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Ostergnies Circuit

Cerfontaine Circuit d'Ostergnies
Credit : OT Sambre Avesnois

The Cirkwi brief

Discover Scenic Avesnois: A Serene Hike by Nord Tourism

Embarking on this journey through the scenic pathways of Avesnois will uncover the serene beauty tucked away in the lush valleys. Crafted by Nord Tourism, this itinerary promises an escape into tranquility, inviting hikers to explore winding, wooded roads and quaint villages that seem to have sprung from a painting. The trail, while primarily peaceful, may require sturdy footwear due to its varying terrain, ensuring each step taken adds to the adventure of discovering landscapes untouched by the rush of modern life. This route is not just a walk but a narrative of nature's untouched beauty.

Technical Details of the Trail

The trail spans approximately 10.24 kilometers, meandering through varying altitudes from 146 meters at its lowest to 188 meters at its peak. With a total positive elevation gain hovering around 103 to 104 meters, it requires a moderate level of fitness. These elements combined make for a moderately challenging yet immensely rewarding experience, especially for those seeking to immerse themselves in nature while also engaging in physical activity. Such a configuration guarantees a fulfilling journey through Avesnois' captivating landscapes.

Seasonal Advice for Hikers

In spring and autumn, the paths of Avesnois come alive with vibrant colors, though trails can be muddy; sturdy, waterproof boots are an essential. Summer offers extended daylight for longer adventures, but always carry water to stay hydrated. Winter requires caution - icy paths necessitate proper footwear for grip. Regardless of the season, checking weather forecasts and daylight hours is crucial for a safe journey through these picturesque landscapes. Respect the local flora and fauna, ensuring the beauty of Avesnois remains undisturbed for future visitors.

A Glimpse into Avesnois' Heritage

CERFONTAINE, the starting point of this serene journey, is nestled in the heart of Avesnois, a region steeped in history. Its landscape, shaped by centuries of agricultural and industrial activity, tells stories of a bygone era. The region's rich cultural tapestry is woven with tales of resilience and community, making every step through its villages a step back in time. The varied elevations not only provide breathtaking views but also recount the geological evolutions that have sculpted this part of France, inviting travelers to explore the depth of its past.

Weather Patterns and Best Visit Times

The Avesnois region, characterized by a temperate climate, presents mild, pleasant summers and cool, sometimes brisk winters. Rainfall is fairly distributed throughout the year, making any season a good time to explore. However, for an ideal hiking experience, late spring to early autumn offers the most comfortable weather conditions - warm days and cool nights. During this period, the natural landscape is at its most vibrant, providing not only stunning views but also optimal conditions for hiking enthusiast.

Automatically generated.

Technical informations

This circuit was updated on: 18/02/2024
10 km
3 h 30 mn
max. 189 m
min. 147 m
83 m

Altimetric profile

Starting point

Place du village , 59680 CERFONTAINE
Lat : 50.2665254081Lng : 4.06844429142


image du object

Point 1

De la place suivez à droite la rue de Recquigny puis à gauche la rue de l’Eglise. Contournez l’église et prenez à droite. Vous êtes sur le GR de Pays de l’Avesnois, balisé jaune sur rouge.

- Nord Tourisme -
image du object

Point 2

Au carrefour, engagez-vous sur la petite route en face, qui devient vite un chemin bordé de bois et de pâtures. Dans le virage, un peu plus loin, vous apercevez le petit village d’Ostergnies au creux du vallon. Contournez le fort de Cerfontaine. Descendez jusqu’à la route macadamisée.

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image du object

Point 3

Remontez à gauche vers le hameau Ostergnies et, au carrefour, quittez le GR de Pays en poursuivant à droite. Traversez le hameau en restant sur la route principale. 500 m plus loin, bifurquez à gauche sur le « chemin Romantique », grimpez à travers une campagne vallonnée. A l’extrémité du chemin, tournez à droite. Vous êtes sur le haut du plateau. Prenez à droite et, 100 m plus loin, descendez de nouveau à droite le chemin.

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image du object

Point 4

A la route, virez à gauche, passez au-dessus du pont et, tout de suite après, tournez à gauche sur la rue Emile Zola. Au carrefour suivant, poursuivez en face par la rue des Ecoles. A l’église, bifurquez à droite sur la rue Jean Dequene. Longez cette rue jusqu’à une chapelle ; partez à gauche. A l’intersection, traversez avec prudence la RD 936 et continuez en face, sur la rue Lebrun.

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image du object

Point 5

Après le passage à niveau, tournez à droite sur le sentier herbeux qui longe la voie ferrée. Le sentier devient une petite route qui traverse à nouveau la voie ferrée au niveau de la ferme des Marronniers.

- Nord Tourisme -
image du object

Point 6

Empruntez la petite route à droite puis le premier chemin à gauche, vers Cerfontaine. Passez devant l’imposante ferme d’Osterval. Un crochet droite et gauche vous ramène à la place.

- Nord Tourisme -

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