phone : 04 79 32 91 90

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We have no information on the difficulty of this circuit. You may encounter some surprises along the way. Before you go, please feel free to inquire more and take all necessary precautions. Have a good trip! 🌳🥾